Beatriz (1976)
장르 : 드라마, 공포
상영시간 : 1시간 25분
연출 : Gonzalo Suárez
A child is witness to an assault on a monk by the gang of Lorenzo the Fifth. The monk escapes and takes refuge in the estate of Doña Carlota, a countess who lives with her son Juan and daughter Beatriz. Basilisa, the maid, conjures the devil to free her son from an irreversible illness, but to do so the evil must be transmitted to an innocent soul, and for that she chooses Beatriz. The child begins to be the victim of a possession, for which everyone blames the monk.
Precocious yet sensitive teenager James has a deep perception of the world but no idea how to live in it. Finding no help from his divorced parents nor his older memoir-writing sister, he decides to reject the beliefs adults try to push on him, starting with the college career that is looming over his last summer in New York, and embarks instead on a search for wisdom through nontraditional means...
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Second movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Film geek Josh is looking for the subject of his new documentary when a chance meeting puts the perfect star in his sights—Dylan, his school's most popular junior. But Dylan's hopes of using the film to become Blossom Queen don't quite match with Josh's goal to make a hard-hitting exposé about popularity. Will Josh shoot the film as planned, or show Dylan as the truly interesting person she is?
The ghost of John Belushi looks back on his troubled life and career.
중앙해를 사이에 두고, 레밤 황국과 아마츠카미 국의 전쟁이 계속되던 어느 날. 일등 비행사 샤를르에게 특급 명령이 떨어진다. 차기 황비인 파나공주를 바다 건너 카를로 황태자가 있는 곳으로 무사히 모셔야하는 임무. 적들이 장악하고 있는 12,000km, 파나 공주와 단둘이 위험한 비행을 시작하는데... 세상에서 가장 아름다운 비행이 펼쳐진다.
청년이 된 로져는 여름휴가를 보내기 위해서 아버지가 마련해준 시골별장에 내려간다. 건장한 일꾼들과 하녀들 간에 은밀히 행해지는 유희를 호기심에 차 관찰하던 로져는 서서히 이성에 대한 안목이 뜨여간다. 그 무렵 2차세계대전에 휘말려 젊은 일꾼들이 모두 전장으로 나가게 되어 별장에는 늙은 신부와 로져, 이렇게 두 남자만 남게 된다. 이를 기회로 로져는 젊은 하녀와 애틋한 연정의 싹을 틔우게 되고, 휴가가 끝날 무렵, 로져는 어엿한 성인이 되어 별장을 떠난다.
Film adaptation from the novel by D.H. Lawrence, discovered after the celebrated author's death in 1930, a romantic love story tells of a prim young English girl who is sexually attracted to a seductively virile gypsy. The climatic dam burst is linked with the consummation of her desire.
Burdened by a family secret, Adam White lands a job as a newspaper advice columnist. Little does he realize that it's all part of a nasty desire by cynical editor William Shrike to crush the souls of his underlings. Adam feels his readers' pain, and eventually, he takes an assignment to meet with Faye Doyle, who is exasperated by her crippled husband. When Faye tries to seduce Adam, he must choose between his job and his girl.
TV reporter Mille wants to be liberated from matrimonial restraints and have more than one man in her life. She spends time with her friends, bisexual intellectual Suzanne and prostitute Lise. They mostly talk about men and women's lib.
A group of social misfits at a summer camp for boys run away to save penned-in buffaloes from a rifle club's slaughter.
Amid Europe's superwealthy jet set, lovely Leslie (Anne Arthur) feels neglected by her cheating fiancé, Logan (Charlie Hickman). She gets even by pursuing a few dalliances of her own and, in the process, falls for a gorgeous lesbian socialite (Sabrina Koch). Slip on your oversized sunglasses and slide back to the swinging '60s for director Radley Metzger's fab erotic confection, a shocker at the time of its initial release.
The old hidalgo Don Alonso Quijano, maddened by the excessive reading of books on chivalry and determined to become a famous and heroic knight-errant, leaves his village and sets out on the road in search of adventure, accompanied by his faithful friend Sancho Panza.
In the mid to late '90s, the Reykjavik crime and drug scene saw a drastic change from a relatively small and innocent world into a much more aggressive and violent one.. The film tells the story of this change through the fictional gang of pushers that took control of Iceland's underworld.
Sweet, chubby, theatrical Billy was never cut out to be a farmer or a rugby player, but as the only son of a ‘good kiwi bloke’ he’s obliged to try. The cows are stubborn and the chores gruelling but Billy finds escape in a fantasy world playing Lana, heroine of his favourite TV show Adventures in Space. Not everyone approves of Billy's transformation. On the brink of adolescene, he discovers growing up is more complicated than he could ever have imagined.
양계장을 탈출해 세상 밖으로 나온 암탉 ‘잎싹’과 청둥오리 ‘초록’의 꿈과 자유를 향한 용감한 도전 마당 밖 자유로운 세상을 꿈꾸는 암탉! 양계장 안에 갇혀 살며 알만 낳던 암탉 잎싹은 마당으로 나가 자유롭게 살면서 알을 품어보기를 꿈꾼다. 몇 날 며칠을 굶어 폐계 흉내를 내다가 드디어 뒷산의 폐계 웅덩이에 버려져 마당을 나오는데 성공하지만, 애꾸눈 족제비에게 잡아 먹히기 일보직전! 청둥오리 나그네의 도움으로 폐계 웅덩이에서 벗어나 가까스로 목숨을 구하게 되는데… 암탉, 오리알을 품다! 드디어 대자연으로 나온 잎싹은 나그네와 달수의 도움을 받아 자유를 만끽하며 서서히 적응해 나간다. 그러던 어느 날 주인 없이 버려진 뽀얀 오리알을 발견하고 난생 처음 알을 품기 시작하는 잎싹. 애꾸눈 족제비로부터 잎싹과 알을 보호하던 나그네는 최후를 맞이하고 마침내 알에서 깨어난 아기 오리는 잎싹을 ‘엄마’로 여기게 되는데… 겁 없는 엄마와 아들의 용감한 도전!! 족제비의 위협으로부터 안전한 늪으로 여정을 떠나는 암탉 잎싹과 청둥오리 초록 과연 이들은 험난한 대자연 속에서 더 자유롭고 더 높이 날고 싶은 꿈을 이루어 낼 수 있을까?
Two homicide detectives find their careers - and lives - on the line when they get caught up in a case of murder and betrayal in high-society Savannah.
Lizuca is only six years old, not much older than her pet dachshund Patrocle, when her mother dies and she is left to live with her grandparents on their farm. Before long, Lizuca's father comes to take her away to live with him and his new bride, a vile woman who considers children the bane of all existence. Lizuca and the dachshund escape the wicked stepmother and spend the night in a hollow tree, a tree that changes into an enchanted land where Lizuca (like Alice through the Looking Glass) discovers a world of characters in the form of bees, frogs, the four seasons, Snow White, her dwarves, and other fairy tale creatures. This magic place is threatened by the evil stepmother's plan to sell the grove that protects the secret land to developers -- a decision that puts the woman on trial before this perfidy can be realized.
전쟁에 휩싸인 세상을 등지고 히말라야 깊은 산속에 자리 잡은 유토피아 '샹그라아'에 대한 이야기