The Jönsson Gang Gets Gold Fever (1984)

장르 : 코미디, 범죄

상영시간 : 1시간 41분

연출 : Mikael Ekman
각본 : Rolf Börjlind


Sickan has a new plan. This time, the gang are going to steal a small computer micro chip which contains a top secret plan of what the government intends to do with Sweden in the future. But, Wall-Enberg is also planning to steal the chip. The payment will be 55 million Swedish crowns in gold and diamonds to whoever can deliver the chip to the foreign investors. Who will grab hold of the chip, the Jönsson gang or Wall-Enberg?


Gösta Ekman
Gösta Ekman
Charles Ingvar "Sickan" Jönsson
Ulf Brunnberg
Ulf Brunnberg
Ragnar Vanheden
Björn Gustafson
Björn Gustafson
Birgitta Andersson
Birgitta Andersson
Per Grundén
Per Grundén
Weiron Holmberg
Weiron Holmberg
Carl Billquist
Carl Billquist
Detective Bertil Persson
Sten Ljunggren
Sten Ljunggren
Fritz Mühlweiser
Jan Waldekranz
Jan Waldekranz
Peter Harryson
Peter Harryson
The Driver
Pia Green
Pia Green
Lady at travel agency
Fredrik Ohlsson
Fredrik Ohlsson
Minister of Justice
Charlie Elvegård
Charlie Elvegård
Room service
Anna-Lotta Larsson
Anna-Lotta Larsson
Hostess at Arlanda
Jessica Zandén
Jessica Zandén
Hotel receptionist
Birger Malmsten
Birger Malmsten
The Commander-in-Chief
Carl-Lennart Fröbergh
Carl-Lennart Fröbergh
Taxi driver
Leif Ahrle
Leif Ahrle
Leader of the German Delegation
Björn Henricson
Björn Henricson
German Henchman
Gösta Engström
Gösta Engström
Car mechanic


Mikael Ekman
Mikael Ekman
Rolf Börjlind
Rolf Börjlind
Ingemar Ejve
Ingemar Ejve
Björn Henricson
Björn Henricson
Hans Lönnerheden
Hans Lönnerheden
Production Manager
Lasse Björne
Lasse Björne
Director of Photography
Ragnar Grippe
Ragnar Grippe
Original Music Composer
Stig Boquist
Stig Boquist
Production Design
Susanne Linnman
Susanne Linnman
Kerstin Sundberg
Kerstin Sundberg
Script Supervisor
Kent Högberg
Kent Högberg
Michael Frank Nielsen
Michael Frank Nielsen
Color Timer
Maria "Tobbe" Lindmark
Costume Design
Suzanne Bergmark
Suzanne Bergmark
Makeup Department Head

비슷한 영화

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Anita, Swedish Nymphet
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국제 음모
어빙 월레스(Irving Wallace) 원작의 스파이 스릴러물로 노벨상 시상식을 둘러싼 음모에 주인공이 휘말려들어 겪는 모험을 그린 작품이다. 히치콕 영화의 아류같은 구성을 가지고 있지만, 의외로 탄탄한 구성을 가진 작품으로 에드워드 G. 로빈슨의 1인 2역을 비롯하여 연기진들의 조화도 좋고, 액션과 수수께끼와 로맨스에 유머까지 곁들여져서 제법 볼만한 작품으로 만들어졌다. 아기자기한 스토리와 뉴만 특유의 능청스러운 연기에 노벨상이라는 색다른 배경으로 재미가 있는 영화다.
비커밍 아스트리드
아스트리드 린드그렌은 부모의 도움으로 부유한 부르주아 자녀들만 다니는 고등학교에 다니게 된다. 지역 신문의 편집실 인턴 자리를 꿰찬 이 18살짜리 소녀는 누구보다 승승장구하고 있는 것처럼 보인다. 레인홀드 블롬베리는 그녀에게 교정, 교열과 작문 방법을 알려주다가, 아스트리드와 그만 사랑에 빠지고 만다. 그의 아이를 가진 아스트리드는 중대한 결심을 한다. 그와 결혼하지 않은 채, 스스로 자기 자신을 돌보고 혼자서 아들, 라쎄를 키우겠다고 말이다. (2018년 제20회 서울국제여성영화제)
모니카와의 여름
특별할 것 없는 작은 상점에서 각각 일하는 열일곱의 모니카와 열아홉의 해리는 우연히 바에서 첫만남을 갖게 된 후 연인이 된다. 모니카는 남루한 현실과는 다른 인생을 꿈꾸지만, 부적절한 희롱이 난무하는 일터에서 퇴근해 가족과 함께 살고 있는 허름한 아파트로 돌아오면 그녀를 기다리는 것은 알코올중독 아버지의 학대뿐이다. 해리에게로 피한 모니카는 해리의 모터보트에 숨어 밤을 보내고, 그로 인해 다음날 직장에 늦게 되어 사장의 비난을 들은 해리는 사표를 던지고 모니카와 함께 배를 타고 스톡홀름에서 멀리 떠나버리기로 결정한다. 스톡홀름 군도의 한 작은 섬에 내린 두 사람은 야생에 가까운 환경에서 둘 만의 꿈같은 여름을 보낸다. 그러나 여름이 끝나가고 돈이 떨어지자 더 이상 섬에서의 도피생활은 지속될 수 없게 되고, 둘은 다시 도시의 삶으로 돌아가야만 한다. 임신과 결혼 등, 꿈과는 다른 성장통들이 기다리고 있는 도시에서 모니카와 해리는 각자의 방식대로 삶을 받아들이게 되는데..
Marie Curie
The most turbulent five years in the life of a genius woman: Between 1905, where Marie Curie comes with Pierre Curie to Stockholm to be awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the radioactivity, and 1911, where she receives her second Nobel Prize, after challenging France's male-dominated academic establishment both as a scientist and a woman.
The Jönsson Gang Gets Gold Fever
Sickan has a new plan. This time, the gang are going to steal a small computer micro chip which contains a top secret plan of what the government intends to do with Sweden in the future. But, Wall-Enberg is also planning to steal the chip. The payment will be 55 million Swedish crowns in gold and diamonds to whoever can deliver the chip to the foreign investors. Who will grab hold of the chip, the Jönsson gang or Wall-Enberg?
대지진: 엔드 오브 더 월드
로스엔젤레스 사상 최악의 대지진 발생. 심지어 전례 없는 코로나 분출현상까지 발생하면서 과학자 메레디스는 더 큰 재앙을 예상하지만 아무도 그녀를 믿지 않는다. 결국 도시는 태양 폭풍현상에 휩쓸리고 모두가 혼란에 빠진다. 시시각각 닥쳐오는 대자연의 위협 속에서 도망칠 곳은 아무 데도 없다.
Beware of the Jönsson Gang
The movie begins with the Jönsson gang making a minor burglary. It goes wrong and the gang leader, Sickan, gets caught. After he has spent 10 months in jail, Vanheden and Rocky come to welcome him when he's released. But he doesn't take notice of them, and he's picked up by the mysterious banker Wall-Enberg Jr. instead. He wants Sickan to perform a burglary in Switzerland, in order to retrieve the famous Bedford Diamonds. Sickan does this but is fooled by Wall-Enberg and nearly gets caught. When he returns to Sweden and re-unites with his old gang members, he's set on revenge, both physically and psychologically...
The Jönsson Gang in Mallorca
Vanheden and Dynamit-Harry, together with Harry's fiancée Doris, are in Mallorca while Sickan is still in Stockholm. However, Wall-Enberg talks him into doing a break-in at Las Palmas cathedral in Mallorca. Once persuaded, he can't resist the temptation and travels to Mallorca as well. However, Wall-Enberg obviously can't be trusted. Sickan is framed, caught and put in jail. While being escorted home to Sweden again, Vanheden and Harry sets up a plan to break him free. Sickan, once free, wants payback. The gang discover that an antiques dealer called Germann has something to do with the whole thing and that she's also collaborating with Wall-Enberg. The gang then decide to take a closer look at her and her antiques and they discover that there's a heist being planned against the cathedral in Palma.
Children's Island
Reine is supposed to go to a summer camp called Children's Island but decides to remain in Stockholm over the summer while his mother is working at a hospital. She thinks he is at the camp, and he tells her he is. We then follow him around Stockholm that summer and see what he encounters on the path of life.
The Jönsson Gang Turns Up Again
As always, Sickan has come up with a new plan. This time he wants to rob the IKEA furniture store. During their nightly break-in Sickan discovers that the store is used as a secret smuggling central for sending American computers to the Soviet Union. The computers are picked up by Soviet submarines sneaking into the Swedish archipelago. Naturally, it is their arch enemy Wall-Enberg who is behind all of this.
Karlsson on the Roof
Svante is a young boy who lives with his family in a Stockholm apartment. One day he meets Karlsson, a chubby little man in the prime of his life, who can fly using a propeller on his back and who lives in his little house on the roof.
The Jönsson Gang & Dynamite Harry
Sickan, Vanheden and Rocky try to rob the Berns nightclub one night, but Vanheden has made the mistake to invite his constantly drunk cousin, the old dynamiter Dynamite-Harry and he ruins the plan. Sickan is arrested, and has to spend 10 months in a small, locked room. When he is released, he has a new plan, but Rocky and Vanheden have decided to go straight. Together with Dynamite-Harry, Sickan plans to rob a cold store, managed by their arch-enemy, Wall-Enberg.
The Victoriastadium is totally destroyed in a bomb attack and Christina Furhage, head-responsible for the Olympic Games in Stockholm, dies with it. Why did someone destroy the stadium and why is Christina murdered? The police desperately seek for clues that will lead them to the perpetrator but without any luck. As the Olympic Games draws near the situation becomes more desperate. Annika Bengtzon, a reporter for Kvällsposten, se a connection that no one else sees and without understanding it she starts a carousel that in the end will threaten her own life.
란드베테르 공항에서 일어난 살인강도 사건 이후, 토미와 스톡홀름을 떠나있던 에스텔(모아 가멜)은 토미가 죽자 딸을 데리고 모국으로 돌아왔지만, 배신을 일삼는 순탄치 않은 일들이 벌어지는데..

추천 영화

The Jönsson Gang Turns Up Again
As always, Sickan has come up with a new plan. This time he wants to rob the IKEA furniture store. During their nightly break-in Sickan discovers that the store is used as a secret smuggling central for sending American computers to the Soviet Union. The computers are picked up by Soviet submarines sneaking into the Swedish archipelago. Naturally, it is their arch enemy Wall-Enberg who is behind all of this.
Beware of the Jönsson Gang
The movie begins with the Jönsson gang making a minor burglary. It goes wrong and the gang leader, Sickan, gets caught. After he has spent 10 months in jail, Vanheden and Rocky come to welcome him when he's released. But he doesn't take notice of them, and he's picked up by the mysterious banker Wall-Enberg Jr. instead. He wants Sickan to perform a burglary in Switzerland, in order to retrieve the famous Bedford Diamonds. Sickan does this but is fooled by Wall-Enberg and nearly gets caught. When he returns to Sweden and re-unites with his old gang members, he's set on revenge, both physically and psychologically...
The Jönsson Gang & Dynamite Harry
Sickan, Vanheden and Rocky try to rob the Berns nightclub one night, but Vanheden has made the mistake to invite his constantly drunk cousin, the old dynamiter Dynamite-Harry and he ruins the plan. Sickan is arrested, and has to spend 10 months in a small, locked room. When he is released, he has a new plan, but Rocky and Vanheden have decided to go straight. Together with Dynamite-Harry, Sickan plans to rob a cold store, managed by their arch-enemy, Wall-Enberg.