History of Christianity (2000)
장르 : 다큐멘터리, 판타지
상영시간 : 2시간 34분
This is a survey course designed to further stimulate your curiosity by providing glimpses of some of the pivotal events in the spread Christianity and sketches of great Christian figures who have significantly affected Christian history thereby shaping the history of the world
The film centers on Reverend Dave who has to defend himself and a group of Christian homeschooling families after an inspection by a local government official.
A journey into the very depths of the belly of the most influential and insidious organization in existence. See, as never before, how the Papacy plays a vital role in current events, and the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Give Me Sex Jesus tells six personal stories of struggle from within the Evangelical community to remain sexually pure until marriage. But what happens when our bodies and desires do not behave? A handsome couple saves their first kiss for the altar; a gay son comes out to his famous family; a transgender man searches for authenticity; and a feminist confronts double standards. While the control of desire is universal, the salvation of these people depends upon it. Since the 1990s, the Purity Movement has been at the center of a national conversation about sexuality that extends from the pew into the Oval Office. Give Me Sex Jesus invites you into the pleasure, shame, and humor at the intersection of faith and sex in America.
거대한 음모를 지배하는 미스터리...
죽음의 순간 비밀이 풀린다! 뉴욕의 젊은 신부 알렉스(히스 레저 분)는 친아버지처럼 여기던 도미닉 신부가 로마에서 사망했다는 소식을 듣는다. 알렉스는 그의 죽음의 진실을 밝히고자 각별한 인연으로 맺어진 마라(샤닌 소사몬)와 함께 로마로 향한다. 도미닉의 시신을 살펴보던 알렉스는 시신의 주변과 가슴에 쓰여진 고대 문자 메시지를 발견하고 그의 죽음이 중세시대의 이단 종교 집단에서 행했던 ‘씬 이터’, 즉 죄를 먹는 사람에게 죄를 사면받는 의식과 매우 흡사함을 알게 된다. 베일에 가려진 이단 종교 집단의 도움을 받아 씬 이터의 행방을 찾아 나선 알렉스는 자신이 씬 이터라고 주장하는 ‘윌리엄 이든’을 만나게 된다. 윌리엄에게 접근해 비밀을 파헤칠수록 더욱 커져 가는 의문과 혼란에 괴로워하는 알렉스는 종교적 믿음 대신 마라와의 사랑에 더 많이 의지하게 된다. 그러던 어느날, 마라가 끔찍하게 죽고, 그녀의 죽음에서도 씬 이터의 흔적이 발견된다. 알렉스는 누군가 모종의 음모를 꾸미고 씬 이터라는 존재를 이용하고 있음을 감지하는데...
UNSTOPPABLE is Kirk's personal and inspiring visual journey to better understand the biggest doubt-raiser in faith: Why? Kirk goes back to the beginning—literally—as he investigates the origins of good and evil and how they impact our lives … and our eternities. Reminding us that there is great hope, UNSTOPPABLE creatively tackles the age-old question: Where is God in the midst of tragedy and suffering?
A basic introduction to the most influential book ever written, the Bible.
A satirical archive-based portrait spanning 30 years that follows the rise of Christian cinema’s most visible presence, David A.R. White, and how he came to found the largest Christian production company, Pure Flix. Made up entirely of over 50 interviews, movies, and TV shows, Pure Flix and Chill is a critical analysis of a failed culture war and its prophet.
해발 1,300m 알프스의 깊은 계곡. 그곳에 누구도 쉬이 들여다 보지 못했던 고요함의 세계가 있다. 해가 뜨고 달이 지고 별들이 나타났다 사라지길 반복하는 계절 속에서 영원을 간직한 공간을, 그들만의 시간을 만들어 나가는 이들이 있다. 그리고 우리는 그저 조용히 그 일상의 깊이를 바라본다. 처음이자 마지막이 될 카르투지오 수도원의 일상을 담은 침묵으로의 여행.
The end of the world begins today and here.
COLLISION carves a new path in documentary film-making as it pits leading atheist, political journalist and bestselling author Christopher Hitchens against fellow author, satirist and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson, as they go on the road to exchange blows over the question: "Is Christianity Good for the World?". The two contrarians laugh, confide and argue, in public and in private, as they journey through three cities. And the film captures it all. The result is a magnetic conflict, a character-driven narrative that sparkles cinematically with a perfect match of arresting personalities and intellectual rivalry. COLLISION is directed by prolific independent filmmaker Darren Doane (Van Morrison: Astral Weeks Live at the Hollywood Bowl, The Battle For L.A., Godmoney).
Professor Robert Beckford looks at how immigration, radical social action, conservative morality and charismatic worship are all transforming the face of the faith, and asks what that might mean for the future in an increasingly secular society. Some academics are warning that popular churches who take a firm line on issues like gay marriage, abortion and euthanasia are pushing Christianity farther away from the attitudes of mainstream society. Others believe that the fervour of charismatic faith is attracting large numbers, but ignoring a quiet exodus out of the back door. Robert Beckford speaks to church leaders in the UK, including the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, about how they see the future. This revealing film gets to the heart of what’s changing within Christianity in the UK. It will show how the faithful are kicking back against the steady decline in church attendance, and provide evidence of a more committed, but potentially divided, future.
인간의 형상을 한 혼혈 천사와 혼혈 악마가 존재하는 세상. 태어날 때부터 그들을 구분하는 능력을 타고난 존 콘스탄틴은 자신의 능력을 저주하며 운명에서 벗어나기 위해 자살을 시도하지만 실패하고 만다. 그 후 다시 살아난 그는 천국과 지옥의 경계를 넘나들며 세상에 존재하는 악을 지옥으로 돌려보내기에 나선다. 그래야만 지옥으로 가게 되어 있는 자신의 운명이 뒤바뀌어 천국으로 들어갈 수 있음을 깨달았기 때문이다. 술, 담배에 쩔어 살면서 계속되는 전투에 지쳐만 가던 콘스탄틴. 그런 그에게 어느 날, LA 강력계 소속의 형사 안젤라가 찾아와 쌍둥이 동생의 죽음에 대한 의문을 풀기 위해 도움을 요청한다. 그러나 사건을 파헤칠수록 거대한 어둠의 힘 속으로 빨려 들게 되는데...
그리스도교의 최대의 전도자이자 최대의 신학자 사도 바울! 베드로와 요한은 예수님의 부활을 사람들에게 알리기 위해 예루살렘을 분주히 돌아다니지만, 누구 하나 귀길울이는 사람이 없어 절망한다. 그러나, 성령이 임하신 후에 예수님의 권능을 받아 병자를 치유하며 복음을 전한다. 어느 날, 베드로와 요한은 앉은뱅이를 예수님의 이름으로 일어나 걷게 하지만, 대제사장은 이를 속임수라고 치부하며 이들의 복음 전파를 금지한다. 한편, 바리새파인 바울은 예수님의 부활을 믿지 않고 예수 추종자들을 박해하는 일에 가담하는데…
This documentary examines three major christian theologians in nazi germany.
This documentary retraces the life of Jacques Maritain (1882 - 1973), French Christian philosopher. In evoking his life, it paints a portrait of the 20th century: the scientism of the Sorbonne, the rise of Nazism, the Resistance, Free France, Christian Democracy in South America, but also art, freedom, peace and love for the human person. Jacques Maritain, in the torments of the 20th century, of it's murderous madness and it's hope for peace, holds a secret: his ineffable and faithful love for his wife Raïssa, the inspiration for his political commitments and his philosophical thought.
The film is notable for presenting a more human Jesus, compared to more solemn portrayals in earlier films; here Jesus laughs and cries like anyone else. Among other things, he weeps at Joseph’s funeral, throws stones in Lake Galilee when meeting Simon Peter and James son of Zebedee for the first time, dances at the wedding at Cana, and starts a water-splashing fight with his disciples as well. Satan is portrayed as a man in modern dress (and as a woman in red). During his temptation of Jesus, he shows him the Earth from the vantage point of space. Satan also shows Jesus images of wars and destruction carried out in his name. The film adds an apocryphal Roman historian named “Livio” who watches and comments as events unfold; he is presumably named after Livy.
Over seven years in the making, Hell's Bells 2 weaves together science, satire, testimonies, parables, interviews, expansive research, and a vibrant Christian perspective to create a video series that is as fascinating as it is educational and evangelistic. Far more than just an expose on the "evils of rock-n-roll", this powerful eight-part series uncovers the "war of the worldviews" - the epic struggle between good and evil, sin and redemption for the souls of men and the destiny of culture. Covering a wide range of styles over almost a century of music, Hell's Bells 2 looks at hundreds of artists, videos, ideas and issues as it takes the viewer on a journey into the "soul of rock-n-roll". Fresh, vibrant, and wonderfully compelling, this is one documentary series that can illuminate as well as educate - change hearts as well as minds!
무능한 소시민이 전지전능한 능력을 얻어 능력을 남발하고 다니다 곧 "신의 일에도 여러 가지 힘든 일이 따른다"는 걸 알게 되는 것. 또한 전지전능한 능력으로도 사랑하는 사람의 마음과 자유 의지는 자기 뜻대로 할 수 없다는 것을 깨닫고 자신의 곁을 떠난 애인을 위해 신의 자리를 포기하기로 한다. 그때 마침 휴가 간 신이 돌아오고, 다시 평범한 리포터로 돌아와 깨달음을 얻고 행복한 삶을 되찾는다.
George Kennedy narrates this documentary that examines the theory that the world is doomed due to the influence the planet Jupiter has on the Earth.