조폭 마누라 2: 돌아온 전설 (2003)
장르 : 액션, 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 50분
연출 : Chung Hung-soon
각본 : Choe Hae-Cheol
고층빌딩이 숲을 이루고 있는 도심의 어느 빌딩 옥상. 조폭계의 살아있는 전설 가위파와 상대 조직간에 처절한 전투가 벌어진다. 가위파가 수세에 몰릴 즈음 육중한 굉음 소리를 내며 헬리콥터 한대가 건물 위로 날아오른다. 바로 그녀는 가위 하나로 절대 남성지역을 평정한 차은진(신은경)이다. 그러나 상대방의 일격 끝에 건물 밑으로 떨어진 은진은 머리를 크게 다친 채 기억을 잃어버리고 중국집 주방장 재철(박준규)에게 발견되면서, 그녀는 팔자에도 없는 퓨전 중국집 ‘슈’에서 스쿠터를 몰며 배달의 기수가 된다. 자신이 타고난 싸움꾼으로서의 본능을 가지고 있다는 사실을 망각한 채 고사채(주현), 여사랑(이원종) 등 온갖 남자들의 구애를 받아가며 살아가던 은진은 우연히 은행강도를 잡고 ‘용감한 시민상’을 받는 영광을 안게 된다. 이로 인해 은진에게 복수의 칼날을 갈고 있던 백상어파는 은진의 존재를 알아차리게 되고 때마침 시장주변을 개발하려는 사채업자와 백상어파가 결탁된 은진이 살고 있는 시장의 상인들을 몰아세우자, 은진은 백상어파에 맞서 또 한번 목숨을 건 혈투를 시작하는데.
A masterful kung fu student must face all challengers to his honor and his school. He must battle Western boxers in the ring and Thai boxers in the street in order to prove the validity of Chinese Kung fu and to save his friends from dishonor. He even takes the rap for a murder he did not commit to save his friend.
The film takes up the tale of Shaolin students Fong Si Yu and Hung Si Kwan (joined here by a third comrade, Lu Ka Chai) and their efforts to battle Ching oppressors. Their chief antagonist is the Abbot of Wutang who makes it his job to get rid of the three heroes and actually comes up with a clever plan to do so. He creates three exact doubles of the heroes and trains them to fight their counterparts.
In the late 1990s, society is descending into ecological collapse and totalitarianism. Saiga Riki-Oh, a mysterious man with a six-pointed star on his fist, finds himself at the privately-owned Tokyo State Prison. Serving a term of three years due to assault, his first offense, Riki-Oh openly antagonizes The Four Emperors, four powerful prisoners that control the prison and keep the rest of the inmates in line...
New York girl has a dull boyfriend and seems destined for a dull marriage when she meets a rich playboy who has money to burn and places to go.
유력한 대통령 후보와 재벌 회장, 그들을 돕는 정치깡패 안상구. 뒷거래의 판을 짠 이는 대한민국 여론을 움직이는 유명 논설주간 이강희다. 더 큰 성공을 원한 안상구는 이들의 비자금 파일로 거래를 준비하다 발각되고, 이 일로 폐인이 되어 버려진다. 늘 승진을 눈 앞에 두고 주저 앉는 검사 우장훈는 마침내 대선을 앞둔 대대적인 비자금 조사의 저격수가 되는 기회를 잡는다. 그러나 비자금 파일을 가로챈 안상구 때문에 수사는 종결되고, 우장훈은 책임을 떠안고 좌천되고 마는데...
When the Shinogara finest warrior murders their leader, who`s also his father, his ninja enemies land a fatal blow. With only minutes left, Hayate transfers his soul into his sister`s body...but how long can two souls occupy the same body
A wide-eyed young postman and a gangster in trouble with the mafia find their lives become inexplicably intertwined when a heady affair attracts danger at every turn.
1949년 1월27일 1500명의 승객을 태운 증기선이 상하이에서 지룽으로 가는 중이었고 많은 이들이 국공내전동안 중공으로 도망치려고 했다. 단 580명의 승객만 허가를 받았고. 배는 불운하게도 화물선과 충돌후 가라앉고 단 50명의 승객이 살아남았다. 이 영화는 장장 60년의 기간동안 세 커플의 사랑을 번갈아가며 보여주게 된다.
Two Hong Kong cops on leave to Manila take on a group of arms dealers.
여름방학을 맞아 가족들과 함께 바캉스를 떠난 니콜라! 여친 마리와의 이별의 아쉬움을 뒤로 한 채 니콜라는 바닷가 여행지에서 새로운 친구들을 사귄다. 호텔 주인 아들이라 바캉스가 따로 없는 ‘블레즈’, 뭐든지 주워먹는 땅그지 ‘프뤽튀에’, 영국식 영어 액센트 불어를 작렬하는 ‘드조드조’, 하루 종일 징징대는 울보 ‘크레팽’, 완전 짜증나는 우기기 대장 ‘꼼므’까지! 그런데 이게 웬 날벼락? 아빠 친구의 딸인 부릅뜬 눈의 수상한 그녀 ‘이자벨’과 결혼시켜야겠다는 것이 아닌가! 마리와의 결혼을 꿈꾸던 니콜라는 억지로 생긴 이 ‘썸녀’를 제거하기 위해 친구들과 작전에 나선다. 그런데 허걱~ 자꾸만 이자벨에게 눈길이 가는데… 니콜라의 잊지 못할 여름방학은 지금부터 시작이다!
An American scientist up to no good (as usual) by creating the half-pterodactyl, half-barracuda: Pteracuda. When the creature inevitably escapes, it's up to Sharktopus to stop him.
The Shaolin Kid learns the deadliest Shaolin fighting techniques in order to seek out his father's murderer and rid the world of the ruthless Tibetan Red Lama. Along the way, the Shaolin Kid must uncover many hidden truths about his troubled past.
A vicious crimelord with the help of his assistant Jaws meets their match when the fearless The Biggest Fist comes in their way and defeats everything they send at him.
In order to get his family back, Frank must transform internally and overcome his fear instilled in him by his father since childhood. And in the process of his turbulent spiritual journey and self-discovery, he creates a Martial Arts "Transformational Training Method: H.I.G.H. K.E.Y. F.I.T.N.E.S.S. which in turn he utilizes to lead and metamorphosize an inner-city High School Karate team from last place to first place in the state. These teenagers get to realize their unlimited God-given potential to overcome barriers and break down their limited beliefs and become positive contributors to society.
A Vietnam war veteran tries to escape the battlefields by moving to London. But happiness for Nam and his wife are only illusions. As they struggle to live a peaceful existence, they get caught in a crossfire between two battling factions.
One man takes on a cartel headed by three brothers, who are responsible for the savage beating of his mother and the murder of his brother.
A roadside bandit reluctantly agrees to become the muscle for a traveling gambler/cheat. In an attempt to steal from traitorous warlords, they get involved with rebel fighters who hope to use the riches to fund their revolution.
The highly anticipated follow-up to their critically acclaimed VIDEO NASTIES: MORAL PANIC, CENSORSHIP & VIDEOTAPE documentary, director Jake West and producer Marc Morris continue uncovering the shocking story of home entertainment post the 1984 Video Recordings Act. A time when Britain plunged into a new Dark Age of the most restrictive censorship, where the horror movie became the bloody eviscerated victim of continuing dread created by self-aggrandizing moral guardians. With passionate and entertaining interviews from the people who lived through it and more jaw dropping archive footage, get ready to reflect and rejoice the passing of a landmark era.
Duel of Legends is directed by Hector Echavarria and is about a Chinese boy who is left to survive by himself because his parents were murdered by rebels. The boy is raised by a Temple Monk who teaches the boy the secrets of the Martial arts. When the child grows up he travels to America were he joins American tournaments in karate where he discovers a dark secret about who actually killed his parents. An action filled martial arts movie with many twist and turns.