
Casey at the Bat (1927)

Wait till the see Beery as "Casey" and Hatton as his veteran groundkeeper pal - you can hear the roars of laughter now!

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 1시간 8분

연출 : Monte Brice


Casey is a slovenly junk man in a turn of the twentieth century hick town who has a remarkable ability to play baseball. An unscrupulous New York scout signs him up, so Casey and his equally dishonest manager go to the big leagues. Eventually, the scout and manager conspire to get him drunk and bet against him for a crucial game with the pennant at stake.


Wallace Beery
Wallace Beery
Ford Sterling
Ford Sterling
Zasu Pitts
Zasu Pitts
Sterling Holloway
Sterling Holloway
Spec O'Donnell
Spec O'Donnell
Iris Stuart
Iris Stuart
Sydney Jarvis
Sydney Jarvis
Anne Sheridan
Anne Sheridan
Floradora Girl
Doris Hill
Doris Hill
Floradora Girl
Sally Blane
Sally Blane
Floradora Girl
Iris Stuart
Iris Stuart
Trixie - Floradora Girl
Rosalind Byrne
Rosalind Byrne
Lotus Thompson - Floridora Girl
Robert Dudley
Robert Dudley
Farmer (uncredited)
Ben Hall
Ben Hall
Scorekeeper (uncredited)
Robert Livingston
Robert Livingston
Male Chorus Member, Sextette Number (uncredited)
Jerry Mandy
Jerry Mandy
Florist (uncredited)
Tom Ricketts
Tom Ricketts
Laughing Spectator (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan
Charles Sullivan
Drinker at Bar (uncredited)


Monte Brice
Monte Brice
Monte Brice
Monte Brice
Grant Clarke
Grant Clarke

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