
The Third Word (1956)

장르 : 코미디, 로맨스

상영시간 : 1시간 40분

연출 : Julián Soler
각본 : Alejandro Casona


The English-language title of this Mexican musical was The Third Word. Singer Pedro Infante stars as a pampered young man who is sheltered by his doting aunts. Deciding that their darling boy needs an education, the ladies hire pretty schoolteacher Marga Lopez. Upon discovering that her pupil is 28 years old, Marga is momentarily nonplused, but then settles into her duties. Inevitably, romance blossoms between Pedro and Marga, much to the aunts' dismay.


Pedro Infante
Pedro Infante
Pablo Saldaña
Marga López
Marga López
Margarita Luján
Sara García
Sara García
Prudencia Grifell
Prudencia Grifell
Rodolfo Landa
Rodolfo Landa
Miguel Ángel Ferriz Sr.
Miguel Ángel Ferriz Sr.
Dr. Romero
Emma Roldán
Emma Roldán
Eduardo Alcaraz
Eduardo Alcaraz
Administrador Roldán
Manuel Tamés hijo
Manuel Tamés hijo
José Pidal
José Pidal
Esposo de la Tía Lulú
Antonio Bravo
Antonio Bravo
Tío Alfonso
Diana Ochoa
Diana Ochoa
Tía Lulú
José Chávez
José Chávez
Pueblerino (uncredited)
Pepe Nava
Pepe Nava
Maestro (uncredited)


Julián Soler
Julián Soler
Alejandro Casona
Alejandro Casona
Gustavo César Carrión
Gustavo César Carrión
Original Music Composer
José Ortiz Ramos
José Ortiz Ramos
Director of Photography
Jorge Fernández
Jorge Fernández
Art Direction

비슷한 영화

내니 맥피: 우리 유모는 마법사
세드릭 브라운 (콜린 퍼스 분)은 아내를 일찍 여의고, 올망졸망한 일곱 아이를 키우는 홀아비 아빠다. 그는 너무 많은 아이들을 키우느라 재정상태도 일찍이 바닥나서, 그나마 아내의 부자 고모인 아델라이드 백작부인으로부터 받는 원조가 없다면 거리로 나앉게 될 상황에 놓여있다. 그렇게 되면 사랑하는 아이들과도 생이별을 해야 할 판. 그런데 아델라이드 고모는 세드릭이 혼자 애들을 키우는 걸 못마땅해 하며, 한 달 안에 재혼을 하지 않으면 원조를 끊겠다고 압력을 넣어온다. 하는 수 없이 세드릭은 평판이 안 좋은 퀴클리란 여자와 맘에도 없는 결혼을 서두른다.  한편 아빠의 속사정을 모른 채, 그가 자신들한텐 신경도 안 쓰고 새장가들 생각만 한다고 여긴 아이들은 보모들이 오는 족족 쫓아내고, 일부러 심한 말썽을 피워 아빠의 관심을 끌려고 한다. 그런데 더 이상 어디서 유모를 구해볼 도리가 없게 된 그들 집에 신비한 힘을 가진 “맥피”(엠마 톰슨분)가 홀연히 나타나는데..
호스 위스퍼러
그레이스(스칼렛 조한손)는 승마 도중에 말과 함께 언덕에서 미끄러져 트럭과 부딪힌다. 이 사고로 그레이스는 다리를 잃고 그녀의 말 필그림도 중상을 입었을 뿐 아니라 정신적 외상을 입는다. 그레이스의 엄마 애니(크리스틴 스콧 토머스)는 '호스 위스퍼러'라는 말의 정신적 충격을 치료한다는 톰 부커(로버트 레드포드)를 찾아간다. 몬테나에서 머물며 톰 부커가 필그림의 정신적 상처를 정성껏 치료해주는 동안 그레이스의 마음의 상처도 아물어가고, 그러는 사이 톰과 애니도 사랑에 빠진다. 이즈음 애니의 남편이 몬테나로 찾아와 이들의 사이를 알게 되는데...
플리카 2
엄마가 차사고로 돌아가신 후 대도시에서 할머니와 살던 소녀 캐리 맥러플린은 오래전 엄마와 헤어졌던 아빠 행크에게 보내진다. 시골 와이오밍에서 큰 목장을 하고 있는 행크는 캐리와 오랫동안 소원했던 관계를 회복해 보려 한다. 뱀에 물릴 뻔했던 캐리를 목장에 있는 야생마 플리카가 구해 준 후 캐리는 플리카에게 강한 유대감을 느끼면서 좋아하게 된다. 또한 같은 또래인 일꾼 제이크에게 플리카를 타는 법을 배우면서 캐리는 닫혀 있던 마음의 문을 조금씩 열게 된다. 하지만 내심 제이크를 좋아했던 이웃 목장주의 딸 에이미가 캐리에 대한 앙갚음으로 곤경에 빠진 플리카를 데려가고, 캐리는 도살당할 위기에 처한 플리카를 구하기 위해 폭우 속으로 뛰쳐나가는데... (캐치온)
워 웨건
존 웨인과 커크 더글러스가 출연하는 추억의 서부극. 원작소설을 영화화한 것이다. 가출옥한 타우 잭슨은 뉴멕시코의 고향으로 돌아온다. 잭슨은 자신을 형무소에 보내고 그 사이에 토지와 금광을 빼앗은 피어스 일당에게 복수하기 위해 돌아온 것. 피어스는 상금 1만달러로, 잭슨을 살해하도록 로맥스에게 의뢰하지만 그는 대답을 하지 않는다. 잭슨과 로맥스는 피어스가 사금을 옮기는 마차를 습격해 탈취할 계획을 진행하고 있었던 것이다.
한때는 혈통 좋은 종마들을 번식시키는 목장으로 유명했던 크레인 목장. 그러나 할아버지의 목장 운영에 반대했던 아버지 '벤'은 경주마들을 직접 키워서 시합에 보내려다가 엄청난 빚을 지고, 결국 다른 목장의 말 사육사로 일하며 근근히 살아가고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 아버지 '벤'이 일하던 목장에서 지난 경마대회에서 1위를 했던 명마 '소냐도르'가 경기 중 다리가 부러지는 불의의 사고가 발생하고, 이 때문에 '소냐도르'는 목숨을 잃을 위기에 처해진다. 이에 '벤'은 자신의 퇴직금 대신 '소냐도르'를 집에 데리고 오게 되는데... 크레인 일가에게'소냐도르'의 등장은 막막하기만 했던 목장을 살릴 한줄기 희망과도 같았다. 그것은 단순한 재정적인 탈출구였을 뿐만 아니라 그 동안 서먹서먹했던 가족간에 화해와 사랑을 이루게 되는 구심점이 됐던 것이다. 그 후 6개월 동안 '벤'과 '케일'의 정성 어린 간호로 '소냐도르'의 부러진 다리는 기적처럼 회복된다. '소냐도르'의 회복과 함께 아버지로부터 '소냐도르'를 선물받은 '케일'은 야심찬 계획을 세우는데... 그것은 바로 '소냐도르'를 다시 한번 경주에 내보내는 것. 이제는 딸의 꿈을 이뤄주고 싶은 '벤'과 지난 날 아들에게 미안한 마음을 전하고 싶었던 할아버지 '팝'은 '케일'을 도와 모든 경마인들의 꿈의 대회인 “브리더스 컵”에 '소냐도르'를 출전시키게 되는데...
우리의 환대
캔필드가와 맥케이가는 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 앙숙 관계에 있는 두 집안이다. 캔필드가와의 관계를 모르고 다른 곳에서 자란 윌리 맥케이는 유산을 상속받으러 고향으로 가는 도중, 캔필드 가문의 외동딸과 친해져 저녁 초대를 받게 된다. 버지니아의 오빠들을 당장 그를 죽이려고 하지만, 아버지는 집안에서만큼은 가문의 ‘손님 접대법’을 지켜야만 한다고 말한다.
All Hat
An ex-con returns to his rural Ontario roots and outwits a corrupt and wealthy thoroughbred owner trying to take over a slew of local farms. Ray Dokes, a charming ex-ballplayer, returns from jail to discover the rural landscape of his childhood transformed by urban development. Determined to stay out of trouble, Ray heads to the farm of his old friend Pete Culpepper, a crusty Texas cowboy who trains losing racehorses and whose debts are growing faster than his corn.
스노위 맨
광활한 호주의 원시림 속에서 원대한 꿈을 키우던 짐(Jim Craig: 톰 버링슨 분)은 아버지의 갑작스런 죽음에다 설상가상으로 벌목 허가까지 빼앗기게 되자 도시로 나가 일자리를 찾는다. 냉혹하고 욕심 많은 사업가 해리슨의 목장에 잡역부로 들어간 짐은 산으로 돌아갈 날을 위해 열심히 일한다. 한편, 아버지의 뜻과는 정반대로 목장을 경영하는 여장부를 꿈꾸던 해리슨의 딸 제시카(Jessica Harrison: 시그리드 쏜톤 분)는 능숙한 소솜씨로 야생마를 길들이는 짐의 맑은 눈빛에 반해 그를 사랑하게 된다. 다른 이들의 희생 위에 이룩한 부와 명예를 딸에게 물려주고자 했던 해리슨(Harrison/Spur: 커크 더글라스 분)은 짐과 제시카의 사이를 눈치채고 그녀를 기숙학교로 보내려한다. 격렬한 언쟁 끝에 제시카는 산 속으로 말을 달린다. 제시카를 찾아 험난한 산을 헤메이던 짐은 말의 시체에 이어 벼랑에 추락한 그녀를 찾아낸다.
Dos tipos de cuidado
Jorge Bueno and Pedro Malo are best friends who consider giving up their womanizing ways when they each fall in love. As fate would have it, Pedro Malo unexpectedly marries Jorge Bueno's girlfriend, and the conflict between the former buddies begins. A year later they find themselves in the same town and confront each other once and for all.
Destined to Ride
Lily's life is turned upside down when she is forced to leave her friends to spend the summer on a remote ranch with her nature-loving aunt. She is surprised to meet an unlikely group of friends and Pistachio, the horse she has an unbreakable bond with. When her aunt is threatened by unfriendly neighbors, Lily knows it is up to her to save the ranch.
Young Girls of Wilko
Set in the late '20s. A thirtyish young man, who heads a small factory, faints at the funeral of a close friend. He decides to go home to his aunt and uncle for a while, but gets involved with a family of five women who had been in love with him at one time though he had apparently loved only one, who, unknown to him, has died since his departure. The women are mainly disillusioned with life or estranged from husbands while the youngest has a crush on him.
Beware of Love
Salvador accompanied by two friends of his father whom he calls uncles, they arrive at a fair in the village, there he meets Ana. When he wins a bet he is paid with a mortgaged house, to his surprise upon entering the hom he realizes that Ana and her mother live in it, provoking a funny entanglement with an explosive final.
The Three Garcia
Ruled by a tough grandma, the Garcías are three charro cousins who fall in love with young American-born Lupita and fight for her love until grandma quiets them.
Christmas for a Dollar
America is in the midst of the Depression, and the Kamp family is struggling to get by, especially after Mrs. Kamp's untimely death. Now little Ruthie, with her mother gone and her father overwhelmed by doctor bills resulting from her brother's polio, expects another Christmas without presents or festivities. But when her father brings home one dollar in change and lets the children use it to buy special gifts for each other, the Kamps come to find that money isn't what fills Christmas with joy, love, and miracles.
The Wild Stallion
A story about two girls, CJ and Hanna. CJ lives on a ranch, Hanna comes to visit and decides to photograph wild horses for a school project. The girls become great friends and learn of a plot that might jeopardize the mustangs.
The Red Pony
Peter Miles stars as Tom Tiflin, the little boy at the heart of this John Steinbeck story set in Salinas Valley. With his incompatible parents -- the city-loving Fred and country-happy Alice -- constantly bickering, Tom looks to cowboy Billy Buck for companionship and paternal love.
사랑에 빠진 여인
맥시코 혁명 속에서 사랑에 빠진 남과 여.
Egghead Rides Again
City dweller Egghead dreams of being a cowboy, but his bouncing around gets him kicked out of his boarding house. He sees an ad for a ranch looking for a cowboy and applies. His tryout includes tests of marksmanship and use of a branding iron, but most of it consist of chasing down and roping a troublesome little calf. He passes the test, but the job isn't exactly what he dreamed of.
Thou Shalt not Covet thy Son's Wife
An elderly man falls in love with a beautiful young woman, without knowing that she is in love with his son.
It's dark times for Ethan Collins, a severely depressed, foul-mouthed elementary school teacher whose wife's recent infidelity and departure have left him questioning everything in his life.

추천 영화

Over the Waves
The life of the musician Juventino Rosas, who despite his talent lived an existence of misfortune and poverty.
El baisano Jalil
Aristocratic but penniless, the Veradada have to resort to loans Lebanese businessman Jalil, whose son Selim, suffers the scorn of Martha, the daughter of the Veradada wasteful. Being invited to the house of Don Guillermom, Jalil and his wife Suan and Selim are teased and contempt. Finally, the Lebanese family worker puts in place the family of Don Guillermo ridiculous.
El hombre inquieto
Adult street urchin passes himself off as rich man's long-lost son.
Trip to the Moon
In this movie a couple of comedians try to disappear for a while and end up in an asylum, where confused as the mad, and try to escape, but one of them falls in love and that complicates things.
Ni Muy, Muy... ni Tan, Tan... simplemente Tin Tan
"Ni Muy Muy, Ni Tan Tan, Sim­ple­men­te, Tin Tan. Tin Tan was one of the grea­test com­de­dian-​ac­tors in the his­tory of Me­xi­can Ci­ne­ma. He be­gan his film ca­reer du­ring the early years of what be­ca­me the Gol­den Age of Me­xi­can Ci­ne­ma. Th­roughout the ma­jo­rity of his mo­vies he plays the cha­rac­ter of a pa­chu­co; the Chi­cano/Me­xi­cano in zoot suit, th­ro­wing out the ti­ri­li ph­ra­ses and words, and jam­min the jitty-​bug. With the sty­le and the slang down to a tee, he was pi­cked up in Cd. Jua­rez Chihuahua by an ac­ting trou­pe. Tou­ring ex­ten­si­vely th­rough-​out Me­xi­co with the trou­pe lan­ded him in Me­xi­co City with film con­tracts. It was in tho­se films that Tin Tan ex­po­sed the ima­ge of the pa­chu­co, which Me­xi­can Youth adop­ted. From the de­sert bor­der-​towns of Jua­rez y El Pa­so the sty­le took off in va­rious parts of the coun­try, most no­ta­bly in Me­xi­co City
El rey del tomate
El rey del tomate ("The Tomato King") is a 1964 Mexican comedy-drama film, directed by Miguel M. Delgado and starring Eulalio González, Luz Márquez, and Emma Roldán.
After St. Jude appears in Esperanza's oven, she sets out to find her daughter, who died under mysterious circumstances. The journey forces Esperanza to challenge her own beliefs and face her fears in order to be reunited with her beloved daughter.
Dios los cría
Mrs. Nínive Cánovas Cannesi (Marshall) comes back from a long tour visiting Europe and not even realizes that her house is being inhabited by two jobless and homeless bandits (Tin Tán and Tun Tún) with master keys who had been living there worry free. They all share the house for a period of time, unknowingly to each other, in a series of well crafted and perfectly timed scenes where Catita and Tin Tán can be in the same room without seeing each other... When Tin Tán notices her presence, poses as the help, intercepting the real employees and sending to the north pole, literally. So now that Catita has them at her service, she can take time for her real goal, the foundation of a House for old people so they can live happy until the day they die, but Tin Tán and Tun Tún keep getting in her way and complicating everything...
Elisa Before the End of the World
10-year-old Elisa, whose parents are about to lose their new car due to financial problems, plans a bank robbery.
La tijera de oro
The charitable Emilio is a jealous barber tries to prevent at all costs the rich toting Mario mess with his girlfriend Rosita. Although Emilio help with money from neighbors, gets entangled in a misunderstanding and ends up in jail but his friends are out of charge so much trouble.
Las locuras de Tin Tan
Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.
Sin remitente
A lonely, aging postal worker finds himself the victim of a cruel practical joke in this pessimistic Mexican drama. The trouble begins when crotchety postman Andre begins complaining about his young neighbor Marianna's propensity for playing loud music every time she entertains a lover. To get back at him, Marianna begins sending him anonymous love letters. The old man is intrigued by the mysterious letters and hires a cheap detective to find their author. The detective is convinced the perpetrator is Teresita, a veteran hooker who joins in on the scheme to earn a little extra cash. Andre's friend and colleague tries to warn Andre that it is all a game, but his friend is in love and will not listen. Meanwhile, Marianna attempts to woo Luis Felipe, a hard, unfeeling tabloid journalist who has her take grisly pictures of murder victims for him. Both Marianna and Andre are destined to meet an unpleasant fate at the story's end.
Faith, Hope and Charity
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
El gato sin botas
Target of ridicule from fellow military academy, the cowardly Augustin did not want to return to their village for fear of confronting his grandfather, a revolutionary colonel. In love with the movie star Laura, Agustin flee to the capital but encounters the dangerous Humberto, another in love with the actress. Thanks to his "nine lives", he attains overcome perilous adventures and, incidentally, overcome their fears.
Oh, Love… How Have You Put Me!
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
What a Beautiful Legs!
A man hired to impersonate a bankrupt business mogul who is currently on the run from creditors sets out organize a musical starring beauties from Brazil, Mexico, and Spain in this Spanish-language comedy starring popular funnyman Tin Tan. Now, as the hapless imposter attempts to finance a musical without any money, he also discovers just how difficult it can be to juggle three beautiful starlets who all have eyes for their presumably wealthy producer.
Mexicanos al Grito de Guerra
In times of the French Intervention, a student of Nunó, author of the Mexican National Anthem, falls in love with the niece of the French Ambassador, which causes quite amusing complications.
Rebellion of the Hanged
A peasant who works in a mahogany camp in the Mexican jungles with his family is disgusted with the miserable living conditions imposed upon himself and his co-workers, the peasant finally spearheads a revolt against the sadistic bosses.
Timid, browbeaten salaryman becomes famous author overnight.
The Paper Man
A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 36th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.