섹스 이즈 크레이지 (1981)
장르 : SF, 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 23분
연출 : Jesús Franco
각본 : Jesús Franco
놀라운 속도로 번식하는 외계인. 그룹으로 사랑에 빠지고 새로운 형태의 공존을 찾은 두 커플. 파렴치한 비밀 요원. 아르헨티나 탱고. 스페인 영화에서 가장 자유롭고 망상적이며 기괴하고 건강하게 건전한 코미디입니다
AD 37년, 로마 황제 티베릴우스(Tiberius : 피터 오툴 분)의 폭정 시절, 황제가 입양아인 칼리큘라(Caligula : 말콤 맥도웰 분)보다 친손자인 제멜리스(Gemellus : 브루노 브라이브 분)를 더 귀여워하자, 칼리큘라는 자신이 왕위에 오르지 못하면 죽음을 당할 것임을 알고, 꼭 살아남아서 황제가 되어야겠다고 결심한다. 황제의 심복이며 칼리큘라를 싫어하는 네르바(Nerva : 존 질거드 분)는 그가 황제가 되면 로마가 망한다며 자살을 한다. 이에 충격을 받은 칼리큘라는 생명의 위협을 느끼기 시작하고, 궁정의 수호대장 메크론(Macro : 구이도 마나니 분)은 아내마저 칼리큘라에게 바칠 정도로 그에게 충성하지만 칼리큘라는 그 또한 믿을 수가 없다. 어느날, 티베리우스는 심장마비를 일으켜 침대 위에 누워만 있는 신세가 되자, 칼리큘라와 메크론은 누워있는 그를 베개로 눌러 죽이고 25세에 로마 황제로 즉위한다. 처음에는 치정에 전념하던 그도 점점 주위 사람들을 의심하고, 측근들을 사소한 트짐으로 하나씩 제거하면서 서서히 광기를 드러낸다. 여동생 드루실라(Drusilla : 테레사 안 사보이 분)를 동생 이상으로 사랑하여 동거하는가 하면 음란한 왕비 케소냐(Caesonia : 헬렌 미렌 분)가 낳은 딸을 아들이라고 우긴다. 칼리큘라는 또한 웅대한 이집트풍의 연극을 기획하고 부인과 함께 직접 출연하기도 한다. 칼리큘라의 폭정은 날이 갈 수록 심해져 드루실라가 열병으로 죽자 급기야는 황실 안에 커다란 매음굴을 만드는데...
한 남자(토니)가 순진한 소녀(마들렌)에게 접근하여 술을 마시게 한 후 자신의 집으로 데려가 감금한 후 마약을 주사한다. 며칠간의 강제 상습 투여 끝에 중독이 되어 버린 마들렌에게 매춘을 강요하고 이를 거부하자 그녀의 눈을 멀게 만들어 버린다. 그리고 마약에 중독이 된 그녀를 이용해 매춘을 하고 치부를 한다. 할 수 없이 마들렌은 자신에게 주어진 일상에 굴복을 하고 그런 치욕적인 생활을 이어 나가던 중에 토니가 자신의 양 부모에게 거짓 편지를 보내어 양부모가 자살하게 된 것을 알게 된다. 그 충격이 채 가시기 전에 그곳에서 알고 지내며 의지 삼던 친구 세리마저 현실을 비관하여 자살을 하자 마들렌은 복수를 결심하고 복수를 위해 미친 듯이 돈을 모으게 된다. 모은 돈으로 무술과 사격, 운전을 배우고 자신을 돈으로 산 포주와 손님들에게 하나 하나 복수를 해 나간다.
레일라는 자신이 가지고 있는 모든 감정적, 육체적 욕망을 낯선 이와의 섹스를 통해서 해소하려고 한다. 어느 날 밤, 클럽 파티에서 우연히 데이비드라는 남자를 만나 첫 눈에 반해버린다. 그 둘은 우연히 다시 만나게 되고, 레일라가 적극적으로 다가가보지만 데이비드는 그녀에게서 도망쳐버린다. 하지만 머지 않아 데이비드 또한 걷잡을 수 없는 감정에 레일라를 찾아가고 둘은 즐거운 시간을 함께 보낸다. 데이비드를 만난 후 라일라는 난생 처음으로 사랑이란 감정을 깨닫게 되고, 제어 되지 않는 자신의 마음 때문에 힘들어 한다. 그러던 어느 날, 데이비드의 아버지의 죽음으로 둘 사이에 긴장감이 맴도는데...
On a Tuesday night, five couples have separate sexual adventures. Matt and Kris, friends for years, want to have an only-once, no-strings good time. Abby and Andrew, married, celebrate his birthday, but it's marred by angst and miscommunication. Mia and Eric are exes, making sure they are over each other. Jaime and Ken work together and this is a first date. Inez and Gord invite his roommate, Dave, to join them. By the time each couple has gone through a prelude, foreplay, sex, an interlude, orgasm, and afterglow, they've answered basic questions: can sex be anonymous, are we bored, is our marriage really finished, does anyone tell the truth, and how do we make someone happy?
A Count and Countess, their lovelife losing luster, invite some people over ...
Two young women check out a classified ad for an apartment, which leads to lots of sex for everyone.
Unable to satisfy his sexual desires with his wife, Bill regularly visits prostitutes. Afterwards, he ties up and tortures them in various ways before killing them. Bill believes that if they die, they will be reincarnated and have a better life. He murders over a dozen people. One day, a young woman named Jade comes to stay with Bill's family. He falls in love with her but is afraid that he will kill her, so he makes her leave. Jade has nowhere to go and starts working as a prostitute. When Bill finds Jade doing this, he has sex with her and gets her pregnant.
Three tales of the erotic: Two young ladies experiment with lesbianism, a handsome and wealthy socialite makes a beautiful woman patiently wait to make love to him, and a gorgeous, but controlling and dominating blind woman makes a hunky stud her sexual hostage in her swanky mansion home.
Three woman playing a game of catch leads to one of them exposing herself as she gets stuck whilst peering out the window… (film.thedigitalfix.com)
A group of women are locked in a cemetery crypt, convicted of an old curse. This kind of succubi, lewd and wicked, indulging years pass all kinds of sexual pleasures.
Clayton has a problem with his roommate Brian... he's secretly in love with him! Blinded by passion, he can't tell the difference between his daydream fantasies and reality. Can he control his desire or will he cross the line?
One of the infamous "Four Devils" of the Japanese pink movie scene, Hisayasu Sato delivers an original and thrilling whodunit that moves through the layers of reality. Reporter Nukada's next big assignment is the secret world of Japanese phone sex clubs. He gets in touch with Midori, a part-time employee at the Banana Club, but is startled to hear she's been implicated in the bloody death of a client with perverted tastes, Kihara. Sensing a bigger story, Nukada uncovers a link between Midori and the late Kihara's wife and realizes that the situation is much more complex than he imagined. And in this world of blood-play and electro-sex, the biggest shock has yet to be announced...
100 years later. The condemned women are still under the spell of Fata Morgana.
Comedy about some schoolgirls being taught anatomy (of the sexual nature) by the sexually frustrated Barbara Moose. In bed at nighttime the girls practice their daily lessons on each other and on any unsuspecting visitors of the night. When they're not in class they enjoy frolicking around outside (naked most of the time!) experiencing the joys of nature.
Decameron-style collection of entertaining short stories with such diverse themes as nymphomania, bestiality, and masochism.
A rather brittle high school teacher inherits her uncle's flourishing business, which was primarily involved in the manufacture of sex paraphernalia. In view of the high turnover, she quickly loses her scruples.
Claudia, Rita, and Caterina are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day, they are summoned to the notary public's office and learn that Anna, one of their peers in high school who got a bad name as a "whore" in the town because of them and was forced to leave is now dead. Furthermore, she had amassed a great fortune abroad and decided to bequeath it to the three. However, she has a strange condition: Claudia, Rita, and Caterina should cheat on their husbands within three days and provide photographic evidence or else the inheritance will be donated to the retirement home.
A woman named Chieko Kuwano is hired as an assistant manager at a large corporate office in Japan. She’s smart, sexy, and willing to do almost anything for her sex-starved new boss but, since he’s married, his deviant behavior makes her uncomfortable. Fed up with the boss and his perverted ways, the ladies in the building band together to enact their own special kind of revenge… that is, after they have a lesbian three-way slumber party, of course!
Ryoko leaves the chaos of her dorm for the peace and quiet of her own place because she wants to keep her relationship with a doctor at Murata Hospital a secret. Unfortunately, that privacy is short-lived as she discovers a “peeping tom” next door neighbor that spies on her all the time. When the doctor’s wife learns of the affair, poor Ryoko gets caught in a web of jilted lovers, frisky lesbians, slapstick sexual assault and embarrassing incidents with household appliances.