Anthaka Mundu Aa Tarvatha (2013)

장르 : 로맨스, 드라마

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Mohana Krishna Indraganti


Anil (Sumanth Ashwin) is a happy go lucky guy from a town. Ananya (Eesha) is an independent girl from Hyderabad whose parents are going through arguments. Anil and Ananya meet at a mutual friend’s wedding and become friends. Ananya is good with creative greeting cards. Anil has some business ideas and they start a new company and they fall in love. But both of them are afraid of committing to each other due to the experience of their parents. Hence they want to test their compatibility by living together in a secret place. The rest of the story is all about what they learn from it.


Sumanth Ashwin
Sumanth Ashwin
Eesha Rebba
Eesha Rebba
Rao Ramesh
Rao Ramesh
Anil's Father
Ravi Babu
Ravi Babu
Ananya's Father
Srinivas Avasarala
Srinivas Avasarala
Ananya's Mother (as Madhubala)
Anil's Mother


Mohana Krishna Indraganti
Mohana Krishna Indraganti
Mohana Krishna Indraganti
Mohana Krishna Indraganti
Suchitra Chandrabose
Suchitra Chandrabose

비슷한 영화

시계태엽 오렌지
10대 소년 알렉스는 친구들과 극악한 비행을 저지르고 다닌다. 어느 날 차를 훔쳐 드라이브를 즐기던 이들은 작가 알렉산더의 집을 습격해 그를 폭행하고 그의 아내를 강간한다. 이튿날 알렉스는 불평을 늘어놓는 친구들을 힘으로 제압하고 자신이 무리의 리더임을 확인시킨다. 그날 밤 알렉스는 한 저택에 침입해 집주인을 죽이고 도망치던 중 친구들의 배신으로 문 앞에 쓰러진다. 검거된 알렉스는 살인죄로 14년형을 언도받는다. 2년 뒤, 알렉스는 좀 더 빨리 감옥 밖으로 나오고 싶은 마음에 재소자에게 약물과 충격요법으로 범죄에 대한 혐오를 불러일으키는 교화 방법인 루도비코 갱생 프로그램에 자원하는데...
모스키토 코스트
9개의 발명 특허와 6개의 특허 심의를 가진 발명가이며 하버드를 자퇴한 엘리(Allie Fox: 해리슨 포드 분)는 모든 것이 풍족해서 산업의 노예로 살아가는 미국 사회에 환멸을 느껴 새로운 발명품인 '소형 냉각기'를 가지고 '모스키토 코스트'라는 곳으로 아내와 아들 찰리(Charlie Fox: 리버 피닉스 분), 제리(Jerry Fox: 자드리언 스틸 분) 쌍둥이 딸을 데리고 유토피아를 찾아 여로에 오른다. 드디어 힘겹게 찾은 모스키토 코스트는 힘없는 노인들과 아이들만이 사는 완전한 불모지였다. 앨리와 찰리는 갖은 고생 끝에 초대형 급속 냉각기를 완성하여 열대주민들의 유토피아를 이루려고 한다. 그런데 미개한 원주민의 통치자가 되고 싶어하는 위선적인 목사 스펠굿의 회유로 마을 사람들은 떠나 버리고, 설상가상으로 괴한의 침입을 받는다. 괴한을 잡으려다 냉동기는 오히려 파괴되어 마을 전체가 폭발하여 쑥밭이 되어버린다. 가족들은 희망을 버리고 미국으로 돌아갈 것을 종용하지만, 충격을 받은 앨리는 이미 미국은 존재하지 않는다는 확신을 갖는데...
봄 여름 가을 겨울 그리고 봄
만물이 생성하는 봄. 숲에서 잡은 개구리와 뱀, 물고기에게 돌을 매달아 괴롭히는 짓궂은 장난에 빠져 천진한 웃음을 터트리는 아이. 그 모습을 지켜보던 노승은 잠든 아이의 등에 돌을 묶어둔다. 잠에서 깬 아이가 울먹이며 힘들다고 하소연하자, 노승은 잘못을 되돌려놓지 못하면 평생의 업이 될 것이라 이른다. 아이가 자라 17세 소년이 되었을 때, 산사에 동갑내기 소녀가 요양하러 들어온다. 소년의 마음에 소녀를 향한 뜨거운 사랑이 차오르고, 노승도 그들의 사랑을 감지한다. 소녀가 떠난 후 더욱 깊어가는 사랑의 집착을 떨치지 못한 소년은 산사를 떠나고...
미치고 싶을 때
‘시벨’은 개성과 생기가 넘치는 스무살 여자. 하지만 그토록 꿈꾸는 자유 만큼은 온전히 그녀의 것이 될 수가 없다. 엄격한 집안에서 자란 시벨에겐 그녀의 손목을 잡았다는 이유만으로 남자 친구에게 폭력을 행사하는 우악스런 오빠들이 있으며 강압적인 부모 역시 딸이 밖으로 나도는 것을 가만히 내버려 두지 않는다. 자유를 만끽하지 않으면 살 수가 없는, 야생화 같은 여자. 시벨이 답답한 집에서 탈출하는 방법은 오직 하나, 같은 터키 출신의 남자와 결혼해서 집을 나오는 것 뿐이다. 그런 그녀에게 어느 날 구원의 존재가 나타났으니, 바로 ‘차히트’다. 아내와 사별한 후 살아가야 하는 의미를 잃어버린 채 하루하루를 고독 속에 갇혀 살던 그는 자신과 위장 결혼을 해달라는 시벨의 간청을 고민 끝에 들어 주기로 결심한다. 결혼 후 약속대로 서로 간섭하지 않고 각자의 생활을 즐기는 두 사람. 하지만 그건 앞으로 두 사람 사이에 일어날 사건들의 시작에 불과 했는데…
Ok Jaanu
Adi and Tara move to Bombay to pursue their dreams. A chance meeting sparks off a heady, no strings attached romance until their careers pull them apart. Will ambition prevail over matters of the heart?
와타나베 아유의 동명 만화가 원작인 멜로. 아오이의 부모는 도시로 이사를 가지만, 전학이 싫었던 아오이는 홀로 뒤에 남는다. 어느날, 근처에 사는 학교 킹카인 슈세이의 방에 실수로 스프링쿨러를 터뜨리게 되고, 방을 고칠 때 까지 아오이와 함께 지내기로 하는데...
OK Kanmani
Adhi and Tara are in a live-in relationship but they are both unwilling to get married. How do they realize that marriage is just a natural progression of their relationship?
카시 삼부작의 첫 작품. ‘코야니스카시’란 호피 족 인디언 말로 ‘균형 깨진 삶'라는 뜻이다. 뚜렷한 내러티브도 대사도 없이 그저 음악과 영상으로만 되어 있는 이 영화는, 고대 인디언들이 그린 벽화에서 시작한다. 이후 광활하고 경외로운 대자연, 그리고 인간이 약간의 가공을 가한, 노동하는 인간과 함께 하는 자연을 그린다. 이후 정신없이 빠른 속도로 굴러가는 도시를 묘사하는 씬으로 오면, 자연과 완전히 등을 진 채 오롯이 인간이 만든 인공적인 환경 속에서 속도와 파괴에 지배당하는 인간의 도시문명이 대비된다. 도시 문명의 속도는 점점 심해져 클라이막스에서는 거의 기하학적 무늬로 표현되며 현기증을 준다.
Set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, a young nomad is confronted with his destiny after animals fall victim to a plague which threatens to eradicate nomadism.
에이리언 네이션
캘리포니아 모하비 사막에 우주선이 불시착하고, 거기 타고 있던 중노동에 적합하게 종개량이 된 외계인들이 미국의 시민으로 받아들여져 로스앤젤레스의 한 구역에 정착한다. 이 외계인들은 지능지수가 높고 체력 면에서도 지구인을 훨씬 능가하는 탓에, 위기의식을 느끼는 지구인들의 불만이 더욱 거셀 수 밖에 없다. 외계인을 혐오하는 지구인 중 한명인 맷 사이크스 형사(Detective Matthew Sykes: 제임스 칸 분)는 어느날 외계인 범죄자들이 쏜 총탄에 파트너를 잃어버린다. 다음날 외계인으로서는 처음으로 사복 형사로 진급한 샘 프랜시스코(Detective Samuel Francisco "George": 맨디 파틴킨 분)가 전입을 오자, 맷은 자청하여 샘을 파트너로 맞아들인다. 죽은 파트너 터글(Bill Tuggle: 로저 아론 브라운 분)을 쏜 범인을 찾는데 도움이 되리란 속셈에서다. 외계인 세명이 차례로 살해되는 사건을 수사하는 과정에서 맷과 샘은 외계인 사회의 지도급 인사인 하코트(William Harcourt: 테렌스 스탬프 분)를 만나게 되는데, 알고 보니 그의 음모가 있었다. 그동안 미운정 고운정이 든 두 사람은 사건을 모두 해결한 뒤에도 결국 영원히 헤어질 수 없는 파트너로 결합한다.
Libertad provisional
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.
Oraalppokkam [Six feet high] is a people funded independent Malayalam movie. This road movie has been shot in the tough terrains of Himalayas.
초원의 보트
Despite their social differences, poor David and the rich Olivier are the best friends. David took the young Eleanor in Olivier's Paris apartment. When Olivier meets her there, he takes her to the country, where the three build a boat on the meadow. Eleanore divided the friends.
Living Together
Shyama is a free spirit who lost her parents at a young age. After their death, she becomes attached to her grandfather and uncle. She is brought in a wrong manner and she used to flirt with boys. She becomes friendly with Hemachandran, a boy in the neighbourhood who falls in love with her. However, she moves away from the locality. Later, Hemanth discovers Shyama does love him. However, Shyama is not willing for a marriage as she is told that either she or Hemachandran will die after six months from the marriage. The story continues to tell how they overcome this obstacle in their relationship and family problems.
Africa Light / Gray Zone
"Africa Light" - as white local citizens call Namibia. The name suggests romance, the beauty of nature and promises a life without any problems in a country where the difference between rich and poor could hardly be greater. Namibia does not give that impression of it. If you look at its surface it seems like Africa in its most innocent and civilized form. It is a country that is so inviting to dream by its spectacular landscape, stunning scenery and fascinating wildlife. It has a very strong tourism structure and the government gets a lot of money with its magical attraction. But despite its grandiose splendor it is an endless gray zone as well. It oscillates between tradition and modernity, between the cattle in the country and the slums in the city. It shuttles from colonial times, land property reform to minimum wage for everyone. It fluctuates between socialism and cold calculated market economy.
The House
Former professor of natural history, Louis Compiegne lives in retirement in a big house, with Pascal, his faithful servant. The arrival of a young American student comes to disorder the quiet life of the pensioner.
Legend of Crystania: The Motion Picture
Ashram, desperate to find a home for his people, is tricked into selling his soul. 300 years later, Pirotesse's devotion to her king remains unshaken. In the sacred world of Crystania, amidst a civil war waged by shape-changing warriors, she searches for her beloved Ashram. She meets Redon, a young prince obsessed with avenging his murdered parents. Together, they confront Ashram's captor Barbas.

추천 영화

Andala Rakshasi
Gautham, a wealthy man, falls for a woman named Mithuna only to learn that she loves another man. However, a sudden chain of events changes their lives forever.
Police-Ravi is a student aspiring to become a police officer,becomes hunted when he helps his friend out of trouble.The hunted becomes the Hunter to secure his future.
Siva Manasula Sakthi
Siva and Sakthi lie about their respective jobs when they meet. Once the truth comes out, they decide to take revenge but start developing feelings for each other instead.
A happy-go-lucky college student falls in love with a beautiful young woman at first sight, but decides to use a unique approach to get close to her, as she has many admirers in the college. How will their relationship evolve?
A son decides to avenge his father, an army officer, who was falsely framed and killed by three corrupt officers. Fatefully, he also ends up falling in love with the daughter of one of the killers.
When a corrupt politician tries to seize the land of his villagers, a brave and powerful fisherman sets out to fight against him.
The plot of the film illustrates the embankment of two friends on a quest for a lost buddy, who was once an optimistic and successful student. On their journey, they recount their college life and special moments that the three shared up until their lost friend secretly parted ways after convocation. During their quest, the two encounter a rival classmate who once made a long forgotten bet with them, a funeral that goes impossibly out of control, and a wedding they must crash.
Bhoominathan aka Bhoomi is introduced to us as a person who gets into many local fights. Worried about his future, his family sends him to Muthuramalingam (Raj Kiran), a much respected personality in his place Semmanur, to put Bhoomi's life on the right track. But things don't go as planned. Muthuramalingam's adversary threatens to kill his daughter Meera (Asin) as a revenge against his own daughter's fate. So Bhoomi is given the job of Meera's bodyguard at college. Meera goes to college with her friend Madhu but is irritated by Bhoomi's presence everywhere. So she devises a plan.
An ordinary milkman is forced to become the fictional character Velayudham who takes on the scum of the earth.
A mafia don sends his son out of the country because he doesn't want even a shadow of his life falling on him. Destiny wills otherwise. The son makes an innocuous trip to Mumbai to visit his dad. And ends up filling his father's large shoes.
Oh My Kadavule
Arjun is conveniently married to his best friend Anu and their marriage turns out to be a nightmare since he is not really in love with her. When things get tough Arjun gets a second chance in life that could change his path and perspective altogether.
A cop decides to take on his godfather, who raised him from childhood, and make him realize the error of his ways.
Ashwin is a photographer, covering the upcoming elections for a newspaper. His life gets entangled with politics when one of his published photographs upsets a corrupt political party.
An army captain is on a mission to track down and destroy a terrorist gang and deactivate the sleeper cells under its command.
When an honest cop, Vijay Kumar's family is ruthlessly slaughtered by a politician and his aides, he decides to change his identity and commits his life to bring his daughter up in a serene atmosphere. But some freak events end up compromising his identity and what he does to save his daughter and avenge the death of his family unfurls as Theri.
Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.
A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?
Android Kunjappan Version 5.25
Bhaskara, a conservative villager, hates the idea of his son relocating to Russia for a job. However, when his son brings a robot to care for him, he develops an unlikely bond with the machine.
Kiss tells the love story of Nandini and Arjun. Nandini is a young, modern day college student who holds on to traditional values and Arjun is a rich, carefree guy. The film is an exploration of young love, directed by A. P. Arjun and produced by V. Ravi Kumar under Rashtrakuta Pictures. The lead actors are Viraat Vellanki and Sree Leela. The credit for the music score goes to V. Harikrishna and Adi Hari.
Pressure Cooker
This is a new age family drama entertainer. The story is about a young graduate under pressure from his father who expects him to go and "settle" in USA to be seen as successful. #pressurecookermovie