
Western Trails (1938)


장르 : 서부

상영시간 : 58분

연출 : George Waggner
각본 : Norton S. Parker, George Waggner


In a remake of Dawn Trail, Bob Mason is wounded chasing the killers of his father. During his recovery, his nurse is Alice whom his friend Ben plans to marry. He eventually learns the killer was Alice's brother Rudd. But Rudd convinces Ben that Bob is taking Alice away from him. So Ben removes the bullets from Bob's gun just before Bob goes off to face Rudd.


Bob Baker
Bob Baker
Bob Mason
Marjorie Reynolds
Marjorie Reynolds
Alice Gordon
John Ridgely
John Ridgely
Ben McClure
Carlyle Moore Jr.
Carlyle Moore Jr.
Rudd Gordon (as Carlyle Moore)
Forrest Taylor
Forrest Taylor
Stagecoach Shotgun Guard
Franco Corsaro
Franco Corsaro
Indian Joe (as Franko Carsarro)
Bob Burns
Bob Burns
Dan 'Dad' Mason
Jack Rockwell
Jack Rockwell
Livery Stable Owner


George Waggner
George Waggner
Charles Carroll
Charles Carroll
Norton S. Parker
Norton S. Parker
Norton S. Parker
Norton S. Parker
George Waggner
George Waggner
Lloyd Nosler
Lloyd Nosler

비슷한 영화

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