
Thank You, Del: The Story of the Del Close Marathon (2015)

The funniest person in comedy that no one knows

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 24분

연출 : Todd Bieber


Del Close was never a household name, but any comedy enthusiast is aware of his impact. From Bill Murray to Chris Farley to Amy Poehler, many of the most famous comedians consider him their mentor. Fifteen years after Del Close’s death, thousands of Improv students, comedy fans, actors, and successful comedians gather to celebrate the most important person in modern comedy that no one knows.


Amy Poehler
Amy Poehler
Matt Walsh
Matt Walsh
Del Close
Del Close
Himself (archive footage)
Bill Murray
Bill Murray
Harold Ramis
Harold Ramis
Andrew Alexander
Andrew Alexander
Anthony Atamanuik
Anthony Atamanuik
Claire Ayoub
Claire Ayoub
Matt Besser
Matt Besser
Mike Birbiglia
Mike Birbiglia
Kiko Blade
Kiko Blade
Marta Borges
Marta Borges
Nicole Byer
Nicole Byer
Louis C.K.
Louis C.K.
D'Arcy Carden
D'Arcy Carden
Neil Casey
Neil Casey
Michael Cera
Michael Cera
Sean Conroy
Sean Conroy
Katie Dippold
Katie Dippold
Tina Fey
Tina Fey
Janeane Garofalo
Janeane Garofalo
Christina Gausas
Christina Gausas
John Gemberling
John Gemberling
Harrison George
Harrison George
Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard
Howard Hesseman
Howard Hesseman
Brian Huskey
Brian Huskey
Brandon Scott Jones
Brandon Scott Jones
Shusaku Kakizawa
Shusaku Kakizawa
Nick Kroll
Nick Kroll
Molly Lloyd
Molly Lloyd
Jason Mantzoukas
Jason Mantzoukas
Jonathan Marballi
Jonathan Marballi
Adam McKay
Adam McKay
Conan O'Brien
Conan O'Brien
Ian Roberts
Ian Roberts
Robin Williams
Robin Williams
Himself (archive footage)
Zach Woods
Zach Woods
Sasheer Zamata
Sasheer Zamata


Todd Bieber
Todd Bieber

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