
Rocketeer: Excitement in the air (1991)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, TV 영화

상영시간 : 23분

연출 : Douglas Burnet


American TV-Special hosted by Bill Campbell, star of "The Rocketeer". A sneak peak at the film "The Rocketeer" with behind the scenes interviews and meeting "real-life rocketeers".


Billy Campbell
Billy Campbell
Timothy Dalton
Timothy Dalton
Jennifer Connelly
Jennifer Connelly
Joe Johnston
Joe Johnston
Dave Stevens
Dave Stevens
Bill Winberg
Bill Winberg
Ken Brock
Ken Brock
John Hall
John Hall
Kinnie Gibson
Kinnie Gibson
Ken Ralston
Ken Ralston


Douglas Burnet
Douglas Burnet
Dan Boothe
Dan Boothe
Executive Producer
Stu Schreiberg
Stu Schreiberg
Executive Producer
Steve Kroopnick
Steve Kroopnick
Stacy Ryono
Stacy Ryono
Coordinating Producer
Larry Gaudette
Larry Gaudette
Director of Photography
Jeff Caldwell
Jeff Caldwell
Van Carlson
Van Carlson
Camera Operator
Dennis Gerber
Dennis Gerber
Camera Operator
Scott Judy
Scott Judy
Camera Operator
Uli Kretchmar
Uli Kretchmar
Camera Operator
John D. Sarviss
John D. Sarviss
Aerial Camera
Jim Stimpson
Jim Stimpson
Aerial Camera
Gary Bacon
Gary Bacon
Bill Kennedy
Bill Kennedy
Rick Simonton
Rick Simonton
Joanie Burton
Joanie Burton
Production Coordinator

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