University Procession on Degree Day, Birmingham (1901)

장르 :

상영시간 : 2분

연출 : James Kenyon, Sagar Mitchell


University Procession on Degree Day, Birmingham



Sagar Mitchell
Sagar Mitchell
James Kenyon
James Kenyon
James Kenyon
James Kenyon
Sagar Mitchell
Sagar Mitchell

추천 영화

The Deonzo Brothers
The famous acrobats in the above title appear in a marvellous acrobatic act. There are three barrels arranged on the stage. The boys, blindfolded, stand on opposite sides of the stage, and jump from one barrel into the other until they both land in the same barrel at the same time. They then jump backwards onto the stage over the two barrels. One table is then mounted upon another and the center barrel is placed on top. The brothers still blindfolded jump one each into a barrel and from them to the first to the second table and from the second table into the barrel on top of the second table. They then jump backwards onto the stage. This is pronounced by show people to be the most marvellous acrobatic feat that has ever been introduced. (Edison Catalog)
The Martyred Presidents
This film is difficult to classify. It opens on a scene showing a mourner with bowed head sitting in front of what appears to be a tombstone. Shortly afterwards, the face of Abraham Lincoln and then of two other presidents, Garfield and McKinley, can be seen on the monument and then they disappear. There is a figure huddled at the foot of a statue of Justice, as if asking forgiveness.
The Coronation of Edward VII
King Edward VII's coronation ceremony.
달세계 여행
남북전쟁이 끝난 후 남아도는 대포를 처리하는 방법을 연구하다가 큰 대포를 만들어 안에다가 사람을 태운 우주선을 집어 넣고 달로 쏘아 올리기로 결정한다. 사람들에게 환송을 받으며 천문학자를 태운 로켓이 대포로 발사되고 곧 로켓은 달에 착륙한다. 천문학자는 달에 도착하자마자 잠을 자고, 일어나고 나서 동굴로 가자 거대한 버섯을 발견한다. 한 천문학자가 우산을 펼치자 곧바로 버섯으로 변해 버린다. 이때 외계인이 나타나지만 천문학자는 이를 쉽게 죽인다. 곧 더 많은 외계인이 나타나서 천문학자들은 둘러싸이게 되고, 외계인은 그들을 잡아 우두머리에게 데리고 간다. 천문학자들이 우두머리를 죽이고 도망친다. 다섯 명이 비행선 안으로 들어가고 나머지 한 명은 절벽에 걸친 비행선에 달린 로프에 매달려 비행선을 우주로 떨어뜨린다. 우주선은 지구로 떨어져 바다에 빠진다. 천문학자들은 구조되어 큰 환대를 받는다.
Mysterious Cafe, or Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke Have Troubles with a Waiter
As the above title indicates, the scene does not take place in an ordinary restaurant, but one in which all natural rules of order and gravitation are reversed. The couple above mentioned have a most trying experience while endeavoring to partake of a square meal. They find themselves flying about the room from chairs to table, and vice versa, until they are both completely bewildered, ending in a general mix-up, which is sure to provoke much merriment.
The Death of Poor Joe
A scene from Charles Dickens Bleak House.
An Over-Incubated Baby
An up to date idea and a great picture. The professor sits in his laboratory with his newly invented baby incubator. A mother who is anxious for the growth of her child enters, places her baby in care of the professor, who promptly places it in the incubator. An alcohol lamp is lighted under the apparatus, but the professor evidently gets his machine too hot, for in a few seconds the top is opened and the baby taken out. To the great anger of its mother it has grown about two feet in height and has long hair and a full beard. (Edison Catalog)
The Cheese Mites, or Lilliputians in a London Restaurant
A jovial looking man is seated nearest the window of a restaurant. He has just finished his meal and the waiter brings a glass of beer, and when he places the glass upon the table, lo, a little sailor boy about six inches high appears from the foam, and climbing down the side of the glass, proceeds to dance a sailor's hornpipe on the table.
The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken
An old maid is walking about the studio while the photographer is getting his camera ready. She first looks at a hanger, which immediately falls from the wall, not being able to stand her gaze. Then she looks at the clock, and her face causes it to fall to the floor with a crash. She then walks over to the mirror, which suddenly cracks in several places. The photographer then poses her. Just as he is to press the button the camera explodes with a great puff of smoke, completely destroying the camera and demolishing the studio. The picture finishes up with the old maid tipping back in her chair and losing her balance, displaying a large quantity of fancy lace goods.
Chamonix: Le mauvais pas
A group of people cross a mountain near Chamonix and are filmed doing so by the Lumière brothers.
Torpedo Flotilla Visit to Manchester
A series of ships passing by.
President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol
Cavalry and foot-soldiers escort President McKinley.
President McKinley Inauguration
President McKinley Inauguration
Ride on the Tramcar Through Belfast
Ride on the Tramcar Through Belfast
The Waif and the Wizard
The Waif and the Wizard features the same young man who appeared in Undressing Extraordinary (and who might be early filmmaker Walter Booth). It's another early example of a two-shot film along the lines of Paul's earlier film Come Along Do!. The young man plays a magician who, after completing his act, agrees to go home with the young boy from the audience who helped him perform his tricks. At the boy's home he finds a sick sister and a worried mother being threatened with eviction by her landlord.
President McKinley Taking the Oath
President McKinley taking the Oath.
A Sneaky Boer
Two Boers shoot and rob a sentry.
Race for the Muriatti Cup, Manchester
A film from the UK based Mitchell & Kenyon.
Chamonix: Arrivée en voitures des breaks d'excursion
A group of people exiting an enormous carriage.
Boys Diving, Honolulu
In the background is a row of three-masted sailing ships, at anchor, their sales furled. In the foreground, a simple pier that's more like a yardarm juts out above the water; about 15 boys of six or seven years of age are on the jutting wood, and they jump off into the water below. The water looks to be about three feet deep. They swim back toward the pier. A small motorized boat passes. It's a stationary camera; one take.