
Alien from the Darkness (1997)

장르 : 애니메이션, 공포, SF

상영시간 : 50분

연출 : Norio Takanami
각본 : Shino Taira


The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS signal and discover a derelict space cruiser where all the women have died mysteriously. They take the only survivor, a young woman named Flair, and detonate the ghost ship. However, the danger is just beginning. With Flair on the Muse, the romances between the women begin to take a new turn. One by one, the crewmembers are attacked by a mysterious alien presence, desperate to find a way to reproduce with human women!


Kumiko Nishihara
Kumiko Nishihara
Yumi Takada
Yumi Takada
Yoko Soumi
Yoko Soumi
Captain Sara
Hiroko Konishi
Hiroko Konishi
Sumie Baba
Sumie Baba


Norio Takanami
Norio Takanami
Saburou Oomiya
Saburou Oomiya
Norio Takanami
Norio Takanami
Shino Taira
Shino Taira
Tsutomu Nishikura
Tsutomu Nishikura
Art Direction
Hajime Takakuwa
Hajime Takakuwa
Sound Director
Yosuke Moriguchi
Yosuke Moriguchi
Director of Photography
Tomomi Hibikio
Tomomi Hibikio
Kazunobu Iwami
Kazunobu Iwami
Assistant Director
Mari Nakabayashi
Mari Nakabayashi
Assistant Director
Shinichi Yamanoi
Shinichi Yamanoi
Assistant Director
Kohichi Iizuka
Kohichi Iizuka
Music Producer
Tsukiyo Oboro
Tsukiyo Oboro
Character Designer

비슷한 영화

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살로 소돔의 120일
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