
Panorama des rives du Nil, [I] (1897)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1분

연출 : Alexandre Promio


Panoramic view of the banks of the River Nile.



Alexandre Promio
Alexandre Promio
Louis Lumière
Louis Lumière
Auguste Lumière
Auguste Lumière

추천 영화

The Vanishing Lady
Georges Méliès makes a woman disappear, then reappear.
Playing Cards
Three friends are playing cards in a beer garden. One of them orders drinks. The waitress comes back with a bottle of wine and three glasses on a tray. The man serves his friends. They clink glasses and drink. Then the man asks for a newspaper. He reads a funny story in it and the three friends burst out laughing while the waitress merely smiles.
Charlie Butts In
A tramp heads home drunk on a Saturday night, finding it hard to make it to his room. When he finally does, he cannot make it to his bed.
Divers at Work on the Wreck of the
Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.
The Magician
In this scene is shown a magician behind an ordinary table, upon which he suddenly and mysteriously causes to appear a large box, into which he leaps. The sides of the box fall to the ground, but instead of containing the magician a lively clown steps forth who further mystifies the audience by causing the box to disappear, and in its place is seen a fully laid table with a smoking dinner, to which the clown applies himself. The table, however, suddenly disappears much to the astonishment of the clown, who is confronted by the magician in the garb of Mephistopheles. This he suddenly changes to that of a sculptor, and in the background is seen a pedestal with the bust of a young lady, which comes to life as the sculptor applies the mallet and chisel.
The Pillar of Fire
A devil wearing bat-like wings and brandishing a trident dances around a giant pot, conjuring forth flame from his trident to lit a fire beneath the pot. After the devil works the fire with bellows, an angelic woman emerges from the pot. The devil and the pot vanish as the woman performs a dance, waving about her diaphanous sleeves until she conjures forth another fire, then she rises amongst the smoke into the air.
The Haunted Castle
A man has an encounter with several spooky apparitions in a castle that is evidently owned by the Devil.
A Terrible Night
A man tries to get a good night's sleep, but is disturbed by a giant spider that leaps onto his bed, and a battle ensues in hilarious comic fashion.
A Nightmare
A man has a fantastical nightmare involving, among other things, a grinning malevolent moon.
Stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, a man sets in motion an unlikely plan to protect the precious cargo he carries: his infant daughter.
자동차 정비공인 에드(Ed Walters: 팀 로빈슨 분)는 우연히 차량 수리를 위해 찾아온 캐서린(Catherine Boyd: 맥 라이언 분)을 처음 본 순간 사랑에 빠지게 되지만 자신의 처지로 인해 고민을 한다. 우연히 아인쉬타인 박사(Albert Einstein: 월터 매튜 분)를 만난 에드는 캐서린이 박사의 조카라는 사실을 알게 되고 아인쉬타인 박사는 에드를 동료 물리학자로 학계에 소개한 뒤 각종 I. Q 테스트를 거쳐 정식 물리학 박사로 공인 받게 해준 뒤 캐서린과 결합할 수 있도록 도와주게 된다. 그러나 모든 것이 조작이라는 것이 밝혀지고 에드와 캐서린은 헤어지게 되는데...
어느 날 주인공 "캐런"이 관리하는 농장의 노동자 중 한 명의 아이가 실종되는 사건이 일어 나고 아이의 부모는 불법체류자로 추방당하게 될까 두려워 신고하지 못한다. 불법 이주 노동자들의 어린 자녀들이 계속하여 실종되고 급기야 모두가 농장 일을 그만두 게 된다. 한편, 캐런의 애인인 "애나벨"마저 실종되고 애나벨을 찾아 나서는 캐런은 모든 실종 사건 들 사이의 연관성을 하나씩 찾아가게 되는데....
A young person's increasingly desperate fixation on social networks does little to help them socially.
어느 화창하고 평범한 날, 한 여자가 기차역으로 홀로 걸어간다. 지상 플랫폼 계단을 내려오며 그녀가 한 젊은 남자에게 웃음을 지어 보이자 그 역시 미소를 띄운다. 아주 작은 제스처와 함께, 그녀는 미묘하고도 사악한 게임에 걸려들고 만다.
Matsumoto Fragment
A boy in a cadet's uniform paints a statement on the top of the frame and then tips his cap to the audience.
Intended as a publicity film for Chrysler, Rhythm uses rapid editing to speed up the assembly of a car, synchronizing it to African drum music. The sponsor was horrified by the music and suspicious of the way a worker was shown winking at the camera; although Rhythm won first prize at a New York advertising festival, it was disqualified because Chrysler had never given it a television screening. P. Adams Sitney wrote, “Although his reputation has been sustained by the invention of direct painting on film, Lye deserves equal credit as one of the great masters of montage.” And in Film Culture, Jonas Mekas said to Peter Kubelka, “Have you seen Len Lye’s 50-second automobile commercial? Nothing happens there…except that it’s filled with some kind of secret action of cinema.” - Harvard Film Archive
Pan 699
A little boy celebrates his frog catch in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
Sew Torn
It is a tale of a seamstress, her thread, and a deal gone bad.
How to Be Alone
A woman battles physical manifestations of her repressed fears and desires.
10 바이 10
꽃집을 운영하는 캐시는 요가 수업을 듣고 나오던 중 정체 모를 괴한에게 납치된다. 남자는 캐시를 외딴곳에 있는 집에 데려가서 방음 시설이 완비된 작은 방 안에 손발을 꽁꽁 묶어 가둔다. 5만 달러를 주겠다고 해도 남자는 돈은 필요 없다고 하며 캐시에게 이름과 출생지와 가족 사항 등 개인적인 질문만 해댄다. 그러다 감추고 싶었던 캐시의 비밀이 서서히 드러나는데…