
몽키 킹덤 (2015)

Adventure is in Full Swing.

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 21분

연출 : Mark Linfield, Alastair Fothergill


아름다운 자연 그대로의 풍광이 남아 있는 스리랑카 정글 속 고대 유적지. 열매가 잘 익고 햇볕이 잘 드는 곳에 힘센 수컷 원숭이를 중심으로 왕비 무리들이 있다. 그리고 그 밑에는, 철저한 계급사회에서 험난한 과정을 통해 상위 계층으로 올라가려는 원숭이들이 있다. 한편, 하위 계층 원숭이인 주인공 ‘마야’는 새로 태어난 아들 ‘킵’을 잘 돌보고 싶어 하지만, 다른 원숭이 무리에게 서식지를 빼앗기면서 다른 곳으로 이사를 가야 할 처지에 놓이게 되는데...


Tina Fey
Tina Fey
Narrator (voice)


Mark Linfield
Mark Linfield
Alastair Fothergill
Alastair Fothergill
Harry Gregson-Williams
Harry Gregson-Williams

포스터 및 배경


비슷한 영화

The Great Polar Bear Adventure
A Polar Bear tries to teach her two cubs about life in the Arctic and the new challenges they face due to the interference of man. The Great Polar Adventure takes audiences inside the secret life of polar bears and imagines life from their perspective. Ikuk, a new polar bear mother, faces tremendous challenges as she raises cubs for the first time. With the rise of global warming, she must lead her family into dangerous "two-leg" territory to scavenge for food.
Pure sound unaltered by human hands is becoming increasingly difficult to find. Gordon Hempton is an Emmy Award-winning sound recordist who has spent the last 30 years trying to find and record the vanishing sounds of nature in an attempt to capture a disappearing sensory experience. Filmmaker Nick Sherman observes Hempton in the wilderness for 30 days and uncovers an obsessive artist on a quest for perfection in this obscure medium. Hempton’s natural ability to locate and articulate himself through sound has a contagious energy and gives his work a transportive quality. Soundtracker is a fascinating meditation on the world’s changing landscape and the things we may be leaving behind in the service of progress.
Idaho: An Aerial Tapestry
An aerial celebration of mountains, rivers, deserts and lakes. One could spend a lifetime searching for a single image that is Idaho, only to realize that the allure of this place lies precisely in its dazzling diversity of altitudes and attitudes. Soar above our state with this spectacular tour of Idaho. Original music by Idahoans.
블랙피쉬: 노토리어스 킬러
최대 규모와 인기를 자랑하는 미국의 시월드 파크. 이곳의 간판 프로그램 범고래쇼에서 공연을 하던 범고래 ‘틸리쿰’은 갑자기 조련사를 공격해 죽음에 이르게 한다. 올해 선댄스영화제에서 공개되며 화제를 모은 는 쇼를 위해 포획된 ‘틸리쿰’과 다른 고래들이 조련사를 공격하는 영상을 적절하게 배치하며 사고가 일어나기까지의 과정을 스릴러 형식으로 따라가는 영화다. 감독은 범고래의 본성과 불법으로 자행되는 범고래 포획, 조련사들의 애환과 죽음, 그리고 수십억 달러 규모 해양공원산업의 어두운 이면을 강렬한 영상과 감성적인 인터뷰로 담아낸다. 탄탄한 구성과 충격적인 스토리로 인간과 자연과의 관계를 곰곰이 생각하게 만드는 영화.
캐리비안의 해적: 죽은 자는 말이 없다
윌 터너는 죽은 자들을 저승으로 인도하는 플라잉 더치맨호의 선장이다. 뭍에는 일년에 한번밖에 올라오지 못하고, 평생 바다 속에서 지낼 운명에 처해 있다. 윌 터너의 아들, 헨리 터너는 아버지의 저주를 풀기위해 바다 전설을 섭렵했다. 그가 찾은 해결책은 포세이돈의 삼지창을 찾는 것이다. 헨리는 자신을 도와줄 캡틴 잭 스패로우를 찾아 전세계 바다를 떠돈다. 잭 스패로우를 찾는 이는 또 있다. 악마의 삼각지대에 발이 묶인 채 좀비가 되어버린 캡틴 살라자르 일당이 그들인데...
Secrets of the Mediterranean: Cousteau's Lost World
북극곰 : 여름의 여정
북극곰 다큐멘터리
가족을 잃고 혼자 남겨진 무당벌레 '땡글이' 흑개미들과 함께 설탕을 운반하는 거대한 여정에 오르게 되고... 절벽에서의 추락, 거대 붕어의 공격, 불개미들의 습격까지.. 위험을 이겨내고 흑개미들의 안식처인 개미탑에 도착하지만, 뒤를 쫓아온 불개미 군단의 무차별 공격에 개미탑이 무너질 위기에 처하는데..! 운명을 건 최후의 전쟁! 땡글이의 위대한 도전은 과연 성공할 수 있을까?
Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey
The fakir with his trick monkey is seated on the pavement in a street in Cairo. He plays a tom-tom, while the monkey dances the couchee-couchee. The movements of the monkey are very comical. (Taken on the winter cruise of the S. S. "Auguste Victoria" of the Hamburg-American Line, leaving New York on 03 Feb 1903.)
After a violent episode in biology class, the outsider Lykke begins to change. There is something very wrong and soon a big showdown with the outside world awaits. The beast in her has been awakened.
The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus
One of the most mysterious animals to inhabit the jungle is the pygmy hippopotamus - up to 300 kg in weight, just 2 meters long, and 80 cm tall, and a true loner. Since its discovery in 1844, generations of researchers have attempted to study it in the wild - but in vain. Although it proved possible to catch a few specimens for zoos, no one ever got to see them before they were already inside the trap. They eluded the gaze of the researchers like phantoms under the protection of the enchanted forest. These are the first ever pictures of pygmy hippopotami in their natural surroundings - the rain forest of West Africa. Set amid stories about their habitat, the film allows a first impression of this timid creature's life. While their ten-times heavier relatives are loud and gregarious and live in open stretches of water, the pygmy hippopotamus moves furtively through the thick undergrowth.
Smart as a Fox
Smart as a Fox is a 1946 short documentary film supervised by Gordon Hollingshead. In this short film, a fox cub experiences life in the forest. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short, One-Reel.
The Scorpion's Tale
The Scorpions belong to the oldest land-based arachnides with over 1800 different species known to exist. Usually, they do not surpass the size of 10cm in length, but exceptions are know, such as the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator) which can grow up to become over 20cm in size. Scorpions are mostly active at night and hide away during the day. Take a look into the live of these amazing creatures!
National Geographic: Eternal Enemies Lions and Hyenas
Trek into the hidden battlefields of northern Botswana where lions and spotted hyenas clash in overlapping territories. With never-before-seen footage, much of it filmed at night, you'll uncover an intense and vicious blood feud that has been waged for millennia. Follow the Southern Clan, led by a powerful hyena matriarch whose firstborn female cub kills her sister at birth to assure her succession as leader of the clan. Lurk in the shadows as a lioness from the Central Pride gives birth to three cubs and then encounters a deadly Egyptian cobra. You'll be stunned by breathtaking chase scenes as the hyena matriarch is brutally killed by a male lion, throwing the clan into chaos. Discover nature's savage conflicts in this ancient rivalry.
The Great Sperm Race
'The Great Sperm Race' tells the story of human conception as it's never been told before. With 250 million competitors, it is the most extreme race on earth and there can only be one winner.
The Leavenworth Case
Director Lewis D. Collins' 1936 whodunit is about the investigation into the death of an elderly tycoon, who is murdered shortly after announcing he plans to change his will and give away his fortune.
My Friend the Monkey
A hurdy-gurdy man goes by Betty Boop's house; she wants to buy his monkey, which causes plenty of trouble for Pudgy the Pup.
Oscar Winning documentary short film following the life cycle of the monarch butterfly.
The End of the Game
Robin Lehman presents an intimate view of the panorama of African wildlife, giving a sense of what it is really like to be there, and in a dramatic climax makes a poignant plea for conservation. Filmed in Zaire, Kenya and Tanzania, the film takes the viewer from deep inside an anthill, to the majestic giraffes suckling their young, African storms, dung beetle ritual dances, duels for supremacy, feeding time and playtime all end, as the animals disappear one by one while the sound of a rifle shatters the existing magic of life.
Earth Overhaul
A group of scientists are thinking outside the box for ways to reverse the effects of global warming. And who better to save the earth than National Geographic Channel's host of the World's Toughest Fixes, Sean Riley? He'll join these experts in the labs and in the field to see what wacky new technologies are being developed, like sending mirrors into space and reducing the greenhouse emissions chickens produce.