Shopping Mall (2010)
장르 : 드라마
상영시간 : 0분
As the name suggests the movie is about what happens in and around a Shopping Mall. It tells the story of Shiva, who is very good at studies, but is forced to work after his dad expires. He starts working at a Shopping Mall along with his village friend Buchi Babu, and he soon realizes that far from the way it looks from outside, the Shopping Mall is a jail in itself. They have to work for almost 16 hours a day, eat in hellhole conditions, and live like dogs. Inspite of all these, everyone seems to be working because of their own reasons.
어떤 병원체로 인해 수 많은 사람들이 좀비가 되어 뇌만 죽은 채 의식없이 거리를 방황한다. 이들은 오직 살아있는 사람들을 먹기 위해 달려들고, 좀비에게 물리게 되면 그 사람도 같은 상태가 된다. 이로 인해 좀비들은 점차 늘어나고 세상은 온통 무질서의 마비 상태가 된다. 이때 네 사람이 헬기로 어떤 한적한 곳의 백화점에 피신하게 되고 좀비들로부터 포위되는데...
헤더는 항상 무언가로부터 쫓기는 꿈을 꾼다. 그리고 무언가를 숨기는 듯한 아빠까지 그녀를 불안하게 한다. 18살 생일날, 헤더는 아버지가 사라지는 악몽에 시달린다. 새로운 학교로 가는 그녀는 한 남자로부터 위험에 빠질 것이라는 소리를 듣는다. 그리고 전학간 첫날부터 주변이 다른 공간으로 바뀌며 이상한 환영에 사로잡히게 되는데…
여자 친구들과 다투고 난후 몹시 기분이 상한 티에스(T.S. Quint: 제레미 런던 분)와 브로니(Brodie Bruce: 제이슨 리 분)는 자주가는 백화점에 들르게 된다. 이곳은 마침 티에스의 여자친구 브랜디(Brandi Svenning: 클레어 폴라니 분)의 아버지(Mr. Jared Svenning: 마이클 루커 분)가 TV 데이트 쇼를 준비하고 있었다. 브랜디는 이 쇼의 여자 출연자로 참가할 예정이었다. 브랜디의 아버지는 티에스와 브랜디의 사이를 알고 티에스에게 쇼를 진행하고 있을 때 자신의 딸에게 나타나지 말라고 경고한다. 또한 티에스가 쇼를 망칠까봐 경호인을 불러 그를 옴짝달싹하지 못하게 한다. 한편, 블로디의 애인인 르네(Rene Mosier: 셰넌 도허티 분)는 이 백화점의 직원이자 바람둥이인 새넌(Shannon Hamilton: 벤 애플렉 분)과 데이트 중이다. 이를 목격한 블로디는 두 사람 사이를 갈라 놓을 작전을 짜며, 참가자들을 빼돌리고 티에스와 함께 브랜디 아버지의 쇼프로그램에 참가자로 나서는데...
33살의 데이비 스톤은 자신이 사는 덕스베리 마을 사람들이 유대인들의 연례축제인 봉헌절 하누카를 즐기는 것이 못마땅하다. 그래서 하누카의 첫 번째 밤에 온갖 사고를 일으킨 그는 결국 경찰에 체포되고 만다. 판사는 그에게 무려 10년형을 선고하는데, 이때 나타난 나이많은 농구 코치 휘트니 듀발이 그의 개과천선을 돕겠다고 약속함으로써 데이비는 풀려난다. 휘트니와 함께 8일간을 함께 보내며 데이비는 하누카의 진정한 의미를 깨닫게 된다.
로니는 매장직원인 브랜디와 데이트하길 꿈꾸는 사명감이 뛰어난 쇼핑몰 경비원이다. 어느날 주차장을 돌아다니며 여성 고객들을 놀라게 하는 노출맨(일명 바바리맨)이 나타나고 해리슨 형사가 사건 조사를 위해 쇼핑몰에 오게 되고, 이에 로니는 해리슨 형사보다 더 빨리 바바리맨을 잡기 위해 애쓰는데...
초현대식 설비를 자랑하는 쇼핑센타에 야간경비용으로 도입된 3대의 로보트... 빠른 스피드로 센터 안을 이동하며 레이저 광선과 마취총 등 여러 무기를 사용하여 침입자를 격퇴하는 초정밀 로보트가 갑자기 컴퓨터 고장을 일으켜 살인기계로 변한다. 표적은 그날 밤 아무도 없는 센터 안에서 파티를 즐기려는 젊은 남녀 8명...철문으로 닫혀진 거대한 밀실속에서 어떤 충격에도 견디는 초합금 살인 로보트와 젊은이들의 처절한 싸움은 시작되었다.
Ernest P. Worrell becomes a basketball star after an angel bearing an uncanny resemblance to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gives him a pair of magic sneakers.
Set to a new wave '80s soundtrack, a pair of young lovers from different backgrounds defy their parents and friends to stay together.
During the holiday season, Ethan, a meteorologist, and his wife Addison, a TV news reporter, must put aside their differences and band together to help save others and rescue their missing children from a massive F6 twister that has unexpectedly descended upon their small Texas town.
Goofy tries to set up his new home theater in time for the big game, with disastrous results.
A young man named Eric apparently dies in a suspicious house fire after saving his girlfriend, Melody. One year later, a new mall is constructed atop where Eric's house once stood, where a shadowy, uninvited guest is preying on the mall's crooked developers.
Guillermo seems like your average high school student, but in fact he's a suave expert at cruising his local shopping malls for gay sex. From a random trick, to his English tutor, to the hottest guy he's ever seen, Guillermo is completely honest and reveals everything.
The executive producers of High School Musical keep the good times rolling with this upbeat musical comedy set in the one place every American teenager's home away from home - the local shopping mall. Ally (Nina Dobrev) is an optimistic adolescent singer/songwriter whose hard working mother owns the mall music shop frequented by every teen in town. When Ally shares her music with Joey (Rob Mayes), a janitor in the mall who harbors rock star ambitions, she is thrilled to find someone who can truly relate to her songs as well as her heart. Trouble looms on the horizon, however, in the form of the mall owner's spoiled rotten daughter Madison (Autumn Reeser). Madison is the kind of girl who's used to getting whatever she wants, and what she wants now could prove disastrous for both Ally's ambitions, and her mother's popular music store.
A musical horror story about two young women who are stalked through a shopping mall by a cannibal. He follows them home, and here the victims become the aggressors.
Oregon, 1980: Jane, Elaine and Louise are all feeling the effects of inflation and cannot afford the high cost of living. Jane cannot afford a babysitter or get married and if she wants privacy with her boyfriend, she has to sleep in the car. Even worse, her war veteran father comes to live with her to turn her life upside down. Louise lives a happy life with her veterinarian husband, Albert. She runs an antique shop on the side, but since it doesn't take in any profit, the IRS considers it a hobby. She needs to come up with the money to keep it going, or she will be trouble with the IRS. Elaine's husband has left her for another woman and without any money. She is in a constant struggle with banks, power companies, and gas stations. She needs money to get by and also catches the eye of police officer Jack. The local mall is having a contest that features a giant money ball that states it will help fight the inflation.
Shopping malls - today's place of creating desires. Best jewelry, clothes, shoes. Unaffordable by young girls, but they "work" to get themselves sponsors for new items.
A snake creature secretly lurks inside a shopping mall. A family is fed a meal that turns them into monsters. An airplane hijacking is interrupted by the birth of a tiyanak.
A documentary detailing an indiscriminate terrorist attack that left 71 dead in Kenya.
2 Penkuttikal discussed the issues faced by young girls and women in our society. Achu and Anagha are close friends, who decide to bunk their class to visit a mall in the city.Their visit to the city changes their life and what happens next form the crux of the film
The only thing Frank has going for him is his job as a Mall Cop. One late night his world is shattered when a prowler breaks in, robs the joint and as Frank tries to be the hero – he loses his arm! Replaced by a sexy punk rocker Donna, Frank decides to solve the crime, win the girl and get his old job back! With the help of his nerdy best friend Chris, the ultra-strange White Wedding follow Frank’s adventure in this hilarious tale about love, limbs and Billy Idol!