Victoria & Albert (2001)
장르 :
상영시간 : 3시간 20분
연출 : John Erman
The passionate love story that was Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's lengthy marriage. Beginning in 1837, the year of King William IV's death and 18-year-old Victoria's ascension to the throne, the series charts the tumultuous period in 19th Century England where Victoria comes to terms with the enormous duties that lay ahead of her, while also falling deeply in love with her beloved Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The marriage and birth of their nine children are featured, as is Albert's frustration by the inactivity he experienced in the early years of his role as Prince Consort.
This gripping documentary follows the trial of Issa Sesay, a leader in Sierra Leone's civil war who stands accused of crimes against humanity. Can the trial of one man uncover the truth of a traumatic past?
레슬링 선수 마크 슐츠(채닝 테이텀)는 금메달리스트이자 국민적 영웅인 친형 데이브 슐츠(마크 러팔로)의 후광에 가려 변변치 않은 삶을 살고 있다. 그런 그에게 미국 굴지 재벌가의 상속인인 존 듀폰(스티브 카렐)이 서울 올림픽을 준비하는 자신의 레슬링팀, ‘폭스캐처’에 합류해 달라고 제안한다. 선수로서 다시 없을 기회라고 생각한 마크는 생애 처음으로 형의 그림자에서 벗어나 파격적인 대우를 받으며 폭스캐처 팀에 합류하고 존 듀폰을 코치이자 아버지처럼 따르며 훈련에 매진한다. 하지만 기이한 성격을 지닌 존의 예측불가능한 행동으로 둘 사이에는 점차 균열이 생기고 존이 마크의 형인 데이브를 폭스캐처의 코치로 새롭게 초청하면서 세 사람은 전혀 예상치 못한 비극으로 치닫기 시작한다.
In a small presbytery in Yorkshire, England, living under the watchful eyes of their aunt and father, a strict Anglican pastor, the Bronte sisters write their first works and quickly become literary sensations.
Margaret Thatcher - The Iron Lady is the first major documentary to look back on the development and impact of this remarkable woman, whom commentators of both the political left and right agree changed the face of 20th Century politics forever. Featuring many excerpts from her powerful speeches and insightful contributions from her political supporters and detractors, a portrait emerges of a woman whose strength of conviction eventually becomes the weakness of intransigence.
Set during Prohibition, the movie centers on Touhy's rise from small time thug to the city's most powerful bootlegger whose empire is rivaled only by that of Al Capone (who is referred to, but never named in the story). It is his rival who frames Touhy for kidnapping and arranges for him to serve a life-long term in Stateville prison. Determined to be free again, the desperate Touhy and his cellmate Basil "the Owl" Banghart, begin plotting a violent break out.
1896년, 고종이 러시아 공사관으로 피신해 대한제국을 준비하던 혼돈의 시기, 러시아 대륙에서 커피와 금괴를 훔치다 러시아군에게 쫓기게 된 일리치와 따냐는, 조선계 일본인 사다코의 음모로 조선으로 오게 된다. 고종의 곁에서 커피를 내리는 조선 최초의 바리스타가 된 따냐, 그녀를 지키기 위해 사카모토란 이름으로 스파이가 된 일리치, 그들은 사다코로 인해 은밀한 고종암살작전에 휘말리게 되는데…
"Whity" is the mulatto butler of the dysfunctional Nicholson family in the American southwest in 1878. The father, Ben Nicholson, has an attractive young wife Katherine, and two sons by a previous marriage; the homosexual Frank, and the retarded Davy. Whity tries to carry out all their orders, however demeaning, until various of the family members ask him to kill some of the others.
Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. This biographical docu-drama features rare footage of Elvis and dramatically recreated scenes from Elvis' life.
1946년, 브루클린 다저스의 구단주 브랜치 리치 (해리슨 포드)는 재키 로빈슨 (채드윅 보즈먼)을 팀에 영입하면서 메이저리그의 흑인차별에 반대입장을 취한다. 이 일로 두 사람은 일반인뿐 아니라 언론 및 다른 선수들에게까지 표적이 된다. 강한 인종차별에 직면한 로빈슨은 대단한 용기와 재능으로 팬과 팀 동료들을 자기편으로 끌어들여야만 했다. - 그는 야구를 통해 모든 비난을 잠재우고 세상을 변화시켰다.
This short film portrays the story of singer Paul Anka, who rose from obscurity to become the idol of millions of adolescent fans around the world. Taking a candid look at both sides of the footlights, this film examines the marketing machine behind a generation of pop singers. Interviews with Anka and his manager reveal their perspective on the industry.
A group of confedarate prisoners is sent to a unionist fort in the west to help the local garrison to fight the indians.
In 1948, Lenny Bruce was just another comic who couldn't get arrested. By 1961, all that would change.
Sharpe is framed as the thief who stole Napolean's gold, and he must clear his name to avoid execution. Meanwhile his wife Jane - urged on by a friend - makes some questionable choices.
Diana Ross dramatizes multiple personality disorder.
폴란드의 세계적인 음악가인 프레데리크 프랑수아 쇼팽의 전기영화. 작곡가이자 피아니스트인 쇼팽의 이야기에 픽션을 가미하여 제작되었다.
The story of Jimmy Walker who became mayor of New York in the '20s.
Ramin, an ex-wrestler who once won seven matches in 55 seconds, lives alone in the east Georgian town of Kvareli. Long time ago he fell in love with a girl whom he lost soon after he met her. Now, at 75, still unmarried but full of life, he travels to a remote Georgina village to seek her out. This film presents Ramir's journey through the Georgian landscape and through the memories of this man with a old aged body and an unbeatable heart.
Intimate portrait of the social outcast Ricardo Lopez, chronicling the last days of his life in 1996 as he creates and sends a letter bomb rigged with sulfuric acid to Icelandic singer Björk and heads home to record his own suicide on video.
As the opening scroll tells us, Narcotic was "presented in the hope that the public may become aware of the terrific struggle to rid the world of drug addiction." The movie itself is a salacious plunge into a world of sordid pleasures. It tells us the story of Dr. William G. Davies, an infamous snake-oil salesman who started his career as a promising medical student.
전통 인형극의 장인인 리 티엔루의 삶을 그린 영화로 리 티엔루가 직접 출연해 자신의 삶에 대한 이야기를 들려주는 독특한 형식을 취한다. 1910년, 대만에서 태어나 8살 때 어머니를 잃은 리 티엔루는 어린 나이에 극단에 들어가 인형극을 배운다. 인형극에 대한 그의 애정은 변함이 없지만, 역사적 조건 속에서 그는 다양한 선택의 순간에 선다. 역사 속에서 주어진 삶을 담담히 살아내는 한 개인의 이야기. '비정성시' '호남호녀'와 함께 ‘대만 근대사 3부작’을 이룬다.