
Packard: The Last Shift (2014)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 10분

연출 : Brian Kaufman


The Packard Motor Car Company and its 5-million square foot plant became a symbol of the American Dream in the heart of the Motor City. Packard left town in 1954, but the plant still stands as a symbol of decay. The half-mile stretch of rubble and ruin tells a story of failed politics and criminal activity, of scrappers and arsonists who went too far, and of the perseverance of one business to stick it out. The lawless plant has become a haven for street artists and curiosity seekers from around the world, including a developer from Peru.


Celeste Headlee
Celeste Headlee
Self - Narrator (voice)
Philip Levine
Philip Levine
Fernando Palazuelo
Fernando Palazuelo


Brian Kaufman
Brian Kaufman
Kathy Kieliszewski
Kathy Kieliszewski
Brian Kaufman
Brian Kaufman
Richie Hawtin
Richie Hawtin
Original Music Composer
Brian Kaufman
Brian Kaufman
Brian Kaufman
Brian Kaufman

비슷한 영화

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