
Hurricane Season (2009)

They turned a tragedy into a triumph.

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 43분

연출 : Tim Story


Based on true events amid the wreckage and chaos dealt by Hurricane Katrina; one basketball coach in Marrero, Louisiana just will not give up. Coach Al Collins, gathers other players from hard-hit schools and builds a team actually worthy enough to go to the state playoffs.


Forest Whitaker
Forest Whitaker
Al Collins
Taraji P. Henson
Taraji P. Henson
Dayna Collins
Bonnie Hunt
Bonnie Hunt
Principal Durant
Isaiah Washington
Isaiah Washington
Coach Simmons
China Anne McClain
China Anne McClain
Alana Collins
Jalene Mack
Jalene Mack
Andrea Wall
Jarod Einsohn
Jarod Einsohn
Randy Verdin
Shad Moss
Shad Moss
Gary Davis
Jackie Long
Jackie Long
Khleo Thomas
Khleo Thomas
David Willis
J.B. Smoove
J.B. Smoove
Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne
Deneen Tyler
Deneen Tyler
Stephanie Davis
Courtney B. Vance
Courtney B. Vance
Mr. Randolph
Eric D. Hill Jr.
Eric D. Hill Jr.
Christian Wall
Robbie Jones
Robbie Jones
Brian Randolph
Louis Coleman
Louis Coleman
Carl Cobbins
Irma P. Hall
Irma P. Hall
Grandma Rose
Lindsey G. Smith
Lindsey G. Smith
Michael Gaston
Michael Gaston
Coach Frank Landon
Lance E. Nichols
Lance E. Nichols
Pastor at Rec Center
Marcus Lyle Brown
Marcus Lyle Brown
Jonathan's Father
Anthony Michael Frederick
Anthony Michael Frederick
Odessa Feaster
Odessa Feaster
Gary's Nurse
Alexander Asefa
Alexander Asefa
Construction Worker
Sharon K. London
Sharon K. London
Shop Keeper


Tim Story
Tim Story
Robert Eisele
Robert Eisele
Stephanie Allain
Stephanie Allain
Michael Beugg
Michael Beugg
Raymond Brothers
Raymond Brothers
Lee Cleary
Lee Cleary
David Gaines
David Gaines
Associate Producer
Scott Glassgold
Scott Glassgold
Bob Weinstein
Bob Weinstein
Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein
Executive Producer
Larry Blanford
Larry Blanford
Director of Photography
Stuart Levy
Stuart Levy
Mark Mancina
Mark Mancina
Victoria Thomas
Victoria Thomas
Carlos Osorio
Carlos Osorio
Art Direction
Bradford Johnson
Bradford Johnson
Set Decoration
Gersha Phillips
Gersha Phillips
Costume Design
Remi Savva
Remi Savva
Makeup Artist
Yolanda Sheridan
Yolanda Sheridan
Makeup Artist
Carlos Barbosa
Carlos Barbosa
Production Design

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