Season Of A Lifetime (2012)
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The inspiring story of head football coach, Jeremy Williams, who, terminally ill with the ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) refuses to retire, deciding instead to coach for one last season. Rick Cohen's cameras follow him as his resilient Greenville Patriots high school team battles a tough Region 4 schedule in their quest for the Georgia state championship. A father figure to his underprivileged African-American players, Coach Williams is also a loving husband to his high-school sweetheart, and a loving father to two kids, one who is also stricken with a debilitating disease. Family and faith are the driving inspirations that enable Coach Williams to strive toward the impossible, making it truly a 'Season of a Lifetime.'
Conflicting with the traditional role of the church, post-modernist thought has released the individual from obedience and unconditional fealty to objects of authority and convention. This program tackles questions that arise from this configuration. How do believers reinvent their faith to remain relevant and compelling? The filmmakers' poignant inquiry turns to experts in philosophy and theology to contextualize faith in a post-modern world.
Setting the Record Straight is a unique view of the religious and moral heritage of black Americans, with an emphasis on the untold yet significant stories from our rich political history. The material presented is ground-breaking and revolutionary, leaving viewers amazed and inspired.
A perpetual state of welfare exists in the U.S., creating a form of modern slavery for a large percentage of African-Americans. Rev. C.L. Bryant presents an insightful and compelling look at how freedom can be restored.
The indoctrination of Gerrit Wolfaardt is complete: his family traditions, history, culture- even his church-have taught him that black South Africans are a cancer in the land. Under the eye of prominent members of the government and military, Gerrit develops a diabolical plan to rid South Africa of its "black danger." Before his plans can be carried out, he meets two people who will put him on a collision course with his future: Celeste, an open-minded University student, and Peter Lekota, a pastor who challenges Gerrit's prejudice. His "final solution" meets its greatest obstacle when Gerrit realizes he is wrong. The Persecutor becomes the Peacemaker and begins to seek reconciliation between whites and blacks. However, in the turbulent last days of apartheid, there are those who doubt his transformation. One such person is Moses Moremi, whom Gerrit had once violently attacked. In the end, it is Moses who must choose between peace and bloodshed.
They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known. But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America's wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done. What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don't think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it's happening right now.
The Jesse Owens Story is a biographical film about the black athlete Jesse Owens. Dorian Harewood plays the Olympic gold-winning athlete. The drama won a 1985 Primetime Emmy Award and was nominated for two more.
The film begins by showing images of the Holocaust, and stating that Hitler sanctioned the killing of 11 million people. This is followed by Comfort interviewing people about Adolf Hitler; their responses indicate a lack of historical knowledge, although he also finds a neo-Nazi who claims to love Hitler. Comfort proposes a hypothetical situation to his interviewees, asking if they would kill Hitler if they had the opportunity at that time in history. He asks more hypotheticals dealing with what his interviewees might do in other circumstances related to the Holocaust. He then switches his topic to make similar comparisons to abortion within the United States and the right to life, personalizing his arguments to make comparisons between the Holocaust and abortion in order to place the interviewees on the spot. The documentary concludes with Comfort stating that over 50 million abortions have occurred to date; he calls this the "American Holocaust".
A light-skinned African-American family are "passing" in an all-white New England town. When the truth comes out, the more prejudiced neighbors demand their expulsion from the community.
Set in the heart of America in the 1930s. Walter Osgood (Louis Gosset Jr) is the only black man left in the town of High Lonesome that has been cleared by the overwhelming white supremacist beliefs. Having lost his entire family to them and not knowing where his young Son is or whether he is alive is what sets this movie apart from others
When Idaho Legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a "letter to the editor" about the drastic changes in America's culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the Capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then... he'd hit on something. Ask almost anyone and you'll hear, "Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down." Thought the word communism isn't used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well. Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It's a well documented AGENDA.
'THE PERFECT STRANGER' tells the story of Nikki, a troubled attorney who one day receives a mysterious dinner invitation from a man claiming to be Jesus of Nazareth. Throughout their evening of conversation, arguments and spirited debate, Nikki learns things she never knew about life, the universe, and most importantly, herself.
Pinky, a light skinned black woman, returns to her grandmother's house in the South after graduating from a Northern nursing school. Pinky tells her grandmother that she has been "passing" for white while at school in the North. In addition, she has fallen in love with a young white doctor, who knows nothing about her black heritage.
Edna marries Texan Sam Gladney, operator of a wheat mill. They have a son, who is killed when very young. Edna discovers by chance how the law treats children who are without parents and decides to do something about it. She opens a home for foundlings and orphans and begins to place children in good homes, despite the opposition of "conservative" citizens, who would condemn illegitimate children for being born out of wedlock. Eventually Edna leads a fight in the Texas legislature to remove the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records in that state, while continuing to be an advocate for homeless children.
Ten years have passed. Nikki's daughter Sarah, now 19 and heading West for college, is at her own spiritual crossroads. To make matters worse, her mother has recently revealed that, nearly a decade ago, she was the dinner guest of the Almighty himself. Thinking her mom is certifiably insane, Sarah strikes up an unlikely friendship with a travel companion who shares her disdain for religion.
During World War I, small-town girl Josephine Norris has an illegitimate son by an itinerant pilot. After a scheme to adopt him ends up giving him to another family, she devotes her life to loving him from afar.
Luke O'Brien, a washed-up salesman turned night law student, decides to sue Satan for $8 trillion dollars. On the last day before Luke files a default judgment, Satan appears to defend himself. On Satan's legal team are 10 of the country's best trial lawyers. The entire world watches on Legal TV to see who will win the Trial of the Century
OCTOBER BABY is the coming of age story of a beautiful and naive college freshman who discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself and the answers she craves.
{여기 북부 지방에서는, 대부분의 환경이 별로 변하지 않는다. 가을은 풋볼 시즌을 의미하고, 대부분의 사람들은 이기고 지는 것에 목숨걸고 코치에게 열광한다. 승리와 패배만이 있을 뿐.... 하지만 그 해는 예외였다.} 사우스 캐롤라이나 주의 작은 마을. 흑인 청년 제임스 로버트 케네디는 다소 모자라는 지능 때문에, 아무도 상대해 주는 사람이 없다. 그러던 어느날 마을의 가장 존경받는 사람중 한 명인 고교 미식축구 코치 해롤드 존스가 그를 발견하고 관심을 보이는데, 그는 라디오 좋아해서, 늘상 끼고 다니자 그에게 '라디오'라는 별명을 부르며 친구로서 다가간다. 처음에는 라디오도 존스를 의심하지만, 존스는 계속적인 관심을 표현한다. 존스의 친구 및 가족들은, 라디오를 만나기 전까지는 오직 축구에만 전념하던 존스의 이런 행동에 당황해 한다. 서서히 라디오도 존스에게 마음을 열고, 존스는 자신의 풋볼팀 훈련을 도와줄 것을 부탁하면서 둘 사이의 우정은 깊이를 더해간다. {라디오는 이제 공식적으로 한나 고교의 일부분이며, 영원히 우리 삶의 일부분이다. 만일 당신이 어느 가을날 금요일에 앤더슨에 갈 일이 생긴다면 서두르시길. 필드에서 자켓팀을 이끄는... 라디오라 불리우는 사람을 보게 될 것이다. 라디오는 이제 50줄에 들어섰다. 그리고 그는 한나 고교 이래 가장 사랑받는 코치이다. 해롤드 존스 코치는 최근에 남부 캐롤라이나 코치 명예의 전당에 올랐다. 이제 코치 직에서는 물러났지만 그들의 우정은 지속되고 있다.}
2차 대전을 마치고 돌아온 폴(키아누 리브스)은 아내의 성화에 못 이겨 집을 나왔다가 임신한 여인-빅토리아를 만난다. 혼전에 임신한 빅토리아는 혼자서 집에 가는 것을 겁낸다. 그들은 하루만 부부로 행세할 것을 약속하고 함께 빅토리아의 고향인 멕시코로 간다. 가족들의 환대 속에서 빠져나올 수 없었던 폴은 며칠 더 그곳에 머물게 된다. 폴과 빅토리아 사이에 사랑이 싹트고 결국 그들은 진짜 부부가 되는데...
고대 사원의 유적이 남아있는 캄보디아의 아름다운 야생 숲 속 한가운데, 장난꾸러기 호랑이 형제 '쿠말'과 '샹가'가 살고 있다. 평화롭기만 한 일상은 유적을 발굴하려는 사람들의 발길이 닿는 순간 무너지고 만다. 아빠 호랑이는 사람들의 총에 맞아 죽음을 맞이하고, 엄마 호랑이는 사냥의 제물이 되어 부상을 입고 사라진다. 그리고 평생 함께 할 줄 알았던 호랑이 형제는 서로 헤어져 형 '쿠말'은 서커스단에, 동생 '샹가'는 총독일가의 애완동물로 팔려간다. 씩씩하기만 했던 형 '쿠말'은 서커스단의 가혹한 조련과 갖은 곤욕을 당하며 점점 지쳐가고, 수줍은 많던 동생 '샹가'는 사람들의 손을 거치며 거칠고 사납게 변해만 간다. 그리고 모진 운명은 이들을 이끌어 격투장에서 재회하게 만드는데...... 그들은 과연 서로를 알아볼 수 있을까? 운명도 막지 못한 호랑이 형제의 놀라운 여정이 시작된다.