
팅글러 (1959)

Ghastly Beyond Belief!

장르 : 공포, SF

상영시간 : 1시간 22분

연출 : William Castle
각본 : Robb White


After much hard work, a pathologist discovers and captures a creature that lives in every vertebrate and grows when fear grips its host. "Scream for your lives!"


Vincent Price
Vincent Price
Dr. Warren Chapin
Philip Coolidge
Philip Coolidge
Oliver 'Ollie' Higgins
Judith Evelyn
Judith Evelyn
Mrs. Martha Ryerson Higgins
Darryl Hickman
Darryl Hickman
David Morris
Pamela Lincoln
Pamela Lincoln
Lucy Stevens
Patricia Cutts
Patricia Cutts
Isabel Stevens Chapin
William Castle
William Castle
Prologue Himself - Host (uncredited)
Bob Gunderson
Bob Gunderson
Ryerson - Screaming Convict (uncredited)
Dal McKennon
Dal McKennon
Projectionist (uncredited)


Robb White
Robb White
William Castle
William Castle
William Castle
William Castle
Clarence Peet
Clarence Peet
Property Master
Von Dexter
Von Dexter
Original Music Composer
Wilfrid M. Cline
Wilfrid M. Cline
Director of Photography
Chester W. Schaeffer
Chester W. Schaeffer
Phillip Bennett
Phillip Bennett
Art Direction
Milton Stumph
Milton Stumph
Set Decoration
Hazel Keats
Hazel Keats
Makeup Artist
Monty Westmore
Monty Westmore
Makeup Artist

비슷한 영화

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Creature 3D
People attend their first halt in a newly opened lodge in deep forest, but something is waiting for them.
Tattoo Bar
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The Bet
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Merrily We Roll Along
Triple Olivier Award-winner Maria Friedman makes an extraordinary directorial debut with a flawless cast. With music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by George Furth, Merrily We Roll Along starts in 1980 and travels backwards in time. This powerful and moving story features some of Sondheim’s most beautiful songs including "Good Thing Going", "Not a Day Goes by" and "Old Friends".
Sharon: Portrait of a Mistress
A woman's inability to make a lasting commitment results in her having a string of affairs with married men.
인베이젼 스펙터
북태평양에서 일어난 대규모 지진으로 인해 생긴 쓰나미가 미드그라운드의 한 마을을 덮친다. 하지만 ‘체이스’는 마을을 덮친 쓰나미보다 친구들과 함께 보낼 축제 준비에 한창이다. 그날 저녁, ‘체이스’는 친구들과 함께 숲에서 축제를 보내던 중 시내로 나간 친구 ‘앤디’로부터 “놈들이 찾으러 갈 거야.”라는 연락을 받게 된다. 그 후 연락두절이 된 ‘앤디’. 이후 ‘앤디’와 함께 시내로 간 친구들이 피투성이인 채로 발견되는데… 과연, 그들을 찾아 갈 놈들의 정체는?!
It Was Infidelity in the Beginning
Annabelle is annoyed by family life. Most of all, she bothers her health-conscious, chain-smoking, know-it-all mother, Edda who visits regularly. When mother moves in her house for three months, because their house is being renovated, She enthusiastically takes the chance to go on a "relaxing weekend". On this occasion her girlfriend Doro, who was supposed to take care of the children, starts an affair with her husband, Friedrich. When she returns, she is appalled. She packs her things and leaves Friedrich and the family. Promptly she meets a young student at a party, who awakens the passion in her. Written by lament
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Till Death Do Us Part
Aaron Corbin, a successful businessman, finds himself enjoying life and his new bride Kelly. Married life suits Aaron and his company has hit it big, but with new found success comes bigger problems. His life begins to fall apart and to save it means regrettable deadly consequences of betrayal and murder.
The Ballad of the Ferocious One
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홍콩의 충격적인 비행 소년 드라마
The Eve of St. Mark
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이야기 나라
비행기 폭파 사건으로 아버지를 잃은 어린 소년 브랜든(Brandon: 숀 피츠제랄드 분). 어머니를 따라 가장 아끼는 강아지 레오를 데리고 외딴 집으로 이사온다. 낯선 집에서의 첫날밤, 그는 잠에서 취한 상태에서 강아지를 따라 정신없이 산속으로 들어간다. 그가 도착한 곳은 '이야기 나라'. 그는 그곳에서 문맹인 우디(Woody: 리차드 몰 분)를 만나 이야기 나라에 얽힌 사연을 듣는다. 이야기 나라는 평범한 나라였다. 어느 날 왕이 사냥을 나갔다가 목숨을 잃게 되자, 왕궁에는 왕권을 둘러싼 음모가 시작된다. 왕을 잃은 왕비는 시름에 빠지고 욕심많고, 질투심 강한 여동생 엘리아(Queen Evilia: 스우지 쿠츠 분)가 쥬스에 독약을 넣어서 왕비에게 준다. 왕비는 죽기전에 왕자 로발(Prince Arthur: 윌리암 맥나마라 분)에게 초능력의 칼을 건네주며, 왕권을 사수하고 엘리사의 음모를 막으라는 말을 남긴 채 숨진다. 그러나 이 사실을 알고 있는 엘리사는 로발을 감옥에 가두고, 포악한 사람들을 부하로 삼아 절대권력을 행사하기 시작한다. 게다가, 로발의 칼을 빼앗기 위한 계략을 꾸민다. 이 이야기를 들은 브랜든은 고문을 받고 있던 왕자 로발을 구하고 평화로운 나라를 만들 것을 결심한다. 그는 명석한 두뇌를 발휘해, 엘리아를 단숨에 물리치고 왕자를 구해낸 뒤 이야기 나라를 떠나서 집으로 돌아온다. 그리고 죽었다고 믿었던 아버지가 돌아오고 크리스마스가 시작된다.
New York After Midnight
Monique is a 35 year old French woman, living in New York. The daughter of a French diplomat who has remarried, Monique has no financial worries, and holds a good job with a publishing firm. She finds relationships difficult, and frequently suffers acute depression. Her nights are filled with strange dreams, and apparitions of flashing lights.
디깅 업 더 매로우
아담 그린과 다큐멘터리 팀은 흉측하고 기괴하게 생긴 희귀한 괴물에 관한 내용을 담을 영상을 제작하게 된다. 그러던 어느 날 전직 형사라고 하는 윌리엄 데커를 만나는데, 그는 괴물을 본 적이 있다고 말한다.
Scripted by four of Australia’s greatest authors (David Williamson, Thomas Keneally, Hal Porter and Craig McGregor), this quartet of carnal desires explores adultery and jealous fantasies, the end of innocence, the moral and spiritual conflicts of a priest and a nun in love. The stories define the exploration of women and the cultural upheaval of the early 70s.
When the deaf-mute son of a black preacher refuses to accept menial labor he's ostracised from the farm community he lives in.
A group of five American friends on the cusp of adulthood travel to Panama to relax and reconnect. They befriend a local woman in their hotel bar—and despite some ominous whispers—she goes against the specific instructions of her brother and brings the Americans on a daytrip into the pristine falls at the nearby jungle. What begins as an innocent outing to a picturesque waterfall quickly turns terrifying after she suddenly goes missing. As night closes in, the friends realize too late the truth behind the rumors—the legendary, blood-sucking Chupacabra is now stalking them.
When the Girls Take Over
A comic look...at Cuba after Castro regime take over.

추천 영화

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