
The Eye Above the Well (1988)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 34분

연출 : Johan van der Keuken


A poetic depiction of life and ritual in the south Indian state of Kerala. We see how knowledge is passed down from generation to generation: within the family, through the village economy, and especially from teachers to students. Performance footage shows how song, dance, martial arts, and religion constitute the building blocks of a culture.



Johan van der Keuken
Johan van der Keuken
Johan van der Keuken
Johan van der Keuken
Johan van der Keuken
Johan van der Keuken

비슷한 영화

45억년의 진화를 거친 지구에게 우리는 감당하기 힘들 정도의 충격을 가하고 있다. 과도하게 소비하고 있으며 지구의 자원을 고갈시키고 있다. 하늘에서 볼 때, 지구의 상처는 명백히 드러난다. 은 지구의 상처를 꾸밈없이 보여주고 그 해결책을 제시한다. 그리고 이 영화는 한편으로 우리의 능력을 보여준다. 환경에 맞추어 바뀌거나, 환경을 바꾸는 능력을. 이 영화의 부제는 “비관론에 빠져있을 시간이 없다”라고 할 수 있다. 우리는 우리의 세계를 바꾸어놓을 중요한 선택의 기로에 서있다. 자, 그렇다면 이제 어느 쪽으로 우리의 능력을 발전시킬 수 있을까?
각기 다른 장소에서, 하지만 모두 같은 날 밤 10시에 끔찍한 얼굴로 발견된 4명의 시체. 그들의 공통점은 단 하나. 정확히 7일 전 밤 10시, 쉘터 산장 12호에서 그들이 함께 보았다는 의문의 비디오테이프. 사건을 파헤치던 기자 레이첼은 마침내 문제의 비디오테이프를 입수한다. 비디오를 틀자 화면에 펼쳐지는 악몽 같은 이미지들이 나오는데...
드래곤 길들이기
바이킹의 세계, 절대 친구가 될 수 없는 둘이 만났다? 용맹한 바이킹과 사나운 드래곤들의 싸움이 끊이지 않는 버크섬. 바이킹 족장의 아들 ‘히컵’은 드래곤 사냥에 소질 없는 마을의 사고뭉치. 어느날 그는 부상 당한 드래곤 ‘투슬리스’를 구하게 되고, 아무도 몰래 그를 돌본다. 서로를 알아가며, 드래곤들의 친구가 된 ‘히컵’. 그들과의 새로운 생활을 만끽하던 ‘히컵’은 드래곤들의 위험한 비밀을 알게 되는데… 불멸의 드래곤과 바이킹족 이단아의 만남! 2010년 5월, 그들의 스펙터클한 모험이 시작된다!
살인과 실종사건이 이상하게 많이 생기는 데리라는 마을, 비 오는 어느 날 종이배를 들고 나간 동생이 사라졌다. 형 빌은 ‘루저 클럽’ 친구들과 함께 동생을 찾아 나서고, 27년마다 가장 무서워하는 것의 모습을 한 채 아이들을 잡아먹는다는 ‘그것’이 빨간 풍선을 든 삐에로의 모습으로 그들 앞에 나타나는데… 빌과 친구들은 공포를 이겨내고 ‘그것’에 맞서 동생과 사라진 아이들을 찾을 수 있을까?
컬러 아웃 오브 스페이스
원래 마의 황무지는 나훔 가드너라는 농부의 땅이었는데, 어느 날 나훔의 밭 한가운데에 운석이 떨어졌다. 이 운석은 어떤 수용액에도 녹지 않았고, 가만히 놔두면 열을 내면서 증발하여 사라졌다. 분광 스펙트럼을 분석한 결과 지구상에는 존재하지 않는 '색채(Color)'가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 그러나 이후 나훔의 밭은 완전히 못 쓰게 되어버렸고, 밭에서 나는 식물이 괴상한 색을 띄었다. 나훔의 가족들은 점점 미치거나 죽거나 하면서 점점 파멸해갔다. 운석에서 발생한 괴상한 색채에 잠식되어 죽은 존재는 잿빛으로 변해서 부서져버렸다. 나훔의 집을 자주 찾던 아미는 나훔의 집에 사람이 얼마 남지 않은 걸 확인하고는 마을로 돌아가 경찰을 불러 나훔의 집으로 돌아오나, 나훔과 다른 가족들은 모두 죽은 것만 확인되었고, 도리어 색채가 아미 일행이 있는 나훔의 집을 습격하면서 일행은 위기에 처하게 된다. 겨우 뒷문을 통해 나훔의 집으로부터 멀리 떨어진 언덕까지 도망친 아미 일행은 나훔의 집이 잿빛으로 변해 스러지고, 집터 상공에 우주공간으로 연결된 것으로 보이는 포털이 열리면서 색채가 그곳으로 들어가는 걸 목격한다.
미 중부의 전형적인 시골마을 미들타운에 사는 농부 롤프는 토요일 아침 그의 농장에서 서까래를 덮고 있던 까마귀들의 공격을 받는다. 같은 시간 미들타운의 경찰서장 웨인은 이에 대한 보고를 받는다. 그 후 24시간, 세계로부터 격리된 것 같았던 미들타운의 주민들은 까마귀들과의 생존을 건 사투를 벌인다.
사탄의 숭배자
원인불명의 병으로 어머니가 죽은 후, 아버지는 일자리를 찾아 잠시 집을 비운다. 그런데 덩그러니 4명의 아이들이 남겨진 집에 이미 떠난 엄마가 방문한다. 하지만 반가움도 잠시 아이들은 엄마가 자신들을 어딘가로 데려가기 위해 왔다는 사실을 눈치채게 되는데...
The Warrior and the Sorceress
The mighty warrior, Kain, crosses the barren wastelands of the planet Ura, where two arch enemies, Zeg and the evil degenerate Balcaz, fight incessantly for control of the village's only well. Kain sees his opportunity and announces that his sword is for hire... but his eyes stay clearly on the beautiful captive sorceress Naja, and his newly awakened purpose.
After stealing a huge stash of drugs, speed freaks Hector and Dorena plan to cook up an enormous batch of crystal meth and get rich quick. Hector's old buddy Merle has the perfect hideout/meth lab: an old, abandoned farmhouse in the woods where no one will ever find them. Unfortunately, no one will hear their screams either. Turns out, they may not be alone after all. It seems this farmhouse is the site of a horrific urban legend. Now, holed up together with nothing to do but snort, smoke and shoot up, the strung-out "cookers" fall prey to paranoia, private demons and terrifying visions which, whether they are hallucinations or hauntings, are equally terrifying and just as deadly!
The Missing Bus
The film tells the story of eleven Turkish Cypriot workers who left their homes in a bus in 1964 that never came back. Their remains were found in a well in Cyprus in October 2006.
The Cat with Hands
The story of a cat who, legend has it, longs to become human.
The Perfect Husband
Viola and Nicola are going through a rough time. To overcome this crisis, they decide to spend a weekend in a remote cabin belonged to Nicola's parents. Just a couple of days together to heal their wounds, , but everything will take a turn for the worst, when a sneaking suspicion become pure madness. What was supposed to be a quiet trip will suddenly slip into a deadly nightmare.
The Well
In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
The Well
Fatma is kidnapped several times by a wild man because she cannot be persuaded to marry. A third attempt at forced submission ends tragically for both, due to the young girl's fatal rebellion.
A Spring for the Thirsty
A parable centering on an old man who lives a secluded life in the desert, alone with only his memories and photographs. His wellspring, once a source of joy and hope for thirsty passersby, is now rarely used. No longer able to find comfort in his memories, he turns all his photographs to face the walls.
The Red Mill
A servant girl plays matchmaker for the local burgomaster's daughter while setting her own sights on a visiting Irishman.
Two men are stranded at the bottom of a well. One, with a serious injury to his head, thinks his has fallen in is own back garden in present-day Britain. But the other tells him they are really prisoners in a medieval dungeon. Who is right, and where are they really?
The Well aka Brunnen
An injured woman trapped in a deep well must outsmart a manipulative stranger with keys to her dark past to save her daughter from a terrifying ordeal.

추천 영화

The Enclosed Valley
My films are like that: in a room, but looking out onto an open sky. [...] I can’t really say it except to repeat that Bresson note, ‘that without a thing changing, everything is different.’ The film exists. The fiction is set up, and we believe in it. The justness of the agreement leads us to believe it, because everything plays equally at being a sign. That’s the arrangement of the elements. It’s an act of faith. La vallée close is just this: elements treated above all as if in a documentary that, without being changed, portray the story and reveal between them the elements of fiction. But above all seen as they are, insignificant. And then in the relations they set up, they can satisfy our desire for a story. -- Rousseau
'Close-Up' Long Shot
Hossain Sabzian and some of his associates discuss his character, his life-long obsession with cinema and his attitude towards the film he starred in, "Close-Up" (1990).
이 영화는 뇌물을 받는 사람들을 조사하러 다니는 세금징수관의 삶을 다룬다. 그에게는 가정에 문제가 있지만 손을 쓰지도 못하는 신세. 얼마 후 그의 아내가 자살을 시도하는데...
Treasure Island
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Polluting Paradise
Villagers in Turkey's Black Sea village of Camburnu struggle with the government's decision to turn their community into a garbage dump.
Eldridge Cleaver, Black Panther
The portrait of Eldridge Cleaver, the "Minister of Information" for the Black Panthers movement, in exile in Algiers.
눈먼 올빼미
어느 영사 기사의 초현실적 모험을 다룬 작품. 작은 극장의 젊은 영사 기사가 평소와 다름 없이 극장에 출근해 아랍 왕국을 무대로 한 영화를 상영한다. 그러나 어느 순간 스크린 속 아름다운 여인에게 마음을 빼앗기고, 이후 그의 삶 속에 영화 속 인물들이 한 명씩 등장하기 시작한다.
The White Rose
Jay De Feo started painting THE WHITE ROSE in 1957. When the unfinished painting was removed eight years later it weighed over 2300 pounds.
Which image is real - the one staring at us from the mirror or the one standing in front of it? In hallways filled with illusions, a simulacrum behind the looking glass, he is trying to find out if he is looking at a stranger or a hidden part of himself.
Tokyo Train Girls 4: Young Wife's Desires
Akiko is the heiress of a lumber business family that spans many generations. She married Hiroshi, a company man, and was leading a plain and happy life. But dark clouds overcast Akiko’s happy life when Hiroshi starts an affair with Michiyo, an underclassman from the school Akiko attended. Then Shinji, who used to work in the family lumber business, enters her life the turmoil of men-women relationships becomes tempestuous.
A country girl and her boyfriend arrive in Shanghai for a better life. They soon find only desperation. She is raped and falls into prostitution as he drifts into revolutionary circles. Her access through her trade grants her greater access which she uses to aid her revolutionary lover with tragic results.
대서양의 남자
한 여인이 보이지 않는 남자에게 끊임없이 사랑의 말을 보내는 이 영화는 "아가타와 끝없는 독서"의 연장으로 볼 수 있는 작품으로, 뒤라스 노년의 반려자였던 얀 안드레아의 존재와 더불어, 인물의 현존과 부재의 공존을 암전과 암흑으로 나타낸다. 눈 멂, 소멸, 그리고 어둠에 대한 지속적인 암시인 악명 높은 20분 간의 암전과 함께 간간이 푸른 화면도 등장한다.
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they wander around lost for days and weeks, becoming more and more fatigued, hungry, and desperate. A brief encounter with a pair of epicureans on a bridge fails to garner them any of the gluttons' feast due to a language barrier. Eventually their party begins to die, and the survivors ration their meat among them, attaching a religious-type ritual to its dispensation.
Seneca's Day
Seneca’s Day is set in the year 1989, the final period of the Soviet era in Lithuania. Eighteen-year old buddies establish the Seneca’s Fellowship with the motto “Live each day as if it was your last”. A love triangle breaks up the fellowship right at the time the nation experiences an exceptional sense of community via Baltic Chain.Twenty-five years later, the main character who at first glance appears to be accompanied by good luck, is disillusioned with himself. He has betrayed the ideals of his youth and become a cold observer of life.
The Art Star and the Sudanese Twins
A performance artist works tirelessly to fulfill her dream of adopting Sudanese twins, placing her marriage and career at risk in this documentary.
Lady Chatterley's Passions
A widowed English heroine (Malù) recalls her life, from marriage to an affair with the gamekeeper.
An African Election
Filmmaker Jarreth Merz directs this eye-opening documentary about the 2008 presidential elections in Ghana, chronicling the start-to-finish drama of campaigning in a nation that's long served as a measure of the continent's political stability.
After the Reconciliation
An elderly couple and a younger man and woman follow up failed seduction attempts with conversation about love and the meaning of life.
An examination of poverty and violence and the influence it has on two boys who live in a slum.
The Shining Trench of Chairman Gonzalo
A recreation of one day at the Canto Grande prison in Peru, following women guerrillas from the Maoist Shining Path movement in their morning marches to their bedtime chants. Kept isolated in their own cellblocks, the guerrillas refused to acknowledge that were imprisoned. Their cellblocks were another front in the People's War: "shining trenches of combat". This film shows the intense indoctrination and belief system of the brutal Latin American insurgency.