
Engram (1987)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 12분

연출 : Toshio Matsumoto


Engram is a three-part piece revolving around a few good old ideas such as photos inside of photos, movies inside of movies, photos inside of movies, movies inside of photos, and (even) a film director inside a TV set.


Toshio Matsumoto
Toshio Matsumoto


Toshio Matsumoto
Toshio Matsumoto
Takashi Inagaki
Takashi Inagaki

비슷한 영화

The Dream Is Alive
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with them the delights of zero gravity while working, eating and sleeping in orbit around the Earth. Float as never before over the towering Andes, the boot of Italy, Egypt and the Nile. Witness firsthand a tension-filled satellite capture and repair and the historic first spacewalk by an American woman.
소나기 사이에
Mr. Snookie steals an umbrella and then, while trying to help a woman to cross a puddle, the Tramp appears and intervenes.
Kid Auto Races at Venice
The Tramp interferes with the celebration of several kid auto races in Venice, California (Junior Vanderbilt Cup Race, January 10 and 11, 1914), standing himself in the way of the cameraman who is filming the event.
Mabel's Strange Predicament
The Tramp gets drunk in a hotel lobby and causes some misunderstandings between Mabel and her lover.
Disorder in the Court
The Stooges are key witnesses at a murder trial. Their friend Gail Tempest, who dances at the Black Bottom cafe where the Stooges are musicians, is accused of killing Kirk Robin.
On a winter morning, a mother goes to waken her son Heinrich; his bed is empty. She leaves her flat to find him. The neighbors' door, with a Star of David painted on it, is ajar, the furnishings in disarray, the family gone. She asks passersby, runs to the police then on to the rail yard. Flashbacks show that Heinrich and the neighbors' son Paul are six years old and best friends. Paul's family's deportation is expected soon; Heinrich's mother tells her son that they're going to Toyland. Heinrich wants to go with them, has a bag packed, and listens for their departure. His mother realizes he's joined them, and her resolve becomes more urgent. Will she arrive in time to save Heinrich?
Tokyo Mater
A routine tow lands Mater in Tokyo, where he is challenged to a drift-style race against a nefarious gang leader and his posse of ninjas. With the help of his friend, 'Dragon' Lightning McQueen, and some special modifications, Mater attempts to drift to victory and become Tow-ke-O Mater, King of all Drifters.
EXTREME is a visually stunning 45-minute journey into the soul of adventure featuring a cast of world champion athletes. Combining incredible extreme sport action with narration from the athletes and an eclectic, contemporary soundtrack, EXTREME explores the paradox of human nature: facing fear from the edge of life.
북극 대탐험
흔히 에스키모라 불리는 캐나다 북쪽지역의 이뉴잇족과 스칸디나비아 반도의 사미족에 관한 이야기를 다룬 휴먼 다큐멘터리.
The Greatest Places
A journey to seven of the most geographically dynamic locations on earth. The film features spectacular land forms, diverse wildlife and the people and cultures indigenous to these places. Distinct geographic places include the great island of Madagascar, home to unique limestone pinnacles and the playful lemur; and the greatest desert—the Namib—home of the largest sand dunes in the world that tower majestically over its western border, the Atlantic Ocean. Other locations featured are the great icecap of Greenland, Iguazu Falls in Brazil, the Okavango Delta in Botswana, the Chang Tang Plateau in Tibet, and the Amazon River in South America.
Mountain Gorilla
Mountain Gorilla takes us to a remote range of volcanic mountains in Africa, described by those who have been there as ""one of the most beautiful places in the world"", and home to the few hundred remaining mountain gorillas. In spending a day with a gorilla family in the mountain forest, audiences will be captivated by these intelligent and curious animals, as they eat, sleep, play and interact with each other. Although gorillas have been much-maligned in our popular culture, viewers will finally ""meet the legend"" face to face, and learn about their uncertain future.
Ocean Men, Extreme Dive
For more than 10 years, world champion freedivers Pipin Ferreras and Umberto Pelizzari have been vying for world records. Their love of the sea without compromise is what unites these two rivals. However, it is their different personalities and opposing diving philosophies that separate them. Pipin is the "No Limits" man who wants to go deeper and deeper. Umberto, the purist, seeks harmony in the ocean's depth. Ocean Men takes you into the world of these two awe-inspiring freedivers through the use of breathtaking underwater photography, enchanting music, and insightful animation.
Search for the Great Sharks
A journey into the land of sharks. The old myth of swimming killing machines is put against the true nature of those rather peaceful hunters, whose evolution ended in biological perfection millions of years ago. We accompany expeditions of Dr. Eugenie Clark and Rodney Fox, who have studied sharks since the 1950's.
The Secret of Life on Earth
A breathtaking adventure across five continents and through time to reveal nature's most vital secret. Watch a flying fox gorge itself on a midnight snack of figs. Climb into the prickly jaws of insect-eating plants. Witness a mantis disguised as a flower petal lure its prey to doom.
수퍼 스피드웨이
We follow the Newman-Haas (Andretti) racing team through the process of building, testing, and racing for a season. This includes extensive race speed on-track footage, including some pre-race footage with a full squad of cars. From time to time, we check in with a small shop building/restoring one of the first roadsters Mario Andretti raced; the finale includes him taking it for a spin.
신세기 에반게리온 엔드 오브 에반게리온
네르프에 있는 마기가 미국, 프랑스 등지의 마기 5대의 파상공격으로 인해 해킹을 당하고 있었다. 그러나 슈퍼인공지능 컴퓨터도 그 파상공격을 당해내지는 못하는 상황. 결국 감금되어 있던 리츠코 박사를 다시 부르게 된다. 그는 처음에는 자신을 감금한 것에 대해 불만을 표시하지만, 결국 겐도우의 명령에 따르고 예전 사도에게 사용한 캐스퍼의 방법인 마지막 로직 코드를 변경하여 완전 몰아내기로 간신히 마기를 복구한다. 그리고 666프로텍트와 B다낭형 방벽을 세워 62시간은 막을 수 있게 조치하는데...
해저의 신비
수백 마리 은빛 상어떼, 보석처럼 화려한 빛깔의 산호초, 다양한 종류의 물고기들... 수중 탐험가인 하워드와 미셀은 피지, 타히티, 랑기로아 등 아름다운 남태평양의 산호초 지역을 넘나들며 탐험 활동을 펼친다. 산호초와 해양 생물 보호를 위해 앞장서온 이들은 최근 산호초가 급격히 줄어가고 있다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다.
신비의 바다
다양한 생명이 살아 움직이는 경이로운 바다. 시선을 빼앗는 아름다운 산호에서부터 어디서도 본 적 없는 기이한 생물들까지, 마법 같은 그림이 눈 앞에 펼쳐진다. 내레이션 맡은 조니 뎁과 케이트 윈슬렛이 들려주는 신비한 바닷속 이야기.
41 Seconds
What do you do when your girlfriend tells you that your best friend kisses better than you? A young man decides to settle the matter once and for all.
비행의 마술
Take a technological thrill ride The Magic of Flight takes you on a technological thrill ride faster, higher and wider than modern science or even your imagination! Relive the first flight of the Wright Brothers, then soar with the Blue Angels as they defy the laws of gravity. Narrated by Tom Selleck.