Happy Ghost V (1991)
장르 : 판타지, 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 31분
연출 : Raymond Wong, Norman Chan Hok-Yan
A sweet tale about a young woman's dog that makes a deal with the Happy Ghost (Raymond Wong) to become human for 44 days. But after those days are over he must go and be reincarnated.
Meet Cheo Martinez, the neighbor you do not want to have and whose time has come when his neighbors, tired of putting up with him, hire Carolina Rico, a beautiful and audacious escort, to make him fall in love and get him out of the building. ¿What will happen when Cheo falls into the tricks of love and Carolina’s dark past reaches her? Now, we will meet their real neighbor, a Moody with heart.
Leo, a 10-year-old boy with an inexhaustible imagination who has just lost his father and best friend, uses a homemade time machine to travel back in time to find his father, whom the boy believes is lost in time.
행복해지면 나쁜 일이 일어난다고 믿는 사기꾼 남자. 불행한 삶을 유지해야 하건만, 자신을 조종하는 형과 함께 마피아 조직에 들어가면서 행복과 불행의 균형을 맞추는 데 어려움을 겪는다.
Thor’s villainous brother Loki has escaped Asgard to search for Yggdrasil — The Tree of the Nine Realms. The tree holds the power of the Universe, and is secreted away on Earth. With the help of giant wolf god Fenrir, Loki plans to destroy the tree and replant it in his image, giving him dominion over all. Now Thor must follow Loki to Earth to wage an epic battle that will hold the two worlds in its balance.
같은 광산 회사에 다니는 절친 삼인방이 힘을 합친다. 광산을 약탈하고 인간을 몰살하려 하는 무시무시한 외계인들로부터 소중한 회사를 지키기 위하여!
Lisa Simpson is discovered by chart-topping artists Billie Eilish and FINNEAS while searching for a quiet place to practice her saxophone. Billie invites Lisa to her studio for a special jam session she’ll never forget.
Two brothers Timo and Ralf are petty criminals. When Timo hears that his girlfriend does not see a future with him, he with Ralf and his friend Martin try to carry out a dangerous coup that may eventually win her eternal affections.
One day, a woman named Chiyome Hesogakure with a child named Chinzō visits the Nohara family and claims that she is the real mother of Shinnosuke and takes him away to a Ninja Village. In the Ninja Village, the Hesogakure family has been protecting "the earth's navel" by blocking it with a pure gold stopper using the "Mononoke technique" that has been passed down from generation. If it comes off, the earth will wither, the rotation will stop, and the "tomorrow" of the world will be lost! It is up to Shinnosuke to reveal the mystery of his birth and protect the future of the earth and the "tomorrow" of his family.
무시무시한 가뭄으로 물을 둘러싼 갈등이 심화되며 존재 자체를 위협받는 '사우스 파크' 와 엄마와의 자존심 대결을 벌이는 카트맨의 모습이 보여진다.
The wonder of the winter season takes Mickey Mouse and his friends on a journey through three magical stories.
아내에게 버려진 백수 켄 X 기억을 잃은 미아 로봇 탕구
어울리지않는 두 영혼의 운명의 만남은 놀라운에 맞는 장대한 모험의 시작이었다!
결혼식장에 덩그러니 혼자 남겨진 호세 루이스. 결혼은 망쳤지만, 허니문 비용까지 날릴 순 없었던 극성스러운 그의 엄마 마리 카르멘은 급기야 아들과 함께 허니문에 오른다. 이 둘 괜찮겠지?
They are in their thirties but live just as they did in their twenties. They are in love with love but, in their search, they tear each other apart, wandering from ex-girlfriend to ex-girlfriend, from relationship to relationship.
응석받이로 자란 컴퓨터 게임광 발디. 다가오는 토너먼트 대회에 나갈 꿈에 부풀어 있다. 하지만 엄마가 병에 걸리고 괴짜 이모할머니가 오면서 인생의 우선순위를 재고하지 않을 수 없다.
The teenagers who came to Orlyonok will have to unravel the mystery of the seven elders.
허당 친구 레드와 옐로우의 갈팡질팡 좌충우돌 도시 모험기가 펼쳐진다.
<라바 아일랜드>, <라바 아일랜드 무비>의 속편으로 제작된 엉뚱발랄한 단편 영화.
Tara needs to go back to Parable, Montana, the place that made her the happiest, in order to move forward after a messy divorce. Her handsome neighbor presents an unexpected twist.