
Before Dawn (1989)

장르 : 전쟁, 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 25분

연출 : Yaropolk Lapshin
각본 : Gennadi Bokarev


Wartime, summer 1941. Train carrying criminals gets under enemy fire and crashed. Out of all of the living are only a young lieutenant of the NKVD and two prisoners - the thief and repressed Communist party worker.


Evgeny Mironov
Evgeny Mironov
Valeri Ryzhakov
Valeri Ryzhakov
Aleksandr Pankratov-Chyornyy
Aleksandr Pankratov-Chyornyy
Oleg Korchikov
Oleg Korchikov
Konstantin Stepankov
Konstantin Stepankov
Valentin Nevolin
Vyacheslav Kirilichev
Vyacheslav Kirilichev
Old man
Raisa Ryazanova
Raisa Ryazanova
Igor Varpa
Igor Varpa
Viktor Uralsky
Viktor Uralsky
Aleksandr Olkov
Aleksandr Olkov
Vera Alkhovskaya
Vera Alkhovskaya
Efim's Wife
Vasily Rybin
Vasily Rybin
Nikita Tretyakov
Nikita Tretyakov
Igor Golovin
Igor Golovin
Nikolai Badyev
Nikolai Badyev
Aleksandr Kadanyov
Aleksandr Kadanyov
Aleksey Shemes
Aleksey Shemes
Valery Rybin
Valery Rybin


Yaropolk Lapshin
Yaropolk Lapshin
Gennadi Bokarev
Gennadi Bokarev
Anatoly Lesnikov
Anatoly Lesnikov
Director of Photography
Eduard Artemyev
Eduard Artemyev
Vladislav Rastorguev
Vladislav Rastorguev
Production Design

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Before Dawn
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