섹슈얼 프렌즈 (2008)
A Love Story
장르 : 드라마, 코미디, 로맨스
상영시간 : 1시간 40분
연출 : Joel Viertel
새로운 일자리를 찾아 시골에서 대도시로 올라온 빈털터리 두 청년 스태니와 죠. 사리분별을 잘 하고 지각 있는 청년인 스태니와 어린 소년처럼 천진난만하고 착한 죠는 형제 같은 사이로 서로 의지해서 객지 생활을 헤쳐나간다. 그러던 어느날 대도시 여자들과 만나보고 싶어 둘은 나이트클럽으로 향하고, 역시 절친한 친구 사이인 부잣집 딸 도나와 초보 디자이너 크리스티앤도 그곳을 찾는다. 뜻이 맞은 네 명의 남녀는 각자 짝을 지어 하룻밤을 보낸다. 다음날, 자신들이 호스트를 만났다고 생각한 도나와 크리스티앤은 그들에게 하룻밤의 대가로 돈을 주려 하고, 이에 놀란 스태니와 죠는 화를 내며 뛰쳐나온다. 그러나 서로를 잊지 못한 네 명의 남녀는 우여곡절 끝에 다시 만나고, 여자들은 남자들에게 자신들이 잘 곳과 먹을 것을 제공할 테니 섹스파트너가 되어달라고 요구한다. 결국 네 남녀의 기묘한 동거가 시작되고 그들의 사랑도 조금씩 커져가는데…
뉴욕의 스탠드업 코미디언이자 희극 작가인 앨비 싱어는 친구와 테니스를 치다 패션감각이 뛰어난 미모의 애니를 보고는 한눈에 반해 버린다. 가수가 꿈인 애니 역시 앨비를 싫어하지는 않는 눈치. 그렇게 사랑에 빠져든 두 사람은 마치 10대들처럼 서투르게 관계를 시작하고, 서로의 성과 정체성에 대해 혼란스러워 한다. 차츰 관계가 깊어가면서 두 사람은 어쩔수 없이 서로의 단점들을 보게 된다. 앨비는 자신만만하고 세속적이며 다소 신경질적인 반면 애니는 주의가 산만하고 끈질긴 구석이 있다. 앨비는 가수가 되겠다는 꿈을 간직하고만 있던 애니에게 꿈을 이루도록 복돋워주고, 공부를 하라고 권유한다. 주위에서는 그런 애니를 선망의 시선으로 바라보지만 애니는 그녀의 일에 사사건건 간섭을 하고 트집잡는 앨비가 못마땅하기만 하다. 동료들의 부러움을 사던 앨비와 애니의 사이는 벌어지기 시작하고, 마침 애니에게 앨범을 제작하자는 제안이 들어온다. 애니는 평소에 원하던 가수의 길을 걷기 위해 앨비와 헤어져 캘리포니아로 떠나는데...
세상에서 가장 바쁜 사람인양 전세계를 돌아다니며 시간에 얽매여 살아가는 남자 척 놀랜드(톰 행크스 분). ‘페덱스’의 직원인 그는 여자친구 캘리 프레어스(헬렌 헌트 분)와 깊은 사랑을 나누지만 막상 함께 할 시간은 가지지 못한다. 크리스마스 이브, 캘리와의 로맨틱한 데이트를 채 끝내지도 못한 그에게 빨리 비행기를 타라는 호출이 울리고 둘은 연말을 기약하고 헤어지게 된다. 캘리가 선물해준 시계를 손에 꼭 쥐고 "페덱스" 전용 비행기에 올랐는데, 착륙하기 직전 사고가 나고, 기내는 아수라장이 된다. 그의 몸을 때리는 파도. 눈을 떠보니 완전 별세상이다. 아름다운 해변과, 무성한 나무, 높은 암벽. 아무도 살지않는 섬에 떨어진 것을 알게된 척은 그곳에서의 생존을 위해 이전의 모든 삶을 버리고 새로운 환경에 적응하며 외롭게 살아간다. 하지만 캘리에 대한 사랑만을 마음 속에 간직한 채 그녀를 만날 수 있다는 희망을 잃지않는다. 4년후. 고립된 섬에서 1500일이나 되는 시간을 사랑으로 이겨낸 척. 어느 날, 떠내려온 알미늄판자 하나를 이용해 섬을 빠져나갈 방법을 고안해내고 자신이 갖고있는 모든 물건을 이용하여 뗏목을 만든다. 섬에 표류한지 4년만에 거친 파도를 헤치고 탈출을 감행하는데.
Exploring the life and impact of the greatest spiritual and legal philosopher in Islamic history, this film examines Ghazali's existential crisis of faith that arose from his rejection of religious dogmatism, and reveals profound parallels with our own times. Ghazali became known as the Proof of Islam and his path of love and spiritual excellence overcame the pitfalls of the organised religion of his day. His path was largely abandoned by early 20th century Muslim reformers for the more strident and less tolerant school of Ibn Taymiyya. Combining drama with documentary, this film argues that Ghazali's Islam is the antidote for today's terror.
The workaday boredom and crushing hardships of London's East End in the 1950s, seen from the point of view of two deaf-mutes who share a strong bond of friendship.
Two men raped the third, threatening by the gun and tying it. The one who raped - Anthony, a member of the gang, who came into conflict with the head boss, that's why they decided to kill him. Only the intervention of his friend Jack saves him from death. Anthony decides to change his life and went to his girlfriend Donna and Leroy, her younger brother who is gay, who likes older men in leather. Donna learns that her father is dead, and they go to the funeral by car, on the way encountering a variety of sex stories.
Cuban Story: The Truth about Fidel Castro Revolution is a 1959 film documentary narrated by Errol Flynn, and the last known performance work of his career.
A dramatic depiction of the life of Hussain, with allegorical references to the history of the Prophet Muhammad and his descendants. It is prophesied that Young Hussain will one day lead the impoverished masses to a better life. It is his brother, Hasan, however who gains in prominence and when the government is overthrown in a military coup, he tries to adapt. Hussain in the meanwhile gets married and leads a small band of rebels in an attempt to fight the military dictatorship.
Shirley Ross plays an innocent young girl convicted for complicity in a crime committed by her boy friend (Lloyd Nolan). The male crook is sentence to six months on a prison farm populated by both men and women (segregated, of course). Ross is also incarcerated, suffering the cruelties of the sadistic male and female guards (including J. Carroll Naish and future "Ma Kettle" Marjorie Main!)
Using never-before-seen footage, Japan's War In Colour tells a previously untold story. It recounts the history of the Second World War from a Japanese perspective, combining original colour film with letters and diaries written by Japanese people. It tells the story of a nation at war from the diverse perspectives of those who lived through it: the leaders and the ordinary people, the oppressors and the victims, the guilty and the innocent. Until recently, it was believed that no colour film of Japan existed prior to 1945. But specialist research has now unearthed a remarkable colour record from as early as the 1930s. For eight years the Japanese fought what they believed was a Holy War that became a fight to the death. Japan's War In Colour shows how militarism took hold of the Japanese people; describes why Japan felt compelled to attack the West; explains what drove the Japanese to resist the Allies for so long; and, finally, reveals how they dealt with the shame of defeat.
Successful businessman Richard Clarke is bitten by a beautiful vampire and is plunged into the dark world of the supernatural. Richard very quickly realizes that being undead isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
Several strangers in Los Angeles weave their stories of loss and hope, not knowing that their lives have brushed up against each others in small but sometimes profound ways
The struggle to survive, for a generation, torn between wanting to leave its country, yet bound by blood to home.
During the heat of battle in the midst of the Civil War, a beguilingly innocent colt is born to Union Jim Rabb's beloved mare. Refusing the orders to shoot it, lest it prove a hindrance, Rabb keeps the colt as a consolation in these desperate times-a symbol of hope that leads the men of the First Cavalry on a journey of self-discovery and newfound brotherhood.
A story of a young boy who becomes an elective mute after witnessing what he believes to be the killing by his older brother of a teenage boy. The young boy's brother then tells him not to say anything because of the trouble it would cause in the family... so he doesn't say anything again. The problem is that the young boy so enjoys his acceptance by others of his mutism that it brings his family, a loving and caring farm family, to the brink of financial ruin in medical and psychological costs to cure him. Based on a true story, this is the intelligent telling of a family in crisis, and the work of doctors in dealing with this mental illness.
The eldest daughter of a pioneer family is kidnapped by a mysterious Indian tribe and the eldest son pursues. In order to win back his sister's freedom, he must sacrifice his own life by passing the test of "Crooked Sky" and shield his sister from an executioner's arrow. Along the way, he recruits a broken down, drunk prospector to help him track down the unknown tribe and rescue his sister
Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, must leave his homeland and learn to navigate the world of the white man in order to survive.
The dramatic and touching story of thousands of adults, children, and generations of families who have been living and working in the largest and most toxic landfill in Central America, the Guatemala City Garbage Dump, over the last sixty years.
이스탄불에서 좀더 나은 생활을 꿈꾸는 마멧은 쿠르드족인 바르잔과 친구가 된다. 검문에서 쿠르드 저항세력으로 오인받아 경찰서에서 고초를 겪고 나오자 바르잔을 제외하고는 아무도 그를 받아주지 않는다. 바르잔은 시위 중 연행과정에서 죽음을 당하고 마멧은 그를 고향까지 데려다 주기 위한 긴 여행을 떠난다.
In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?
Set in the 1800s when Napoleon’s French ruled Europe, the film follows young Austrian carpenter Franz and his Bavarian wife, Katharina as an unforeseen event forces them to flee from Augsburg, Bavaria for Franz’s family home in Tyrol, Austria. Tyrolian sentiment is rising strongly against Napoleon and trouble is stirring. In no time it sweeps up Franz and his brothers along with the whole town.