
Dr. Vilar

장르 : 드라마, 로맨스

상영시간 : 20분

연출 : Wynton Guess, Tiago Angeja


Portugal had been recovering after the reforms following the end of “The Great Cyber War” years prior. Trust was now returning to the economy. The successful prosecution of the recently captured hacker and rebel ringleader Dr. Vilar, would be a show of force for the government, clearly establishing that the days of corruption were now behind them, as they re-integrated back into the eurozone. Dr. Vilar, once responsible for the cyber attack that devastated Lisbon’s power grid, had spent the majority of his exile in London, England, from which he ran his criminal enterprise, until one day he was mysteriously betrayed…


Francisco Vilar
Francisco Vilar
Dr. Vilar
Raquel Queirós
Raquel Queirós
Samuel Felisberto
Samuel Felisberto
Samuel Maxwell Felisberto
João Alves
João Alves
Gonçalo "Gonzalez" Janeiro


Wynton Guess
Wynton Guess
Wynton Guess
Wynton Guess
Eduardo Lecuona
Eduardo Lecuona
Executive Producer
Wynton Guess
Wynton Guess
Tiago Angeja
Tiago Angeja
Tomás Reis
Tomás Reis
Assistant Director of Photography
Diogo Vale
Diogo Vale
Diana Gil
Diana Gil
Graphic Designer
Rafaela Canito
Rafaela Canito
Graphic Designer
Tiago Angeja
Tiago Angeja
Director of Photography
Samuel Felisberto
Samuel Felisberto
João Alves
João Alves
Francisco Vilar
Francisco Vilar
Tiago Angeja
Tiago Angeja
Wynton Guess
Wynton Guess
Music Coordinator
Francisco Vilar
Francisco Vilar
David Zucchi
David Zucchi
Wynton Guess
Wynton Guess
Bernardo Larisch
Bernardo Larisch
João Alves
João Alves
Victor Holmes
Victor Holmes
Vera Morais
Vera Morais
João Alves
João Alves

비슷한 영화

리스본 스토리
음향 기사인 필립은, 리스본에서 독립영화 제작 중 예술가로서의 막다른 골목에 처한 동료 프리드릭의 의 도와달라는 요청에...그는 포르투갈을 향해 중고차를 몰고 친구의 구조 여정을 떠난다. 힘든 여정 끝에 도착한 프리드릭의 아파트에 본인은 잠적하여 없고, 필립이 접하게되는 것은, 프리드릭이 찍다만 흑백 무성영화, 읽다만 책, 그가 사귄 동네 아이들, 배경음악을 담당할 지방 음악인들이다. 이들을 단서로 프리드릭의 이미지에 맞는 음향 편집을 위해, 필립은 도시를 돌아다니며 소리 채집을 시작한다. 이 영화의 마지막 20분을 남겨 놓고 필립이 드디어 만나게 된 프리드릭은, 컴퓨터 시대의 오염된 쓰레기 이미지를 한탄한다. 그는, 영화사의 재출발을 위해 자신이 시도했던, 원천적 "카메라를 든 사나이"로의 재귀마저도 충분치 않았다며, 순수한 이미지 포착를 위해선, 시각의 주체를 완전히 배제한 촬영 방식 (등에 카메라를 맨 방식)을 시도해야 한다고 선언한다. 이미지 집착이 아닌, 영화 매체의 포괄적인 성격에 이미 익숙해온 필립은, 컴퓨터 시대의 원천적 '녹음기를 든 사나이'로 좀 더 여유가 있다. 그는, 프리드릭에게 남긴 녹음 메세지를 통해, 쓰레기 이미지를 탓하기 보다, 마음의 소리에 귀를 기울이라고 충고한다.
My Friend from Faro
Eternal daydreamer Mel can't wait to quit her sucky catering job and fly to her dream destination: Portugal. Things change when the beautiful Jenny literally crashes into her life when Mel nearly runs her over in her classic BMW. It is love at first sight, however there is just one problem: Jenny mistakenly assumes Mel to be a boy. Despite this, the pair become boyfriend and girlfriend. With Mel attempting to disguise her true gender at every turn, her journey from tomboy to out lesbian is fraught with life-defining dilemmas and sweet surprises.
애프터 에브리씽
Besieged by writer’s block and the crushing breakup with Tessa, Hardin travels to Portugal in search of a woman he wronged in the past – and to find himself. Hoping to win back Tessa, he realizes he needs to change his ways before he can make the ultimate commitment.
A Shot in the Dark
A baby is kidnapped in a Brazilian airport. Years later, the mother lives in Lisbon and works in a strip-tease bar so she can survive. When she is fired, she joins a gang of bank robbers...
푸투루 해변
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러시아 하우스
빌리는 책과 술, 재즈를 좋아하는 영국의 출판업자다. 그는 어느날 러시아 과학자단체로부터 소련 핵무기의 후진성을 폭로한 원고를 출판해달라는 부탁을 받는다. 그러나 그 원고가 영국 정보부의 수중에 넘어가게 되고, 원고의 신빙성을 확인하기 위해 당국은 빌리를 스파이로 훈련시켜 러시아로 보낸다. 러시아에 도착한 빌리는 중간에서 원고를 전달해준 카차라는 미모의 여인을 만난다. 그녀를 통해서 과학자단체 사람들을 알게 되고, 그녀는 인류평화를 위해 국가기밀을 폭로하려는 그의 순수한 열정에 감복한다.
Os Três da Vida Airada
A typesetter is an amateur stage director, and his niece and an employee are stage actors. When they have an opportunity to go professional, differences arise between the two men. Things get worse when the employee starts seeing the girl even when there is no need for rehearsals - and the uncle opposes their relationship.
Black Cloaks
The great fadista, Amelia Rodrigues, made her screen debut in Capas Negras, which took its name from the black capes worn by the students in the university city of Coimbra, where the film is set. The action begins in a tavern where a group of former students are reminiscing about their time at the university. One of the students, Jose Duarte then breaks into song, performing an impromptu fado in the local Coimbra style. The tavern owner's niece, the aptly named Maria Lisboa promptly retaliates with a fado of the Lisbon variety. The melodramatic plot then centers on the frustrated romance between these two characters, and the soundtrack is essentially a musical duel between these two different styles of Portugal's national song.
For Capt. Robert John Evans, smuggling black-market goods is nothing out of the ordinary. But one day he's hired by Aristides Mavros for a more involved assignment -- sneaking an imprisoned American out of communist-controlled territory. The job seems challenging enough, but when he meets the prisoner's sultry wife, Sylvia, he realizes his mission comes with a startling catch: Not only must he rescue this man, he must bring him back from the dead.
Filhas da Pátria
During the student crisis of 1968, Ines, an 18-year-old homosexual, is prevented from attending law school by her family, who believe that this is not the right course for a woman. This awakens in Inês a feeling of injustice, which leads her to accept Julio's invitation to join the high school students' association. The next day, we find out that the student association has been closed since they found a copy of the clandestine newspaper "Avante!" on the premises. The rectory then decides to expel suspicious students, starting a revolt in the high school and an ideological confrontation between the couple of Inês and Adelaide.
Ice Merchants
Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their vertiginous cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.
내가 속한 나라
좌파 테러리스트였던 부모로 인해 15년간 항상 쫓기는 생활을 해야 하는 잔느는 다른 십대소녀들처럼 유행하는 옷도 입지 못하고 남자 친구도 사귀지 못한다. 호텔에서 가지고 있던 돈을 잃게 되자 이들은 어쩔 수 없이 독일로 돌아가게 되는 상황에 처하게 된다.
The Little Bird of Ribeira
Popular in the riverside area of Porto, Micas raised her daughter, Madalena, at the cost of sacrifice, as her father emigrated to Brazil. With a happy voice, Madalena works on unloading the coal, seeing her loves thwarted by her humble condition. Barata, another typical figure who makes a living from expedients, helps Madalena's father - meanwhile returned, to "register" her - in a kidnapping plan capable of facilitating her reconciliation with Micas, who is reluctant... Things get complicated, but happiness ends up triumphing.
Pereira Declares
Lisbon, 1938. Mr. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of an evening paper. Although fascism is on the rise in Europe, like in nearby civil war Spain or even inside Portugal itself in the form of Salazar's regime, Pereira only concerns himself with writing bios and translating French novels. Things change after he hires a young writer as his assistant, getting to know also his girlfriend – both opponents to the regime – and reluctantly helps them when they begin to get in trouble for subversive activities. Eventually, he's forced to take a stand...
Saint George
In 2011 Portugal began the so-called "year of the Troika" (EU, IMF and ECB budget cuts and economic restructuring), with the level of debt among the Portuguese people reaching staggering amounts and a growing number of families and companies unable to repay their installment loans. Jorge is an unemployed boxer on the verge of losing his son and his wife, who has decided to return to Brazil. As a means of paying off his debt and persuading his wife to remain in Portugal, Jorge accepts a job with a debt-collection agency, which will drag him into a world of violence and crime.
Só Por Acaso
A bad luck that should never have happened, sends Rodrigo into a coma that lasts five years. And when he wakes up, after so long haunted by the image of the woman who shot him at close range, he realizes that life has not stopped waiting for him, without realizing that everyone is lying to him. And that your best friend is getting ready to get you into trouble again.
Last Days of Emanuel Raposo
In the 1990s, a long time TV host from the Azores Islands comes to terms with his career's end in a turbulent fashion.