Beyond All Boundaries (2013)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 37분
연출 : Sushrut Jain
The stories of three ordinary Indians, a penniless super fan, a boy superstar and a girl cricketer, for each of whom the sport of cricket is a lifeline.
Sachin Tendulkar plays himself in this sports-docudrama that traces the life and times of one of the world’s biggest cricket phenomenas.
파씨 가문의 말썽꾸러기 외동딸 뮬란은 선머슴 같은 성격에 강한 자아를 가지고 있어, 가문의 명예를 걸고 중매쟁이를 만나러 가서도 거듭되는 실수로 퇴짜를 맞게 된다. 뮬란은 나름대로는 부모님과 가문의 자랑이 되려고 노력하지만 그것이 그녀에게는 쉬운 일은 아니다. 한편, 훈족이 국경을 침략하자 황제는 가문에 한 사람씩 전쟁터로 나가라는 징집 명령을 내린다. 파씨 가문 역시 징집 명령을 받게 되고, 충성심이 강한 아버지는 전쟁에 나갈 준비를 한다. 그러나 뮬란은 지병이 있는 아버지가 전쟁에 나가도록 할 순 없다고 결심하고, 마침내 아버지 대신 갑옷을 입고 전쟁터로 향하게 된다.
After his career fails to take off, a gifted cricketer in his mid-thirties decides that he’s not ready to give up quite yet.
1890년대 영국 점령기 인도. 무거운 세금에 허덕이는 참파네르 주민들에게 영국 장교가 크리켓 시합을 제안한다. 마을의 앞날이 걸린 시합, 승자는 누가 될까?
Rameshan, who has great love for cricket, fails to become a cricketer in his life. However, he tries to fulfil his dreams through his son when he realises that the child too has a passion for it.
Feature documentary about the great West Indies cricket team of the 1970s and '80s. Fire In Babylon is the breathtaking story of how the West Indies triumphed over its colonial masters through the achievements of one of the most gifted teams in sporting history. In a turbulent era of apartheid in South Africa, race riots in England and civil unrest in the Caribbean, the West Indian cricketers, led by the enigmatic Viv Richards, struck a defiant blow at the forces of white prejudice worldwide. Their undisputed skill, combined with a fearless spirit, allowed them to dominate the genteel game at the highest level, replaying it on their own terms. This is their story, told in their own words.
Based on the life story of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, and his journey to being the world cup winning captain of the Indian cricket team.
Charlie Bucktin is a bookish boy of 14. His life changes forever when Jasper Jones, the city's multiracial outsider, shows him the body of young Laura Wishart one night. Entrusted with this secret and believing Jasper to be innocent, Charlie embarks on a dangerous journey to find the true killer.
아프카니스탄 난민 캠프. 군의관 출신의 한 남자가 크리켓을 통해 아이들에게 희망을 전하고자 한다. 하지만 야심 찬 꿈도 잠시, 아이들을 향해 짙게 드리우는 죽음의 그림자. 희망의 빛은 이곳에 도달할 수 있을까.
세 친구, 고빈, 이샨, 오미는 함께 스포츠용품점과 크리켓 교습을 접목시킨 새로운 사업을 준비중이다. 고빈의 사업적 감각, 이샨의 크리켓 경력, 오미 가족의 든든한 경제적 지원으로 그들은 성공적으로 사업을 시작한다. 그러나 각자의 야망이 커지면서 사업은 흔들리게 된다. 사랑, 우정, 욕망, 구원이 뒤섞인 세 친구의 운명의 드라마가 유려한 화면 속에 펼쳐진다.
경찰 비나약 (아짓 쿠마르)은 뭄바이 크리켓 도박 조직의 멤버 파이잘 (아 라빈 드 아카 쉬)을 돕다가 정직을 당하지만 도박 조직의 보스 아루 무가 (자야 프라 카쉬)의 신임을 얻고 아루 무가의 딸 산자나 (트리샤)에게 접근 그녀의 마음 마저 차지하는데 ...
경찰의 고위 간부가 크리켓 도박에 연루되어 자살하는 사건이 발생하자 특수본 팀장 프리트비 라지 (아르 준)는 '범죄와의 전 쟁'을 시작하고 비나 약은 도박 자금 50 억 루피가 "범죄와의 전쟁 '을 피해 어디론가 옮겨진다는 정보를 입수하고 가로 챌 계획을 세우는데 .. 도박자금 강탈을 위한 기기묘묘 (?) 한 에피소드는 반전에 반전을 거듭하고 우여곡절 끝에 50 억 루피를 탈취하는 비나약의 곁에는 의외의 인물이 모습을 드러내는데 ...
Against a backdrop of war and poverty, Out of the Ashes, traces the extraordinary journey of a team of young, Afghan men, as they chase a seemingly impossible dream, shedding new light on a nation beyond that of burqas, bombs, drugs and devastation. This feature-length documentary follows the Afghan cricket team in their quest against the odds to qualify for the 2011 World Cup, premiering at the Edinburgh International Film Festival on 17th June. Backed by BBC Storyville and Oscar-winning director and cricket fan, Sam Mendes, 'Out of the Ashes' follows the squad over two years as they go from playing in their shalwar-kameezes on rubble pitches to batting their way around the globe and up the international league tables.
1차 세계대전이 일어나기 직전인 20세기 초 영국의 교외를 배경으로, 13세 소년 레오가 귀족 친구의 초청으로 시골에서 방학을 보내며 친구의 누나인 메를린과 농부인 테드의 밀회를 연결해주는 편지 심부름을 하게 되면서 이를 통해 이해할 수 없는 어른들 세계를 엿보면서 깨닫는 이야기. L.P. 하트리의 '중개인'이 원작이다. 인간 차별을 극도로 혐오하는 것을 작품에 꾸준히 잡아온 감독은 전통과 계급을 중시하는 영국 사회의 답답함을 두 계급간의 갈등으로서, 매우 객관적이고 서정적으로 보여준다. 깊은 동굴처럼 찍어낸 귀족의 대저택의 어두운 회랑, 그리고 위에서 내려다본 교회의 부감 쇼트들은 암울한 분위기를 전달하는 반면, 농부 테드가 등장하는 전원 풍경은 밝고 화사한 야외 장면으로서, 극도의 대비로 계급간의 모습을 보여준다. 대담한 여성역을 맡은 줄리 크리스티는 의 라라역으로 알려진 영국 배우로, 연기력도 좋아 오스카상도 받았다. 상대 농부역의 알란 베이츠는 터프하고 야성적인 남자역을 잘 맡았다.
데번에 사는 부부 안소니와 레이첼은 클로슬리라는 이상한 여행객을 만난다. 크로슬리는 사람을 죽일 수 있는‘치명적인 외침’인 호주 원주민들의 샤머니즘을 알려주고, 이로 인해 평범했던 부부의 삶은 끔찍한 방향으로 흘러간다. 로버트 그레이브의 짧은 소설을 기반으로 한 이 영화는 70년대 만들어진 초현실주의 스릴러 '위커맨'이나 '지금 뒤돌아 보지 마라'와 같은 영화들과 맥을 같이한다. 독특한 내러티브와 전례 없는 사운드 효과로 1970년대 후반 영국 공포영화의 초석이 된 작품.
An orphan boy with dreams of finding a family and fame as a cricketer, finds a bat with magical powers and lands a spot in the Indian cricket team.
Dougie Waters loves nothing more than a weekend barbie and cricket match with his mates. But his paradise on earth is destroyed when his best mate and neighbour Norm is forced to leave town and their new boss, a pompous English administrator called Edward Lords, moves in. The animosity between the two men peaks during one fateful backyard cricket match when Dougie hits a ball that accidentally stuns Edward's prize winning cat, Dexter. The cat falls into the roaring BBQ and is instantly incinerated, leaving only ashes. Dougie's son captures footage of the unfortunate event on camera and it is uploaded onto YouTube where the video instantly goes viral! The idea of a backyard cricketing challenge is hatched, with the winner keeping the ashes of Edward's deceased cat, Dexter. The two teams battle it out in the greatest game of backyard cricket ever for the Backyard Ashes.
On the 25th of June 1983, the Lord’s Cricket Ground witnessed one of the biggest underdog stories in the history of sports. Fourteen inspired players - led by a man's self-belief and conviction - fought against all odds and orchestrated India’s greatest sporting triumph by beating the two-time World Champions West Indies.
The Sharks team never wins the local cricket tournament. However, things take a turn when Raghu, a player from the opposition team, decides to join them.
Two cricket journalists set off on a journey to the heart of the game they love, only to stumble upon one of the biggest sporting scandals ever. This is a film about passion, greed, power - and standing up for what you care about.
Some think an in vitro fertilization contest sounds crazy, but countless Americans desperate to start a family believe this social media experiment is their only hope. Vegas Baby is a profile of patients of a Las Vegas fertility clinic. Each year, the clinic hosts a YouTube-based competition called “I Believe,” which gives one lucky couple a shot at an in vitro fertilization treatment they could not otherwise afford. Hundreds of couples apply, yet there can be only one winner.
When the future arrives to Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni, one of the most secluded places on the planet, the destiny of this ancient salt flat is unearthed and one young salt gatherer becomes the last link between the old world and the new.
Generation Startup takes us to the front lines of entrepreneurship in America, capturing the struggles and triumphs of six recent college graduates who put everything on the line to build startups in Detroit. Shot over 17 months, it's an honest, in-the-trenches look at what it takes to launch a startup. Directed by Academy Award winner Cynthia Wade and award-winning filmmaker Cheryl Miller Houser, the film celebrates risk-taking, urban revitalization, and diversity while delivering a vital call-to-action-with entrepreneurship at a record low, the country's economic future is at stake.
SWIM TEAM chronicles the overwhelming struggles and extraordinary triumphs of 3 young athletes with autism and shows how a swim team can bring hope to a community.
A transgender Native Hawaiian teacher inspires a young girl to fulfill her destiny of leading the school's male hula troupe, even as she struggles to find love and a committed relationship in her own life.
A coming of age a story about 3 young boys from Nigeria's major ethnic groups on an adventure to make a short film inspired by the history of Nigeria.
German American artist Eva Hesse (1936 – 1970) created her innovative art in latex and fiberglass in the whirling aesthetic vortex of 1960s New York. Her flowing forms were in part a reaction to the rigid structures of then-popular minimalism, a male-dominated movement. Hesse’s complicated personal life encompassed not only a chaotic 1930s Germany, but also illness and the immigrant culture of New York in the 1940s. One of the twentieth century’s most intriguing artists, she finally receives her due in this film, an emotionally gripping journey with a gifted woman of great courage.
The traditional crafts of crochet and knitting have become one of the hottest movements in modern art. We follow a few International artists and knitters as they bring yarn to the streets and into our lives in new ways. Starting in Iceland, this quirky and thought-provoking film takes us on a colourful and global journey as we discover how yarn connects us all.
Petra Epperlein and Michael Tucker take a powerfully personal journey through the former East Germany, as Epperlein investigates her father’s 1999 suicide and the possibility that he may have worked as a spy for the dreaded Stasi security service.
There's more at stake than just failed crops when a drought strikes a rural community in this comedy-drama from India.
A working-class Punjabi woman battles the adverse conditions that farm laborers face, including an oppressive upper class and drug abuse.
After a failed conquest, Emperor Ajaatshatru pretends to be a soldier in the enemy's army to weaken them from the inside. However, he falls in love with Amrapali by faking his identity.
A young man and woman fall in love but are threatened to be torn apart by the tensions between their Latino and Caucasian communities in Arizona.
쿠바의 스파이였던 남성이 실리콘밸리에서 최첨단 컴퓨터 기술을 빼내다 공산주의에 환멸을 느껴 FBI와 공조해 이중스파이로 살아왔던 과정에 대해 소개하는 다큐멘터리
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero (also known as Bose: The Forgotten Hero) is a 2005 film directed by Shyam Benegal and starring Sachin Khedekar, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Rajit Kapur, Arif Zakaria, and Divya Dutta. The movie depicts the last five years of the life of the Indian independence leader "Netaji" Subhash Chandra Bose. It starts out at the point where Bose resigns from his position as the president of the Indian National Congress (I.N.C.) to the meeting with Italians by crossing Afghanistan's rugged terrains and entering into Europe, to romancing his German secretary and appointment with Adolf Hitler in Berlin, to his inspiring of the Indian P.O.W.s (Prisoners Of War) of the 'Punjab Regiment' (British Army) for fighting against the British forces in India, to the patriotic speeches.
In the Spring of 2011, Senegal was pitched into crisis when President Abdoulaye Wade decided to change the constitution to allow for a third term. An artist-led youth movement erupted to protect one of Africa' oldest and most stable democracies.
After the death of the family's matriarch, her husband and son must confront not only the corruption in society around them but the corruption within themselves.
A glimpse into the world of the women who create and consume romance novels.
Shahjada Ijjat Beg comes to India with his caravan and settles in a town in Gujrat. Here he falls in love with Sohani, who keeps a shop in metal pots. Ijjat Beg buys pot from her with whatever money he had and they were attracted to each other. Sohni dispensed with her servant and kept Ijjat Beg instead. This gave them more opportunity to meet. This was a scandal in the town and Sohni was perforce married to Rehaman who was slightly off his head. Sohni continued her meeting Ijjat Beg who went out fishing. When the atmosphere became to hot for them they jointly took a water grave for their love.
At a time in the United States when the tech sector outpaces the overall growth of the employment market, CODE asks the important question: Where are all the women?