Famine-33 (1991)
장르 : 드라마, 역사
상영시간 : 1시간 32분
연출 : Oles Yanchuk
각본 : Serhiy Dyachenko, Les Tanyuk
The film about the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, based on the novel 'The Yellow Prince' by Vasyl Barka. The film is told through the lives of the Katrannyk family of six. It relies more on images than on words shot in black-and-white.
A governess, caring for two children at a remote estate, becomes convinced that the grounds are haunted and the children are under an evil influence.
세계 최고의 석학들과 떠나는 인류문명 오디세이.
자원고갈과 경제위기라는 위기에 처한 인류는 과연 또 다른 돌파구를 찾을 수 있을까?
그 동안 인류 역사에서 진보라고 규정했던 일들은 때로 역효과를 낳았다.
영화는 세계적으로 유명한 학자들과 활동가들, 금융전문가와 과학자들의 인터뷰를 통해 인류가 진보라는 이름으로 자행한 문명 파괴를 고발하며, 이를 극복하기 위한 노력 역시 함께 비춰준다.
로널드 라이트의 베스트셀러 『진보의 함정』을 원작으로 문명과 진보의 역사를 탐구하는 흥미롭고 지적인 여행. 미국영화의 거장 마틴 스콜세지가 제작에 참여하였다. (2012년 제9회 서울환경영화제)
Rural Mississippi in the 1940s: Lucas Beauchamp, a local black man with a reputation of not kowtowing to whites, is found standing over the body of a dead white man, holding a pistol that has recently been fired. Quickly arrested for murder and jailed, Beauchamp insists he's innocent and asks the town's most prominent lawyer, Gavin Stevens, to defend him, but Stevens refuses. When a local boy whom Beauchamp has helped in the past and who believes him to be innocent hears talk of a mob taking Beauchamp out of jail and lynching him, he pleads with Stevens to defend Beauchamp at trial and prove his innocence.
A wanderer returns home only to find political turmoil, disease and romantic difficulties.
형기를 끝낸 로맥스가 자신을 배신한 옛 동업자 샘 폴리를 찾아 나선다. 샘은 젊은 총잡이들을 고용하여 자신의 신변 보호를 하면서도 로맥스를 죽이지는 말라고 당부한다. 분별없는 젊은 총잡이들 때문에 건힐로 가는 길은 멀기만 하다. 로맥스는 도중에 우연히 고아 소녀를 떠맡아 데리고 가게 된다. 그는 교양과 정감을 갖춘 미망인 줄리아나를 만나면서 비로소 인간애를 맛보게 된다. (KBS2)
King Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu out-smarts the Musketeers and banishes them forever.
Second movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
The spirit of a vengeful female vampire is released from her grave and possesses a wealthy young woman of nobility, who preys on other women in her village.
태평양 전쟁 중에 도미오카를 만나 사랑에 빠진 유키코는 그가 이혼하고 자신과 살아갈 것이라고 생각한다. 그러나 그는 여전히 아내와 함께 살고 있었고, 유키코의 갑작스러운 방문에 놀란 도미오카는 집을 나와 온천이 있는 여관으로 그녀를 데려간다. 그리고 아내가 병이 들어 도저히 떠날 수 없다고 하는데...
Follows the fortunes of a young teacher, Prem, who isn't ready to take on the responsibilities of his arranged marriage.
Thotta Chinungi film starring Karthik Muthuraman, Raghuvaran, Revathi, Devayani and Nagendra Prasad.[Gopal (Raghuvaran) is in love with Bhuvana (Revathi) ever since they were kids. As adults, they get married.There are two things Gopal disapproves of, after their marriage: Bhuvana's unemployed younger brother Prasad (Nagendra Prasad) who lives with them, and Mano (Karthik), Bhuvana's childhood friend.Mano is quite handsome and a very famous singer and Bhuvana who is very fond of him, talks to him quite often on the phone. The hardworking Gopal, who loves his wife...
레슬리 힌덴버그는 고등학교 3 학년이 되었다 . 의사를 찾아갔다가 시한부 판정을 받은 후, 그녀는 처녀성 을 잃으려고 노력한다 . 그러나 체육교사인 아버지 때문에 그녀의 목표를 달성하기가 어렵다 . 한편 앨런 홀트는 친구들에게 성적 만남을 자랑하는 십대이다. 그 둘이 만나서 벌어지는 이야기.
La Belle Bête is a powerful study of the conflict between beauty and ugliness, hate and love. The story revolves around three main characters. At the center, Patrice, a beautiful but mindless youth stands gazing at his image in the water. Around him move his ugly sister Isabelle-Marie, and his frivolous mother Louise, the first lost in love and hate for her brother's beauty, the second seeing it as an adornment for herself. Into this small, obsessed universe come a blind boy and an elegant fop from the outside world. At once, the pattern breaks and events move forward into a terrifying denouement.
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Larsen, an aspiring poet in '20s Oslo, leaves his girlfriend to spend a year as a trapper in East Greenland. There he is teamed with a seemingly rough old sailor/trapper, Randbæk, and a scientist, Holm. Trapped in a tiny hut together as the Arctic winter sets in, a complex and intense love/hate relationship develops between Randbæk and Larsen, who are more similar than either would like to admit. A powerful psychological and physical drama set against stunningly bleak Arctic scenery.
Film geek Josh is looking for the subject of his new documentary when a chance meeting puts the perfect star in his sights—Dylan, his school's most popular junior. But Dylan's hopes of using the film to become Blossom Queen don't quite match with Josh's goal to make a hard-hitting exposé about popularity. Will Josh shoot the film as planned, or show Dylan as the truly interesting person she is?
Sandra returns to her childhood village to take care of family business, but childhood memories and secrets soon overcome her.
1890년 파리, 가난한 군인이었던 ‘조르주’(로버트 패틴슨)는 우연히 술집에서 옛 동료 ‘찰리’를 만나게 되고 그가 초대한 저녁식사에 참석하게 된다. 뛰어난 외모와 매력적인 언사로 귀부인들의 마음을 사로잡으며 ‘벨아미’라는 애칭까지 얻게 된 그는, 이후 정치계와 사교계를 주름잡던 ‘마들렌(우마서먼)’과 미묘한 관계를 유지하게 되고, 매혹의 연인 ‘클로틸드’(크리스티나 리치)와는 밀애를 즐기기 시작한다. 그들과의 아슬아슬한 관계를 즐기던 어느 날, 상사로부터 심한 모욕을 당한 ‘조르주’는 급기야 그의 부인 ‘비르지니(크리스틴 스콧 토머스)’까지 유혹하게 되는데… 욕망의 끝에선 한 남자와 그를 둘러싼 세 여인의 치명적 도발이 시작된다!
Mike Sturges and his younger brother, Roy, are sentenced to Yuma Penitentiary on a trumped-up train robbery charge. Both endure cruel treatment before Mike escapes to extract revenge on their enemies.