
The Secret Disco Revolution (2012)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 30분

연출 : Jamie Kastner


Why won’t Disco die? Might it contain hidden depths? Politically correct revisionists are trying to recast disco as a misunderstood culture of protest. Through interviews with Gloria Gaynor, The Village People, Kool and the Gang and others, along with a goldmine of stock footage and speculative reenactments, The Secret Disco Revolution presents a comic-ironic investigation into disco and its mysterious longevity.


Peter Keleghan
Peter Keleghan
Self - Narrator (voice)
Julia Hladkowicz
Julia Hladkowicz
Kito Lightbourne
Kito Lightbourne
Chris Reginald Taylor
Chris Reginald Taylor
Vince Aletti
Vince Aletti
Eric Anzalone
Eric Anzalone
Robert Kool Bell
Robert Kool Bell
Henri Belolo
Henri Belolo
Marc Benecke
Marc Benecke
Alex Briley
Alex Briley
Harry Wayne Casey
Harry Wayne Casey
Carmen D'Alessio
Carmen D'Alessio
Alice Echols
Alice Echols
Gloria Gaynor
Gloria Gaynor
Larry Harris
Larry Harris
David Hodo
David Hodo
Joanne Horowitz
Joanne Horowitz
Thelma Houston
Thelma Houston


Jamie Kastner
Jamie Kastner
Jamie Kastner
Jamie Kastner
Derek Rogers
Derek Rogers
Director of Photography

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