
The Anarchist Cookbook (2002)

장르 : 드라마, 코미디, 스릴러

상영시간 : 1시간 41분

연출 : Jordan Susman


A movie about a young honors student-turned-anarchist, Puck, and his group of anarchist friends living peacefully in a Dallas commune until a nihilist, Johnny Black, appears with The Anarchist Cookbook and completely destroys their way of life.


Devon Gummersall
Devon Gummersall
Dylan Bruno
Dylan Bruno
Johnny Black
Gina Philips
Gina Philips
Johnny Whitworth
Johnny Whitworth
Katharine Towne
Katharine Towne
John Savage
John Savage
Johnny Red
Sabine Singh
Sabine Singh
Steve Van Wormer
Steve Van Wormer
Double D
Jack Watkins
Jack Watkins
Sergeant at Arms
Kinna McInroe
Kinna McInroe
Rollerskating Waitress
Kim Terry
Kim Terry
Mrs. Gold


Jordan Susman
Jordan Susman
Alan Edward Bell
Alan Edward Bell
Jordan Susman
Jordan Susman
Brown Cooper
Brown Cooper
Director of Photography
Kim Flores
Kim Flores
Script Supervisor
Paul Berolzheimer
Paul Berolzheimer
Music Editor
Billy Gottlieb
Billy Gottlieb
Music Supervisor
Jennifer Wyatt-Beasley
Jennifer Wyatt-Beasley
Unit Production Manager
Kathy Russell
Kathy Russell
Costume Design
Gretchen Goetz
Gretchen Goetz
Set Decoration
Jeff Knipp
Jeff Knipp
Production Design
Deb Adair
Deb Adair
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Bob Beemer
Bob Beemer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Scott Millan
Scott Millan
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Lee de Lang
Lee de Lang
Sound Effects Editor
Lee de Lang
Lee de Lang
Sound Editor
Stephen Barden
Stephen Barden
Supervising Sound Editor
Rob Nokes
Rob Nokes
Sound Effects Editor
Josh Kramon
Josh Kramon
Original Music Composer
Sari E. Keigley
Sari E. Keigley
Liz Keigley
Liz Keigley
Robert Latham Brown
Robert Latham Brown
Jordan Susman
Jordan Susman
Amy Greenspun
Amy Greenspun

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The Anarchist Cookbook
A movie about a young honors student-turned-anarchist, Puck, and his group of anarchist friends living peacefully in a Dallas commune until a nihilist, Johnny Black, appears with The Anarchist Cookbook and completely destroys their way of life.
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1924년 상해. 경신 대학살로 가족을 잃은 소년 상구는 상하이 공개 처형장에서 단원들과 처음으로 만나 단원들과 함께 생활하게 된다. 늘 세련되고 단정한 차림을 유지하며 거사 전에는 사진 찍기를 즐겼고, 거사 후에는 와인과 맥주를 마시며 파티에 참석하는 그들. 선배들을 따라 처음으로 ‘가르시아 홀’을 간 상구(김인권 분), 손님들의 열렬한 환호 속에 무대에서는 가르시아 홀의 여왕이자, 세르게이(장동건 분)의 연인 ‘가네꼬’(예지원 분)의 환상적인 춤과 노래가 펼쳐지고 매혹적인 자태에 단원들은 흠뻑 취한다. 일제의 고문 후유증으로 아편을 하게 된 세르게이는 가르시아 홀 밖에서 중국인 건달들에게 폭행을 당하고 단원들의 도움으로 살아나 가네꼬의 집으로 피신한다. 윤선생으로부터 새로운 계획을 하달 받은 세르게이와 상구는 러시아인을 암살하고, 독립자금을 되찾아오기 위해 모스크바로 떠나게 된다. 떠나기 전, 중국인 소녀 링링(쭈 잉 분)의 사진관에서 기념 사진을 촬영하는 단원들. 세르게이는 이근(정준호 분)에게 가네꼬를 부탁하며, 자신의 목걸이를 맡긴다. 다음 날, 세르게이와 상구는 모스크바행 기차에 몸을 싣는다. 이근과 가네꼬는 세르게이를 계기로 만나 서로의 매력에 이끌린다. 한편, 모스크바로 간 세르게이와 상구는 러시아인을 암살하고 독립자금을 되찾는데 성공한다. 그러나 금괴의 절반만을 가지로 홀로 돌아온 상구로 인해 단은 비상이 걸린다. 의열단은 긴급히 세르게이를 수배하고, 북경의 아편 동굴에서 세르게이를 찾아낸다. 세르게이를 직접 처단하라는 단의 지시를 받는 단원들. 그 문제를 놓고 이근과 한명곤(김상중 분)은 극심하게 대립한다. 세르게이는 의연히 죽음을 맞겠다며 이근에게 권총을 내밀고, 처단 직전 갑작스럽게 당도한 윤선생은 처단대신 세르게이 단독으로 수행할 새로운 임무를 하달한다. 단원들의 엄호 속에 일본 공관 암살을 위해 세르게이는 총으로 무장한 채 혼자 건물 안으로 들어가고, 잠시 후 건물 안에서는 요란한 총성이 울려 퍼지는데.
The Ponzán Network
During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and the Second World War (1939-1945), around three thousand people managed to elude their pursuers, and probably also avoided being killed, thanks to the heroic and very efficient efforts of the Ponzán Team, a brave group of people — mountain guides, forgers, safe house keepers and many others —, led by Francisco Ponzán Vidal, who managed to save their lives, both on one side and the other of the border between Spain and France.
Pier Paolo Pasolini: An Italian Journey
In the summer of 1959, as a correspondent for “Successo” magazine, Pasolini traveled along the Italian coast. In 1963, he documented Italian sex behavior, explained in “Love Meetings,” a 1964 film. In the winter of 1970-71, he witnessed the plight of the most impoverished Italian population and the innocents who suffered the boot of state power. After these three journeys, he concluded that Italian society had changed dramatically for the worse throughout all those years.
An Optimistic Tragedy
1918 year. A woman commissar has been appointed from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party to the Russian warship Gromoboi, which is ruled by anarchist sailors. The leader of the ship is the anarchist Vozhak. The Commissioner was instructed to reorganize the naval detachment into the First Sailor Regiment. She faces a difficult task: to win the authority of the sailors and eradicate anarchy. Of the remaining officers on the ship — lieutenant Bering, who served in the tsarist fleet on the battleship "Emperor Paul I". He must become the commander and, together with the sent commissar, lead the regiment to the front in the Black Sea region.
La Tragédie des Brigades Internationales
Vivir de pie. Las guerras de Cipriano Mera
El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historia
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936, the anarchist union CNT socialized the film industry in Spain, so in Madrid and Barcelona film workers took over the production assets and, between 1936 and 1938, numerous films on a wide variety of topics were released, composing a varied mosaic that gives rise to one of the most unusual and original moments of Spanish cinematography.
Fight to the Death
The parallel stories of a police commissioner and a bank robber whose lives eventually come together.
Living the Utopia
A retrospective look at the anarcho-syndicalist and anarcho-communist experience in Spain from 1930 until the end of the Civil War in 1939.
Manuel, le fils emprunté
Juan Alvarez, a Spanish refugee in Canada, shoemaker, picks up at his home Manuel, a 12-year-old Portuguese teenager, whom he teaches to read, to assert his rights and who speaks of the Spanish civil war.