Diana: Last Days of a Princess (2007)
장르 : 드라마, TV 영화
상영시간 : 2시간 0분
연출 : Richard Dale
A film about the last weeks of the life of one of the most famous women of the twentieth century - Diana, Princess of Wales. The sudden and tragic death of Diana in August 1997 shocked the world as much as the assassination of President Kennedy. The tragedy, which occurred August 31, 1997 from the beginning was surrounded by many conflicting rumors and the most improbable assumptions.
1997년 8월, 영국 왕실에서 배출한 세상에서 가장 유명한 여인인 다이애나 왕세자비가 불의의 교통사고로 사망했다는 비극적인 소식이 전해진다. 이미 왕실을 떠났음에도 불구하고 전 세계인의 사랑을 받았던 다이애나 비의 사망 소식은 전 세계를 충격에 휩싸이게 하였고, 영국 국민은 순식간에 패닉 상태에 빠진다. 다이애나 비의 죽음을 애도하기 위해 버킹엄 궁전으로 향하는 추모 행렬을 끊이지 않고 이어지지만 정작 엘리자베스 2세 여왕은 어머니의 죽음으로 실의에 빠진 어린 두 왕자를 데리고 발모랄 성으로 잠시 떠나 있는다. 그 사이, 다이애나 비의 죽음과 관련해 조기 게양도 하지 않고 그 어떤 공식적인 발표도 없는 여왕에 대한 국민들의 불만이 날로 심해져 가고, 각종 언론들도 이런 여왕의 태도를 연일 비난한다. 심지어 군주제가 흔들릴지도 모른다는 체제 위기론까지 거론되며 여왕의 심기를 불편하게 한다. 새로 부임하게 된 토니 블레어 총리는 멀어지기만 하는 왕실과 국민들 사이의 화해를 위해 여왕을 설득하기 시작하는데...
1991년, 왕실 가족이 샌드링엄 별장에 모여서 보내는 크리스마스 연휴 3일간 이뤄지는 다이애나 왕세자비의 감정 변화에 집중한다. 스펜서는 직접 운전을 하다가 뒤늦게 별장에 도착한다. 모두가 그의 지각을 마뜩잖게 생각하고, 그 순간부터 통제는 시작된다. 다이애나는 3일 동안 의심과 결심 사이를 오가며 중대한 결정을 내리게 되는데...
50억 인구가 사랑한 영국의 왕세자비 ‘다이애나’, 그녀는 화려해 보이는 모습 뒤에 어두운 가족사로 외로움에 고통 받으며 감당하기 힘든 언론과 세간의 관심을 홀로 버텨낸다. 그러던 어느 날 자신을 왕세자비로만 대하는 다른 사람과 달리 그저 한 명의 평범한 여자로 대하는 외과의사 ‘하스낫 칸’을 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되지만 세상은 이들의 사랑을 거부하기 시작하는데…
다이애나, 그녀는 어떤 사람이었나. 지금껏 공개된 적 없는 다이애나 왕세자비의 진짜 이야기. 그녀의 결혼 생활과 삶에 관한 진솔한 이야기를 육성으로 직접 들어본다.
Decades after her untimely death, Princess Diana continues to evoke mystery, glamour, and the quintessential modern fairy tale gone wrong. As a symbol of both the widening fissures weakening the British monarchy and the destructive machinery of the press, the Princess of Wales navigated an unparalleled rise to fame and the corrosive challenges that came alongside it. Crafted entirely from immersive archival footage and free from the distraction of retrospective voices, this hypnotic and audaciously revealing documentary takes a distinctive formal approach, allowing the story of the People’s Princess to unfold before us like never before.
Rachel, an American journalist in Paris, is present the night of the fateful accident of Princess Diana and witness to the crime scene. As she starts to investigate, Rachel uncovers information that leads her to believe this was no accident, and she soon learns that there are people out there who will stop at nothing to silence her.
전 세계로 중계된 '세기의 결혼'부터 영국 왕실과의 결별까지. 故 다이애나 왕세자빈의 파란만장했던 삶이 뮤지컬로 되살아난다. 촬영은 브로드웨이 공식 개막에 앞서 관객 없이 진행되었다.
A film about the last weeks of the life of one of the most famous women of the twentieth century - Diana, Princess of Wales. The sudden and tragic death of Diana in August 1997 shocked the world as much as the assassination of President Kennedy. The tragedy, which occurred August 31, 1997 from the beginning was surrounded by many conflicting rumors and the most improbable assumptions.
A journey through the night that Princess Diana died and the four independent investigations in two separate countries that followed. Included: a look at Princess Diana's life through her sons.
It's July 29, 1981. In the majestic St Paul's Cathedral in London, Lady Diana Spencer marries Prince Charles. The same day, another celebration takes place in the canteen of a Norwegian small-town factory. It’s the newly-weds LIV and TERJE'S wedding party. In the pram lies their new-born daughter, DIANA, who, like her famous namesake, will be facing a lot of chaos in the years to come thanks to her parents. The wedding, and following years, are less glamorous than the royal counterpart, but indisputably much more fun. Through the eyes of Diana, we witness the rollercoaster of her parent’s marriage. To her, they are the worst parents in the world. Miles away from doing a decent job, constantly fighting yet still in love by the time Diana is preparing for her own marriage 30 years later.
A fresh and revealing insight into Princess Diana through the personal and intimate reflections of her two sons and her friends and family.
A new insight into Lady Diana's life, loves and looking at where she might be today. Loved the world over and became bigger than The Crown itself.
When Princess Diana's life was cut short by a tragic car accident, the entire world mourned her loss. Now, 20 years after her death, Princess Diana: Tragedy of Treason? sheds light on the life and death of one of history's most beloved figures.
In "Diana: The Mourning After" Christopher Hitchens sets out to examine the bogusness of "a nation's grief", tries to uncover the few voices of sanity that cut against the grain of contrived hysteria. His findings suggested that the collective hordes of emotive Dianaphiles sobbing in the streets were not only encouraged but emulated by the media. In the aftermath of Diana's death a three-line whip was enforced on newspapers and on TV, selling the sainthood line wholesale. The suspicion was that journalists, like the public, greeted the death as a chance to wax emotional in print, as a change from the customary knowing cynicism, to wheel out all those portentous phrases they'd been saving up for the big occasion. Sadly, they just seemed to be showboating; the eulogies, laments and tear-soaked platitudes ringing risibly hollow.
Strap in for a rollercoaster ride through the emotional worlds of love and royalty in an original WE Channel movie exploring the enduring, 30-year romance shared between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles. Decades before the fairy tale wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, the young prince and his longtime sweetheart found their growing love tragically clipped by the many demands of royalty and the sometimes rough waters of romance. Though he had previously exchanged vows with the glamorous Diana, Prince Charles never truly forgot about Parker-Bowles, and in this film Anglophiles and royalty scholars alike will finally learn the truth behind one of the highest profile romances in modern history.
세상을 뒤흔든 다이애나의 죽음. 그녀의 어떤 모습에 영국이 매료됐고 그녀의 죽음으로 영국이 깨우친 것은 무엇이며 그리고 그로 인해 어떤 결과가 초래됐는지 알아본다.
In August 1997, the tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales, stunned her family and catapulted the British public into one of the most extraordinary weeks in modern history. What was it about Diana that resulted in such an outpouring of grief? And what does that week reveal about Britain's relationship with the monarchy, then and now?
Indeed a tribute, this movie tells the story of Princess Diana's last year, from May 1996 to her fatal accident in August 1997. It focuses on her love affairs with a Pakistani heart surgeon and with Dodi Al Fayed, on her battle with the press, her charity work, and her relationship with her sons. Many scenes re-enact well-known images and moments from this year, and the movie ends on the note that Diana was about to accept Dodi's proposal of marriage when the accident occurred
Retrospective documentary marking the 20th anniversary of the funeral of Princess Diana narrated by Kate Winslet.
A powerful summary of Princess Diana's historical, political and social legacy.