Yumi Takada
출생 : 1961-09-21, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Yumi Takada is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with 81Produce. She uses the alias Saki Iijima for adult work.
Iijima Saki is an alias used by Takada Yumi for adult work.
Not to be confused with the casting director with the same name.
Midori Yoshinaga (voice)
삼바 리듬을 좋아하는 가짜 인간들이 나타나 진짜를 납치해버리고 자신들이 진짜인 것처럼 행동하기 시작한다. 온 마을이 점령당하고 짱구네 가족들과 친구들만이 비밀조직원 제클린의 도움으로 겨우 살아 남은 가운데, 제클린은 '아미고'라는 바이오테크놀로지계의 세계적 거물이 배후에 있다는 것을 알려준다. 이제 짱구네 가족들과 친구들은 점점 포위망을 좁혀오는 가짜 괴물들에 맞서 싸워야만 하는데...
Yoshinaga Sensei
어느날 집안에 다른 세계와 연결되어 있는 곳을 발견한 짱구네 가족. 그곳을 통해 그들 앞에 미래맨이 나타난다. 그는 3분 후에 괴물이 나타날 것이며 3분 후의 미래로 가서 그 괴물을 쓰러뜨리지 못하면 현실 세계에 실제로 괴물이 나타나게 된다고 말한다. 짱구와 가족들은 3분 안에 괴물을 물리쳐 지구를 구해야하는 운명에 처하게 되는데...
The main theatrical release of Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger. This easily fits in between the events of episodes 21 and 22 of Abaranger as this is after Burstosaur Ankyloveilus's introduction, but before AbareKiller kidnaps Burstosaur Bachycelonagurus and Burstosaur Dimenokodon.
Akira Motoura and his team or rather his harem travel to a hot spring resort to train for the upcoming volleyball game. This time they got two new rookies to strengthen their effort. Little do they know that they are being lured into a trap set by the two beautiful newcomers.
Shouji Akiko
In 2007, the inhabitants of Danger Planet II fight their battles using remote-controlled robots or "virtual puppets." Kirio Nimura is a high school student and the strongest puppeteer on the planet, until he falls for Sairi Takahara, who insists that nobody may make advances until they have beaten her puppet, Benkei.
쥬라이 황가의 계승자라는 직책까지 버리면서 사랑을 위해 하루나를 데리고 지구로 떠나온 요우쇼의 꿈은 그만 지구에 도착하기 일보직전에 하루나가 병사하면서 끝나버린다. 하루나에 대한 사랑의 마음은 여전했지만 언제까지나 죽은 사람만을 생각하며 살수는 없는 법. 결국 요우쇼는 이후 이츠키를 만나, 아치카라는 딸을 낳고, 그 아치카 (텐치의 어머니) 가 노부유키 (텐치의 아버지)를 만나 텐치를 낳게 된다. 그러나 요우쇼가 젊은 시절 하루나를 위해, 하루나가 못다본 지구를 볼 수 있게끔 가는 곳마다 심었던 하루나의 상징 나무 (쥬라이 사람은 자신의 나무를 하나씩 가지고 있음)인 동백나무를 심었던 것이 이 모든 슬픈 사랑 이야기의 시발점이 되어버리는데...
It's been years since hero Takeru was at the top of his game. And now, it's time for Takeru's son, Kakeru, to take up the heroic knight's mantle and save the kingdom from a burgeoning evil. Lucifon's minions are on the march, preceded by a mysterious black mist that turns everyone it touches to stone. Led by Eto, Kakeru and his friends must take the fight into the very heart of Lucifon's despotic empire or become statues for his garden.
Yuki Yamao
The students of Aoi College, who are all 19 by the way, have always suspected that Professor Ohse might be some sort of pervert or cretin, but no one could have guessed how depraved he really is. As it turns out, he's really a terrorist who decides to hold the entire campus hostage, and make all of its comely young lasses submit to his desire for torture and depravity.
어느날 텐치의 앞에 자칭 텐치의 딸이라는 16세의 여자아이 마유카가 나타난다. 하지만 와슈의 실험 결과 마유카의 주장은 사실인 것으로 판명되고, 믿을 수 없는 이 사건에 대해 텐치 일행은 놀라움을 금치 못한다. 결국 마유카가 미래에서 온 텐치의 딸이라는데 동의를 한 일행은 곧 마유카의 엄마가 누군지에 관심을 쏟는다. 하지만 마유카는 아빠에 대한 기억 밖에 없다고 말하는데...
Mrs. Yoshinaga (voice)
짱구는 어느 날 오후, 강가에서 자고 있는 한 남자 옆에서 작은 구슬을 하나 줍는다. 그 구슬은 옛날 주유랑족과 주황천족이 세상을 지배할 수 있는 힘을 가진 `잭`이라는 악마를 토기 인형 안에 봉인해 둔 열쇠가 되는 구슬이었다. 잭을 부활시켜 세상을 지배하려는 핵슨과 주황턴족의 여자 우두머리의 음모로 잭을 부활시킬 구슬 두 개를 찾아 혈전이 펼쳐진다. 세상의 평화를 지키려는 주유랑족은 주황천족과 핵슨의 음모에 맞서 구슬을 지키기 위해 싸운다. 짱구가 처음 본 남자 로즈는 주유랑족 우두머리의 큰 아들이었던 것이다. 세상을 지키려는 주유랑족과 세상을 지배하려는 주황천족의 싸움에 우연찮게 말려든 짱구와 가족들은 무사히 세상의 평화를 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가!!
When the government develops a bio-engineered cyborg, named Dragon, as a secret weapon, a failure in gene manipulation turns the creature into a sex-crazed monster!
The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS signal and discover a derelict space cruiser where all the women have died mysteriously. They take the only survivor, a young woman named Flair, and detonate the ghost ship. However, the danger is just beginning. With Flair on the Muse, the romances between the women begin to take a new turn. One by one, the crewmembers are attacked by a mysterious alien presence, desperate to find a way to reproduce with human women!
1편이 나오고 제작사 사정으로 중간에 제작이 중단.
Rei-Lan (voice)
Rei-Lan is an ex-DEA agent turned prizefighter who comes face to face with her former lover, an evil underworld mobster named Tojo. He shares a mysterious bond with Rei-Lan: a Dragon Sex Tattoo that binds them together sexually forever! Will Rei-Lan be able to exact her revenge or is she destined to forever love Tojo?
갇혀있던 범죄자 카인은 탈출 후 갤럭시 본부를 날려버리고 지구로 향한다. 한편 지구의 천지라는 소년은 몸이 없어지는 현상을 겪고, 와슈 박사는 그 현상이 과거의 변화 때문이라는 것을 알아챈다. 이에 천지 일행은 과거로 향하는데...
From the radioactive emptiness of space comes the Demon Beast! A hideous alien monster, the Beast shares a psychic link with the beautiful Earth woman, Kayo. Bound by a forbidden past and a horrifying erotic encounter, she is destined to lure the Beast back to a helpless Earth. Her tortured soul cries out across dimensions, calling the Demon Beast to begin his reign of bloodlust, carnage, and terror!
Hannah (voice)
Princess Diana runs away from an arranged marraige and straight into the arms of slave traders who capture her and she is forced to become a slave. She finds her long lost childhood friend/love there, who happens to be the sworn enemy of her families throne, and becomes his, but of course with the family wanting her back all is not ideal.
Yuu and Saya are two of the top Cosmic Hunters in the galaxy, and Yuu is enjoying a bit of fame after his most recent adventure. The two are on a date when they are interrupted from a distress signal from their "ally", the feline pervert Nyan. In the meantime, the space pirate Belga begins attacking space freighters in an attempt to lure out Yuu, so she can take him to bed with her. Of course, when he spurns her, she decides that if she can't have him, then no one can.
Kurokawa Satomi
End Of Summer tells the story of one young man's relationship with five women in a frank and sensual manner seldom explored in even the most daring of live action films. Although the hero, Wataru, wants only to score with Mai, the girl of his dreams, he must first deal with four other young women scattered in his path like land mines. There is infatuated and juvenile Miho, tomboyish athlete Misa, naive Kurumi, and the caustic Satomi, who works in the restaurant where Wataru hangs out and whose personal life become hopelessly intertwined with Wataru's.
Yoshinaga Sensei (voice)
어느 날, 부리부리 왕국의 왕자 슨노케시는 이상한 자들에게 납치당한다. 신 짱과 엄마 미사에는 제비뽑기를 하다 부리부리 왕국 여행권에 당첨된다. 그러나, 비행기에서 '화이트 스네이크' 라는 조직은 신 짱을 노리고 있었으며, 무사히 탈출했으나, 기차에서 또다시 출몰, 신 짱은 잡혀 버린다. 부리부리 왕국의 보물이 있는 지하 궁전의 열쇠가 바로 슨노케시 왕자와 신 짱! 화이트 스네이크 단의 두목 '아나콘다 백작' 과 부하 '미스터 하브'와 간부 호모들은, 열쇠인 두 아이를 가지고 지하 궁전으로 보물을 차지하고 세상을 지배하기 위해 출발한다. 부리부리 왕궁에서 파견된 왕자를 찾는 조직원 루루 루 루루와 노하라 일가는, 슨노케시와 신 짱을 구출하기 위해 화이트 스네이크 단을 쫓아 지하 궁전으로 떠난다.
Ayeka (voice)
A few days after Kagato is defeated everything returns to normal. Ryouko finds Mihoshi and Sasami reading shoujo manga, which Sasami mistakes as guides on how to win a boy's heart... Earth style. So Ryouko decides to try out the ideas from the manga to win over Tenchi. But Aeka finds out what her rival Ryouko is doing and tries to take advantage of the same method. Naturally, the results are less than satisfactory for all involved...
Mrs. Yoshinaga (voice)
아이들은 액션가면을 TV 속의 인물인줄만 알고 동경한다. 짱구는 친구들과 함께 액션 가면 카드를 사모으며 즐거운 하루를 보낸다. 드디어 여름방학이 시작되는데, 아버지가 갑자기 바다로 놀러가자고 한다. 그것은 지구를 지키는 액션가면이 그들을 바다로 유인해낸 것이다. 한편, 우주에서 온 그래그래 마왕은 지구를 지배하기 위해 사람들의 영혼을 빼앗아간다. 짱구는 지구를 지키기 위해 액션가면과 힘을 합치는데...
Etsuko Takayanagi (voice)
Lecherous high school boy Hanappe is visited by two demons who step from his TV and immediately fall in lust with his mother and sister. The demons turn Hanappe's home into a meeting ground for their demonic friends and grant Hanappe the power of the Hanappe Bazooka. Now his index finger is capable of both a deadly blast and the ability to drive women in a lustful frenzy, but Hanappe isn't very good at controlling it and winds up in serious trouble.
Princess Atover
Zenno, a master gamer, has been offered the chance to play the newly-released game, Expers. But when a naked girl appears in his classroom to give him his Expers Suit, complete with real superpowers, he learns that Expers is not just a simple computer game — it is a real-life kill-or-be-killed PvP (Player versus Player) game. Only the main character of the game can survive until the end — but who is the main character? And, perhaps more importantly, who is controlling the game?
Amano Megumi
나치 독일 매드 사이언티스트의 아들 뮨히하우젠 2세는 초신의 숙적 광왕(狂王)을 부활시켜 세계를 지배하려 한다. 나구모의 사촌 키류 타케아키는 비행기 사고를 당해 양친을 잃고, 나구모의 피를 수혈받아 초인간적인 존재가 된다
Cara (voice)
A simple salvage operation turn into a nightmare journey to the Prison Planet Geo; where evil warden Helga has built an illegal empire based on slavery and exploitation. Dr. Vail, also a resident of Planet Geo, has discovered a new process to turn the inmates in vicious monsters. The appetites of the monsters and Helga's own insanity transform Geo in a literal hell but Guy and Reina know just how to handle it...
Nurse (voice)
세상은 인간들이 사는 인간계와 악마들이 지배하는 악마계, 반인반수들이 사는 수인계의 삼계로 오랜 세월동안 그 균형을 유지해 왔다. 수인계의 최강자 아마노 자쿠는 삼계에 걸쳐 전해오는, 3천년에 한번 나타나 삼계를 하나로 통합하여 새로운 세상을 창조한다는 초신의 전설을 쫓아 여동생 메구미와 함께 인간계로 내려오게 된다. 사립맹신학원이라는 학교에서 초신의 기운을 느낀 아마노는 인간으로 변장하여 학교에 입학, 초신의 존재를 찾기 시작한다. 한편, 학원의 소심남 나구모 타츠오는 리듬체조부 소속이자 학원의 아이돌이기도 한 이토 아케미를 좋아하지만 소심한 성격때문에 자신있게 다가서지 못한다. 양호실에 간 아케미가 초신의 존재를 찾아 인간계로 넘어와 교사로 위장해 있던 악마에게 붙잡혀 범해질 위기에 처하고, 마침 학원을 탐색 중이던 아마노가 이를 발견, 일격에 악마를 처리하는 상황이 발생한다. 마침 그 장소에는 아케미를 쫓아온 나구모도 있었고, 아마노의 모습을 보기 전에 기절한 아케미는 나구모를 생명의 은인으로 여기고 그와 가까워지게 되는데...
Ms. Kazuko (voice)
Noriyasu seems like an average third-grader, but his life goes haywire after he catches his mother reading his private daily journal. In an effort to astonish her, he begins writing outlandish lies about a giant snake in the bathroom, cooking pencils for dinner, and a rain of pigs, but Noriyasu is the one who's shocked when his writings play out in reality and everyone else treats the events as normal. Things become even more chaotic when he takes several stabs at being a newspaperman, producing “fake news” that become the talk of the town and one resulting in an apocalyptic porcine holiday.
Tia (voice)
The inhabitants of the peaceful village Le-jeute are lured to the factory city with the promise of pleasure. A small group of workers prepare to revolt against the evil factory owner, Morlock. The worker Eud escapes, ending up in the arms of the beautiful Tia. When Morlock captures them both, Eud is thrown in the dungeon, and Tia is subjected to Morlock's sexual appetite.
Taking place 700 years after the Dunbine TV Series, "The Tale of Neo Byston Well" revolves around Shion Zaba, the reincarnation of series protagonist Sho Zama. Together with Silkie Mau, Reml Jilfried (the reincarnation of Remile Luft), and the Aura Battler Silbine, Shion must stop a twisted Shot Weapon from launching a custom-made nuclear ICBM missile that's poised to wipe out the realm.
Komaba Ikenoue (voice credited as Saki Iijima)
Dr. Toyama takes control of the body of a beautiful girl with his strange invention. He lets the young Asagedani "slip into" her body so he can see how it real feels to be a girl. Then Komaba's classmate, the equally beautiful Nakano, surprises "him" and mistakes his activities for a sexual advance from her friend.
Shaimyi (voice)
God's two daughters Cherry and Lemon have been tasked with finding the lost treasure of Heaven, referred to as Love. Together with their guardian Berry, their search takes them to a planet where stuffed animals have come to life, putting them in direct conflict with Cecilian and the nefarious Treasure Connection.
Eon (voice)
An army of invading aliens attack the peaceful land of Lyon with lust and carnage on their minds. Only the combined forces of Swordsman Zeke, Swordswoman Neris and the psychic Flare stand between the sadistic Glode and his total subjugation of the people of Lyon. In Flare 2, the forest of Lyon becomes host to a malevolent force that consumes all who trespass its borders. When Lady Neris and her brother Eo disappear while investigating, it is up to Flare to discover what new evil lurks in the heart of Lyon...
Students who do not trust teachers, teachers who give up faith in education, parents who blame schools for their children's misbehavior... Naoko was at a loss when she was assigned as a new high school teacher. Times have changed and students are no longer easy to control, but she chose not to look away. Instead, Naoko reaches out to try and discover the various issues hidden in the modern education system.
Villager (voice)
Lek and Flene are warriors of the Han tribe who live in a post-apocalyptic world. They must fight Tanguin, a powerful enemy who keeps kidnapping women from their village. After the last attack, the villagers demand that both Lek and Flene go directly to Tanguin's home base to face him. To assist the two warriors, two volunteers from the village offer their help: Corola, who had his sister kidnapped, and Syril, who's girlfriend was abducted. They also gain the aid of Klee, a magical being who accidentally got struck by Tanguin on his last assault. - Anime News Network
Woman (voice)
Nora Scholar is now an interstellar bounty hunter, pursuing a powerful psychic on the desolate mining planet, Dazzle. There she befriends a would-be dancer named Max. Together, they take on the ESPer, Fuuchino, and his oversized bruiser of a brother, Touchino.
Girl A
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.
Girl (voice)
죽음의 위기에 몰린 레미는 한 때 세계를 여러 번 구한 고쇼군 소속이다. 이제 세상을 떠난 노파, 그녀의 옛 동료들은 그녀의 죽음을 위해 모인다. 동시에, 그녀가 살아서 묻혔다가 죽을 뻔했던 어린 아이였을 때와 위험한 자살 미션을 위해 나머지 팀원들과 함께 있었을 때로 시간은 거슬러 올라간다. 삶을 붙잡기 위해 고군분투하는 그녀의 나이든 모습을 보면, 우리는 그녀가 평생 똑같은 일을 해왔음을 알 수 있고, 그녀의 예전 동료들은 그녀가 삶을 붙잡는 것이 그들의 눈앞에서 천천히 느슨해지는 것을 무기력하게 지켜보고 있다.