The Dark Room (1999)
장르 : 미스터리, 드라마, TV 영화
상영시간 : 2시간 28분
연출 : Graham Theakston
In hospital, photographer Jinx Kingsley wakes from a coma after a car crash - a failed suicide attempt, prompted by her fiance Leo jilting her to elope with Jinx's lifelong best friend, Meg. The discovery of Leo and Meg's bodies - brutally murdered in the same manner as Jinx's first husband - makes Jinx the prime suspect. Then, with the help of eminent neuroscientist Dr.Alan Protheroe, some memories begin to surface. Memories of desperation and paralysing terror.
A Gypsy band takes lots of stuff but always in a good cause. Led by Jane Withers, they pick up a socialite (Hundson) who has amnesia. She works as a fortune teller and raises enough money for an operation to regain her memory.
Joe Mason suffers from amnesia and is often in trouble. Catherine Foster befriends him and they marry. After a fight remembers that he is the son of a rich businessman from Chicago, but he can't remember anything recent.
냉혹한 킬러 형욱은 사건 처리 후 우연히 들른 목욕탕에서 비누를 밟고 넘어져 과거의 기억을 잃게 된다. 인기도, 삶의 의욕도 없어 죽기로 결심한 무명배우 재성은 신변 정리를 위해 들른 목욕탕에서 그런 형욱을 보게 되고, 자신과 그의 목욕탕 키를 바꿔 도망친다. 이후 형욱은 자신이 재성이라고 생각한 채, 배우로 성공하기 위해 노력하는데…
Two couples see their lives transformed after the tragedy of losing a child. Both families face the loss in their own way, allowing feelings of guilt, deny, and jealousy to surface, until family disintegration is almost inevitable.
Losing his memory after a mugging, a man known only as 'MP' (Missing Person) leaves his home and sets out on a journey - in search not only for his memory but perhaps also for a new identity. MP finds himself confronted by a world in which there are no longer any certainties; an era of crisis on many levels. On his travels from country to country, portrayed via an associative image montage and through a series of strange, illuminating, sometimes comic encounters, MP attempts to gain insight into the complexity of life in the 21st-century West - into what commentators have called an age of 'rolling catastrophe'.
초자연 현상을 연구하는 필립 굿맨 교수는 사실 미신을 믿지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날 실종돼서 죽은 줄만 알았던 심리학자 닥터 찰스 캐머런의 부름을 받고, 귀신을 직접 본 세 사람을 만나 얘기를 듣게 된다. 굿맨 교수는 토니 매튜스, 사이먼 리프킨드, 마이크 프라이들을 만나 그들의 얘기를 들으며 자신이 믿어왔던 것과 다른 세계가 있다는 것을 알게 되는데…
A Korean TV anchor goes to China to do a story on an ancient artifact. When she falls for the object's owner, she dreads revealing the truth to him.
타이라와 쇼타 형제는 부모가 떠난 후 작은 항구마을 미츠하마에서 단둘이 살고 있다. 또래와 싸움을 일삼던 타이라는 큰 패배 후 마을을 떠나 지역의 대도시 마츠야마에서 싸울 상대를 찾아다닌다. 타이라에게 흥미를 느낀 유야는 그에게 접근해 폭력적인 게임을 제안한다. [제42회 서울독립영화제]
끔찍한 사고를 당한 다나는 회복을 위해 병원에 입원한다. 다나는 치료를 받던 중 자신의 병실에서 악령과 마주치고, 이후 악령은 그녀의 삶을 송두리째 뒤흔들기 시작한다.
A young man awakens from a six-year coma with the ability to see into peoples futures. This is the first two episodes of the television series.
This musical comedy stars radio star Al Pearce has a double role playing himself and Elmer Blurt, the leader of a small-town band that struggles toward stardom in the big city. Their journey begins when Elmer decides to eject their female singer because she isn't really right. Unfortunately, her angry father is their sponsor and when he finds out, he withdraws all support.
A severely injured man and woman awake in an abandoned sanitarium only to discover that a sadistic caretaker holds the keys to their freedom and the horrific answers as to their true identity.
작은 섬 그리고 보수적인 가족의 울타리 안에서 고립되어 지내는 몰. 그런 그녀가 그 어떠한 속박도 없이 자유롭게 살아가는 남자 파스칼을 만나서 미친 듯이 사랑에 빠지는 것은 당연한지도 모른다. 하지만 연쇄 살인 사건의 용의자로 파스칼이 체포되고 난 뒤 그녀의 어떠한 선택이 당연한 것일까?
Charlotte Furber suffers an accident in which a man loses his life. She suffers amnesia and everybody thinks the man was drunk and therefore responsible, even his own wife, Jean.
Juliette is a shy girl terrified to catch a ride with two women that are not paying any attention to the road.
Released from jail after a twenty-year stretch, Nazim returns to Istanbul to find life in turmoil, his family life ruined, and has to deal with a series of personal disasters in the process.
An exclusive interview with Death as he goes about his everyday business.
쌍둥이 아들을 잃은 레이첼 가족을 향해 위로를 가장한 이교 집단의 손길이 뻗친다.