Bill Hicks: Bill Loses it in Chicago (1989)
장르 : 코미디
상영시간 : 9분
One of Hicks's most famous quotes was delivered during a gig in Chicago - known s the "Infamous Bill Looses it in Chicago" show - in 1989 (later released as the bootleg I'm Sorry, Folks). After a heckler repeatedly shouted "Free Bird", Hicks screamed that "Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever!" Hicks followed this remark with a misanthropic tirade calling for unbiased genocide against the whole of humanity.
Consisting of two parts: ‘Revelations’, Bill Hicks’ last live performance in the United Kingdom made at the Dominion Theatre; and a documentary about Hicks’ life ‘Just a Ride’ featuring interviews with friends, admirers, and family.
A bootloeg of Bill's SECOND to last live performance at Igby's Comedy Club in LA on January 5, 1994.
Several roasters, and the master himself Kevin Hart, make fun of Justin Bieber.
천국의 계율을 어겨 지상으로 유배당한 두 명의 추락천사, 로키와 바틀비 이들은 못된 짓만 일삼으며 인간 세상을 헤집고 다닌다. 천국으로 돌아가는 계획에 차질이 생기자 급기야 타락하기 시작한다. 예수님의 '마지막 후손' 베서니, 어느 날 밤 기도 중이던 그녀 앞에 천국의 대변인 격인 메타트론이 나타나 그녀만이 두 추락천사를 선도해 인류를 구원할 사람이라고 전한다. 그런 동안 나이가 2000살이나 된 자칭 예수의 13번째 제자라고 말하는 건달 사도 루퍼스를 비롯, 지옥으로 떨어졌던 성미 급한 악마 아즈라엘, 천상의 뮤즈 세런디피티, 얼간이 예언자들 제이 & 사일런트 밥을 만나게 되고 마침내는 각자 내면에 간직하고 있던 신앙심의 본질을 깨닫는데.
인류가 점차 지능이 떨어지게 되자, 주인공 바우어와 리타는 군 프로젝트인 동면에 들어가게 되지고 프로젝트를 주관한 장군이 갑자기 불명예스럽게 퇴직을 당하게 되어 1년을 예상했던 동면이 수백년 흐르게 되고 마는데...
Back in Town is George Carlin's ninth HBO special. It was also released on CD on September 17, 1996. This was also his first of many performances at the Beacon Theater in New York City. He rants about Abortion, The death penalty, prison farms, fart jokes, free floating hostility and words.
영원히 아무 일도 일어나지 않을 것 같았던 평화로운 마을 세일럼. 갑자기 정체를 알 수 없는 해커의 등장으로 마을은 아수라장이 되기 시작하는데… 처음엔 시장, 그 다음엔 고등학교 교장. 휴대폰과 컴퓨터에 담겨있던 비밀스럽고 수치스러운 사생활을 모두 폭로 당한 시장은 시민들 앞에서 권총으로 자살을 하고, 5살 딸 의 알몸 사진을 가지고 있다는 이유로 ‘소아성애자’라는 낙인이 찍힌 교장은 학교에서 쫓겨날 위기에 처한다. 처음엔 이 모든 것을 가십거리로 생각하며 즐기던 마을 사람들은 역으로 자신들이 해킹의 피해자가 되자 각자 ‘가정파괴범’, ‘변태’ 등 불명예스러운 수식어를 달고 마녀사냥의 표적이 되기 시작한다. 사건에 휘말리게 된 것은 고등학생 릴리와 그 친구들도 마찬가지. 마을 남자들에게 ‘걸레’라고 불리우며 표적이 되어 버린 릴리와 친구들은 급기야 살해 협박까지 당하게 되는데…
Mexican stand-up comedian Franco Escamilla draws his jokes from real-life experiences -- and he's willing to do anything for new material. He's not afraid to make generalizations about how men bathe. But he is scared to talk to strangers. Especially at funerals.
In front of a live audience at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina, the Emmy-nominated host of Real Time with Bill Maher performs an all-new hour of stand-up comedy. Among the topics Bill discusses in his ninth HBO solo special are: Whether the "Great Recession" is really over; the fake patriotism of the right wing; what goes on in the mind of a terrorist; why Obama needs a posse instead of the secret service; the drug war; Michael Jackson; getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan; racism; the Teabagger movement; religion; the health-care fight; why Gov. Mark Sanford will come out looking good, and how silly it is to ask "Why do men cheat?"; and why comedy most definitely didn't die when George Bush left office.
Comedy icon Dave Chappelle makes his triumphant return to the screen with a pair of blistering, fresh stand-up specials. Filmed at The Palladium in Los Angeles, California, in March 2016.
냉정한 갤러리 운영자와 그녀의 야심에 찬 비서, 그리고 악명 높은 미술 비평가. 이들이 무명 화가의 놀라운 유작을 손에 넣는다. 그 후에 닥칠 재앙은 짐작도 못 한 채.
L.A 할리우드 힐즈, 문제아들만 모인다는 고등학교에서 ‘패션’이라는 관심사로 가까워진 마크와 레베카. 장난 삼아 물건을 훔치던 레베카와 어울리던 마크는 자연스레 빈집털이에 동참하게 된다. 그들의 타깃은 행사와 파티 참석으로 자주 집을 비우는 유명 할리우드 스타들! 여기에 니키와 샘, 클로에가 합류하면서 범행은 점점 위험하고 대담해진다. 샤넬, 에르메스, 루이비통 등등 훔친 최고급 명품을 휘감고 찍은 사진들이 SNS를 타고 퍼지면서 그들은 스타 못지 않은 유명세를 얻게 되는데…
Carlin returns to the stage in his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatre in New York City for HBO®. His spot-on observations on the deterioration of human behavior include Americans’ obsession with their two favorite addictions - shopping and eating; his creative idea for The All-Suicide Channel, a new reality TV network; and the glorious rebirth of the planet to its original pristine condition - once the fires and floods destroy life as we know it.
This is a great performance. Through yelling and energetic story-telling, he talks about marriage, drugs, being arrested (thanks to his ex-wife), pleasing women, religion, and much, much more.
George Carlin performs a hilarious set of never-before released material in "Complaints and Grievances." His 12th HBO special was recorded live at the Beacon Theater in New York City on November 17, 2001. In "Complaints and Grievances," Carlin shamelessly exposes the people and subjects that irritate him the most.
Comedian Dave Chappelle does what he does best in this outrageous and hilarious standup performance, which allows him to push the envelope far beyond what he does on his TV show. Taped in San Francisco at the famed Fillmore, Chappelle lets loose on such topics as black celebrities, what it's like to have raunchy fans of his TV show approach him while he's trying to enjoy Disneyland with his kids, Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant... and crackheads, of course. It's comedy Chappelle-style and, for what it's worth, no one is safe from his barbs. But you already knew that!
Bill Hicks tells us how he feels about non-smokers, blow-jobs, religion, war and peace, and drugs and music.
Fedoras, mom's underpants, and puppy love all make Jim Norton's s**t list in 'Mouthful of Shame'.
John Mulaney relays stories from his childhood and "SNL," eviscerates the value of college and laments getting older in this electric comedy special.
Famous organist Anton Phibes is horribly disfigured in an automobile accident while rushing to the side of his sick wife and presumed to be dead. Once Phibes learns that his wife died on the operating table, he is convinced the doctors are responsible and begins exacting his revenge on all those involved.