
Masters of the Heist (2007)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 44분


Heists do not solely exist in the movies. These high profile schemes are elaborately planned, artful in their Machiavellian plotting, and so meticulously coordinated that they are often referred to as "the masterpieces of the confidence game". Often aimed at impossibly ambitious targets - casinos, jewelry stores, or famous museums - the masterminds behind these crimes are often heralded as the ingenious magicians of the underworld. The mystery and magnitude of these real crime stories sparks an undeniable interest for us innocent onlookers - a sense of seduction, spectacle and entertainment.


Jim Baldonado
Jim Baldonado
Casino Pitboss
Sebastian Bauer
Sebastian Bauer
Charles Ponzi
Alayah Byers
Alayah Byers
Young Doris Payne
Joseph Cooke
Joseph Cooke
General Store Owner
Lois Curalli
Lois Curalli
Casino Pitboss
Patrick Finan
Patrick Finan
Museum Guard
Michael Ford-FitzGerald
Michael Ford-FitzGerald
M.I.T. Blackjack Team
Quinn Goto
Quinn Goto
M.I.T. Blackjack Team
Jim McDevitt
Jim McDevitt
Casino Background Talent
Walter Bartkus
Walter Bartkus
Casino Background Talent
Albert Brewster
Albert Brewster
M.I.T. Blackjack Team
Christopher G. Cowen
Christopher G. Cowen
Tom Mashberg
Richard Dal Cerro
Richard Dal Cerro
BPD Officer
Eugene Gordon
Eugene Gordon
Charles Ponzi
Allison Humphrey
Allison Humphrey
Jewelry Store Attendant


Sebastian Bauer
Sebastian Bauer
Associate Producer
Jonathan Buss
Jonathan Buss
Christopher G. Cowen
Christopher G. Cowen
Co-Executive Producer
Mark Cowen
Mark Cowen
Executive Producer
Matthew I. Goldberg
Matthew I. Goldberg
Line Producer
Mark Herzog
Mark Herzog
Executive Producer
Lara Hoefs
Lara Hoefs
Supervising Producer
Blake Neely
Blake Neely
Byron Shah
Byron Shah
Billy Schinski
Billy Schinski
Song Lopez
Song Lopez
Makeup & Hair
Apryl Sahadi
Apryl Sahadi
Makeup & Hair
Laura Schaffer
Laura Schaffer
Makeup & Hair
Lindsey Michelle Bogard
Lindsey Michelle Bogard
Post-Production Manager
Jeremy Cook
Jeremy Cook
Project Manager
Wes Ball
Wes Ball
Visual Effects
Justin Barber
Justin Barber
Visual Effects
Beth Anderson
Beth Anderson
Assistant Camera
Aleszandra Krecsko
Aleszandra Krecsko
Wardrobe Master

비슷한 영화

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