
Two in Revolt (1936)


장르 : 액션, 모험

상영시간 : 1시간 5분

연출 : Glenn Tryon
각본 : Ferdinand Reyher, Frank Howard Clark, Jerry Hutchinson


A dog and a horse become unlikely allies when they attempt to thwart a crooked gambler from rigging a race.


John Arledge
John Arledge
John Woods
Louise Latimer
Louise Latimer
Gloria Benton
Moroni Olsen
Moroni Olsen
Cyrus Benton
Willie Best
Willie Best
Harry Jans
Harry Jans
Murray Alper
Murray Alper
Emmett Vogan
Emmett Vogan
George Mason
Ethan Laidlaw
Ethan Laidlaw
Bill Donlan
Max Wagner
Max Wagner
Lightning the dog
Lightning the dog
Lightning - the Dog


Glenn Tryon
Glenn Tryon
Ferdinand Reyher
Ferdinand Reyher
Frank Howard Clark
Frank Howard Clark
Jerry Hutchinson
Jerry Hutchinson
Earl Johnson
Earl Johnson
Thomas Storey
Thomas Storey

비슷한 영화

Of Horses and Men
A country romance about the human streak in the horse and the horse in the human. Love and death become interlaced and with terrible consequences. The fortunes of the people in the country through the horses' perception.
The Condition of Dogs
Shows a market where puppies are bought and sold. Several puppies are placed in a cloth bag, and they struggle to break free. One bites through the bag, pokes his head, and is observed in his triumph and then confusion.
오픈 그레이브
한 남자(존)가 시체 더미에서 정신을 차리게 된다. 존의 몸은 굳어 움직이기 힘들고 자신의 이름이 뭔지, 어디서 왔는지 등 아무 기억을 하지 못한다. 시체더미에 있는 존이 갖고 있는 것은 총 한자루와 라이터뿐이다. 그때 한 여자가 시체 더미의 구덩이 위에서 밧줄을 내려준다. 존은 밧줄을 타고 위로 올라가 여자를 따라 낫선 집에 들어 가게 된다. 그 집에는 5명의 생존한 사람이 있었고 그 5명의 사람 모두 자신이 어디서 왔는지 기억을 하지 못한다. 그렇게 5명의 사람은 서로를 믿지 못하고 의심을 하며 잃어 버린 기억을 찾으려 애를 쓴다. 일행들은 의문의 괴한으로 부터 공격을 받아 죽거나 다치게 된다. 존과 그 일행은 기억을 찾으려 애를 쓰고 하나 둘 씩 기억을 찾게하는 단서들을 밝견하게 된다. 존이 있는 섬에서 좀비 치료제를 개발하던 중 기억을 잃게 되었다는 알게 된다. 하지만 다가오는 일자까지 치료제를 만들지 못하면 군부대가 투입되어 모든 것을 정리한다는 것을 알게 된 존은 그곳에서의 탈출을 시도하려고 하고 결국 탈출에 성공을 한다.
Novelist Will James, a specialist in horse stories, wrote the yarn upon which 20th Century-Fox's Sand was based. Mark Stevens plays horse breeder Jeff Keane, who loses his prize stallion in a train accident. While the stallion roams wild and free, Keane enlists the aid of rancher Joan Hartley (Coleen Gray) in searching for the animal. Once the horse is located, it is clear that it has developed a mean streak, the result of various cruelties inflicted upon it by humans. Jeff and Joan combine their efforts to regain the horse's friendship. Veteran Native American actors Iron Eyes Cody and Jay Silverheels make significant supporting appearances. Sand was attractively filmed in Technicolor on location in Colorado.
Guide Dog
This twisted sequel to the Oscar-nominated film "Guard Dog" details the continuing adventures of an eager canine. This time he takes a job helping the blind, but still leaves a path of destruction in his wake.
Six Gun
When three cowboys show up dead, Tommy, a hard-drinking, retired bounty hunter whose ranch is on the brink for foreclosure, must saddle up one more time to stop the bandit and collect a ransom. Prepare yourself to go back in time to the real old west, when he takes the law into his own hands and kills anyone in his way.
The Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West
Columbia's 33rd serial (made between "Jack Armstrong" and "The Sea Hound") was based on the character that first appeared in "Action Comics" No. 42.
오즈 아
불신으로 인한 살인과 광기를 보여주는 실화를 바탕으로 한 스릴러 공포 영화
Old Shep
A man preparing to shoot his ailing elderly dog sadly recounts their time together.
A scientist has a revelation after his dog dies and leaves his job to start walking dogs.
안녕 베일리
환생만 벌써 5번째! 도무지 끝날 줄 모르는 ‘베일리’의 삶에 새로운 미션이 생겼다?! 바로 ‘이든’의 작은 베이비 ‘씨제이’를 돌보는 것. 소꿉놀이도 해야 하고 위험한 곳에 들어가면 짖어서 알려줘야 하고, ‘씨제이’와 함께 해야 할 일이 너무나도 많이 남았는데 ‘씨제이’는 ‘베일리’와 ‘이든’의 곁을 떠나 도시로 향한다. 7년 후 ‘몰리’로 다시 태어난 ‘베일리’는 우여곡절 끝에 ‘씨제이’의 집으로 입양되고 ‘씨제이’가 행복할 때, 슬플 때, 외로울 때 항상 옆에 있어준다. 주유소의 ‘빅독’으로 다시 태어난 ‘베일리’. ‘씨제이’를 만나기만을 기다리지만 우연히 만나게 된 ‘씨제이’는 ‘베일리’를 알아보지 못하고 떠나버린다. 킁킁킁… 어디서 ‘씨제이’ 냄새 안나요? ‘맥스’로 환생한 ‘베일리’는 오직 일견단심 ‘씨제이’를 기다리던 중 유기견 입양소에서 드디어 ‘씨제이’를 다시 만나게 된다. 인생은 길고 견생은 짧다는데, 저 녀석을 끝까지 지켜줄 수 있을까?
Lonely Dogs
Life on an offshore oil drilling rig is becoming a burden for one of the riggers, who feels lonely and is frequently visited by a lone black dog that appears from nowhere.
Life Beyond Trek: William Shatner
This Documentary Short let us take a look at the life of William Shatner after his life with Star Trek and acting the part of James T. Kirk.
Mission Possible
A group of kids, a Shih tzu dog, a wood, a vet, a police officer with his team and the typical gang of bad guys will be the main characters of a funny action movie. ...Without forgetting that there will be almost 30 Shih tzu dogs!!
Totilas: Paard en Fenomeen!
When a teenage boy falls in love with a girl he sees in the park, he does whatever it takes to get her attention. Even if it means pretending to be someone he's not.
Windstorm 4
Grandmother Maria, Sam and the riding instructor Kaan are trying together to keep Gut Kaltenbach running, which is in financial difficulties. The ambitious Isabell supports her, although she secretly pursues her own goals. The impulsive Ari comes to riding training in Kaltenbach, where she develops a special relationship with Windstorm, the eponymous horse of the film series, and she also makes friends with Mika. Mika and Ari try to save the estate and protect Windstorm from reckless horse trainer Thordur Thorvaldson.
The Exiles
Finding herself accused of a murder she didn't commit, Alice Carroll flees to Tangier, Morocco. District Attorney Henry Holcombe, meanwhile, has discovered that she is actually innocent and sets out to search for her. He finds her in Tanger, but she is under the influence of the shady Wilhelm von Linke, who owns a seedy gambling den. Complications ensue.
Boney D
An amusing chase short starring a hipster dog named Boney D.
The Million Dollar Handicap
The Million Dollar Handicap