Waldo's Last Stand (1940)
장르 : 코미디, 가족
상영시간 : 10분
연출 : Edward L. Cahn
각본 : Hal Law, Robert A. McGowan
The gang offers to help their pal Waldo attract customers to his lemonade stand. Redecorating their clubhouse as a lavish nightclub, the kids stage an elaborate floor show, with Darla Hood as the star vocalist.
가이 홀든은 뮤지컬 연출자이며 댄서이고 진저 로저스의 캐릭터 미미는 짜증나는 영국인 지질학자와 애정없는 결혼생활에 얽혀있는 미국인 유부녀이다. 가이는 친구인 변호사 에그버트와 런던을 방문했다가 항구에서 만난 미미에게 반하게 된다. 나중에 미미는 에그버트를 변호사로 고용하고 그는 미미에게 불륜의 현장을 연출하라고 제안한다. 미미는 그 연극을 위해 브라이튼으로 가는데, 에그버트와 함께 그곳에 도착한 가이를 그 연극의 상대자라고 믿어버린다. 나중엔 에그버트가 고용한 진짜 전문가인 이탈리아인 로돌포 토네티가 이들 사이에 끼어들게 되는데...
맨하탄 북반부, 하렘의 한복판에 카튼 클럽이 세계 제일급의 클럽이라는 명성을 누리면서 1923년에 문을 연다. 클럽 오디션에서 클럽의 운영자 더치를 도와준 딕시와 샌드맨은 쉽게 합격, 무대를 누빈다. 더치는 딕시와 친한 베라를 정부로 삼은 것 이외에는 딕시에게 잘해 준다. 그후, 딕시는 헐리우드에 진출, 스타가 되고 한편, 탭 댄스에 재질이 있는 샌드맨은 백인 여가수 릴라를 사랑하지만, 흑인이란 이유로 설움을 받는다. 하지만 결국에 재능을 인정받아 흑인은 절대불가라는 카튼 클럽의 전통을 깨고 무대에 서게 된다. 딕시의 동생 빈센트가 더치의 부하 프렌치를 납치, 돈을 갈취한 사건과 베라를 학대하는 것을 본 딕시는 더치와 정면으로 맞선다. 일대 접전을 벌인 후 딕시는 서부로 돌아가는데, 릴라도 마침내 그의 한결같은 사랑에 감동한다.
미국 워싱턴 DC에서 열리는 영어철자암기대회에 참여한 어린이들과 부모, 교사들의 모습을 담은 다큐멘터리.
오늘은 핼러윈, 대왕 사탕을 찾으러 가자! 사이좋게 길을 나선 코리와 크리시, 프레디. 동네 끝까지 달려볼까? 하지만 위험하면 어떡하지? 굉장히 무서운 곳일지도 몰라!
Thomas is bubbling with excitement as he delivers special cargo to the picnic extravaganza! His friend Percy joins in on the fun for a game of Hide and Seek and Emily goes full steam ahead to cheer on the Sodor soccer team! Join Thomas and your favorite engine friends as they explore the sights and delights of Sodor in these exciting episodes. Features the episodes: Pop Goes Thomas, Jitters and Japes, Thomas' Crazy Day and Pingy Pongy Pick Up.
It is about a gang of middle class teen kids who stumble upon a crime in their neighborhood. Remarkably one of the gang members is in a wheelchair, he is somewhat the leader of the group.
The gang is trying just about anything to pass the time during their summer vacation. As usual, Mickey and Jack are trying to win the affections of Mary. In the interim, the village blacksmith, "Dad" Anderson, receives a lucrative contract to produce a creation of his: a sail-propelled scooter. The gang is lucky enough to get a hold of a few of these scooters, and happily sail down the city streets.
The kids pretend to be hunting a variety of animals when they're invited to a farm where they try to capture real game. This gets boring after a while so they decide to try and track a bear. Soon the bear is stalking them!
Alfalfa imagines himself as a western movie hero battling with Butch for Darla's heart.
At Satan & Co., Inc., the devil is upset because too many people are going up to Heaven rather than down to Hades. He gives his assistant, Mr. Burns, the task of getting more people to his domain. In front of a nightclub, Mr. Burns invites a crowd of people to come inside to The Devil's Cabaret to be entertained. After they enjoy songs and dancing, the people go willingly to Hades.
Mickey and Jackie feud over Mary, so Sammy schedules a championship bout between the two rivals.
Hocus, Fracas, Rumpus and Arena set out to cheer on their uncle, Rome's top gladiator, on a fateful day that will change their lives forever.
Entertaining Our Gang comedy has poor Mickey in the hospital being fed castor oil when his friends stop by to pay him a visit. As you'd expect, the kids start making all sorts of noise so the doctors decide to teach them a lesson by scaring them.
This Our Gang short has the group running an athletic club where Joe is put through a couple fights. They also appear to be running a wireless shoe-shining gig where they get customers by splashing paint on their shoes.
A school closes due to heavy debt which brings the children into action by doing naughty deeds so as to persuade the real estate agency to reopen the school, and since this didn't work, they kidnap the school's owner in order to be heard.