
Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed (2014)

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 1시간 10분

연출 : Jay Chapman


Jim Gaffigan bursts back on the scene with this eagerly anticipated fourth comedy special. Dubbed the "King of Clean Comedy" by The Wall Street Journal, Jim's obsession with all things food comes to fruition on Obsessed as he tackles a cornucopia of new food topics from fruit to seafood to donuts. Get ready for 70 minutes of non-stop laughs at Jim's twisted-yet-enlightened observations on the seemingly mundane topics that have made him a fixture in the comedy world for audiences of all ages.


Jim Gaffigan
Jim Gaffigan


Jim Gaffigan
Jim Gaffigan
Jay Chapman
Jay Chapman

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Captures the laughter, energy and mayhem from Hart's 2012 "Let Me Explain" concert tour, which spanned 10 countries and 80 cities, and generated over $32 million in ticket sales.
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'앨리 웡: 베이비 코브라'의 성공 이후 2년, 그녀가 또 다시 임신했다! 더욱 신랄하게, 더욱 농염하게, 결혼과 육아의 진실을 쏟아붓는 그녀. 웃음의 쓰나미가 밀려온다.

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