Cavalry Charge: La Haie Sainte & Plancenoit - The French and Prussian Attacks (2011)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 역사, 전쟁

상영시간 : 1시간 35분


Following on from Hougoumont and D'Erlon's Attack, Part III starts just as the great battle reaches its crisis point. Marshal Ney launched thousands of France's finest heavy cavalry against Wellington's thinning lines who had already taken a terrible battering on the Mont St Jean Ridge. Wave after wave of armoured horsemen broke against the steady squares of British, Dutch/Belgian and German troops. The crisis, however, took a further turn for the worse as the key bastion in Wellington's centre, the fortified farm of La Haie Sainte, fell to the French onslaught. The way to Brussels was now open and Wellington muttered, 'Give me Blucher or give me night'. With the situation looking bleaker by the second for Wellington and his troops, Napoleon fatefully hesitated to complete the coup de grace as the Prussians had closed in on his right flank at the Village of Plancenoit. Would the Young Guard be able to hold Blucher's men? There was all still to play for.


Graeme Cooper
Graeme Cooper
Tom Dormer
Tom Dormer
Frank Toogood
Frank Toogood
Mike Peters
Mike Peters
Tim Saunders
Tim Saunders
Andrew Duff
Andrew Duff


비슷한 영화

전유럽을 제패하여 승승장구하던 나폴레옹의 군대는 1812년 러시아 원정에 실패하면서 운세도 기울어져, 1814년 3월 영국, 러시아, 프러시아, 오스트리아군이 합세한 연합군에 의해 파리를 점령당한다. 그는 군사들을 뒤로 하고 눈믈을 흘리며 쓸쓸히 엘바 섬으로 유배된다. 그러나 이듬해인 1815년 3월, 다시 파리로 입성해 황제에 즉위한 그는 돌아오는 즉시 재정을 정비하고 공격 준비에 박차를 가한다. 그가 지닌 코르시카인 만의 거침없음과 솔직함은 당시 농민 출신 사병들로부터 절대적인 신뢰를 받지만, 한편으로 독설적이고 도덕성이 결여된 그의 행동은 때로 수많은 적을 만들기도 하는데.
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In David Grubin's NAPOLEON watch Napoleon's rise from obscurity to victories that made him a hero to the French people and convinced him he was destined for greatness. Learn of his love for Josephine Beauharnais, and his rise to Emperor. Witness his extraordinary achievements and ultimately his fall, his final battles, his exile to Elba, and his defeat at Waterloo. For nearly two decades he strode the world stage like a colossus -- loved and despised, venerated and feared. From his birth on the rugged island of Corsica to his final exile on the godforsaken island of St. Helena, NAPOLEON brings this extraordinary figure to life.
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1800년대 나폴레옹이 프랑스를 지배하던 때, 프랑스군의 청년 장교인 알몬드 듀베르(키이스 캐러딘 분)은 시장의 조카를 상대로 결투를 벌여 큰 상처를 입힌 프랑스군의 청년 장교 가브리엘 페로(하비 케이틀 분)를 체포하라는 명령을 받는다. 공교롭게 페로는 듀베르가 자신을 모욕했다며 결투를 신청하지만 손놀림이 좀 더 빠른 듀베르에게 부상을 입어 승부를 가리지 못한다. 페로는 자신의 실추된 명예를 되찾겠다는 일념으로 전쟁 중에는 결투를 금지한다는 프랑스 법으로 인해 반년을 기다려 다시 결투를 신청한다. 이렇게 시작된 두 사람의 결투는 나폴레옹이 폴란드를 침공하고, 러시아로 진격해가는 과정에서도 그치지 않고 15년간이나 계속된다. 듀베르는 사랑하는 사람과 결혼을 하고 가정을 꾸려 평범한 삶을 살아가고자 하지만 명예를 되찾기 위해 혈안이 된 페로가 계속 방해를 한다. 처음엔 페로의 끊임없는 결투 신청을 피해보려던 듀베르도 차츰 결투에 집착하게 되고, 정권이 바뀌어 페로가 반역자 명단에 오르기도 하지만 결투를 계속하기 위해 그의 사건을 중재하는 일까지 벌어진다. 결국 15년간이나 계속된 두 사람의 결투는 차츰 '왜 싸우는가?'에 대한 이유조차 잊어버린 채 서로에 대한 증오와 집착으로 변해버린 채, 폐허가 된 성에서 서로 총을 겨누며 마지막 결전을 벌이게 된다.
The 95th Rifles 1809 - 1812
95th Rifles 1809 to Salamanca is the second DVD in 95th Rifles trilogy of films and part of The Peninsular Collection from BHTV . The DVD explores the history of the 95th Rifles, who were masters of the battlefield and particularly skilled in skirmishing. Held in high esteem by the French and Allies alike, they played a momentous role in the outcome of the Peninsular War. Following the events set out in the Salamanca DVD, this film serves as a prequel to explain the years leading up to the Battle of Salamanca, starting with the aftermath of Sir John Moore’s retreat to La Corunna in the winter of 1808/1809.
The 42nd of Foot - Black Watch - Dress and Equipment at Waterloo
This film shows the kit and equipment that the 42nd of Foot, The Black Watch wore and used at Waterloo. The Battalion was in 9 Bde of Picton's 5th Division and fought at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. The 8 British Battalions in Picton's Division were all Peninsula Battalions and most probably the most relaible in Wellington's Army. Hence their use at Quatre Bras and their position at Waterloo. The Division lost 43% of its men as casualties at Waterloo including Picton himself, Wellington's greatest fighting general.
95th Rifles: 1812 to the Pyrenees
After the victory at Salamanca Wellington's Army had mixed fortunes and by the the winter of 1812/3 was back in Portugal. Wellington took advantage of the winter to re-equip and retrain his army for his final master stroke in Spain. In June 1813 Wellington launched his whole army in a rapid push NW towards the Spanish/French border outflanking the French. At Vittoria he beat the main French Army on 21st June and pushed the remainder into the Pyrenees on The French border. He was now able to prepare for the invasion of France. In all these actions and leading the Army were the Light Division containing the 3 Battalions of the 95th Rifles. It was during this period that they had some of their toughest and bloodiest actions that showed them to be an elite formation.
Siege Warfare 1812: Ciudad Rodrigo & Badajoz - The Keys to Spain
Due to the hostile terrain of the Iberian Peninsula Siege Warfare took on an importance here more than anywhere during the Napoleonic Wars. For the French in particular fortresses and fortified towns were the only places they could guarantee the safety of their logistics from the Spanish and Portuguese guerillas. If Wellington was going to liberate Portugal and Spain he would have to overcome these fortified locations. This film looks at the British and French experience during this period and uses the the great sieges of Ciudad Rodtigo and Badajoz to illustrate how both defence and attacks were carried out . The BHTV team use footage from Spain, re enactments, maps and models to bring this much neglected aspect of the Peninsula war to life.
Victory and Pursuit: The Waterloo Collection - Part 4
This final part takes us through the dramatic events when Wellington’s Anglo-Dutch Army aided by Blucher’s Prussians defeat Napoleon. The French army was outfought and Napoleon was out-generaled by Wellington. At Wavre Grouchy beat the Prussian rearguard before retreating to France. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Dutch army counted the bloody cost of the previous days fighting while Wellington wrote his controversial Waterloo Dispatch and the vengeful Prussians pursued the French towards Paris, leading to Napoleon's abdication and the occupation of the city by the Allies.
The Waterloo Collection: Hougoumont and D'Erlon's Attack
Following on from Ligny and Quatre Bras, Part II starts by focusing on the concentration of the Allies on the ridge of Mont St Jean and the plans of the opposing armies. While the guns of the Grand Battery thundered in the centre, French columns bore down on the Hougoumont chateau and farm complex, which protected Wellington's flank held by the Guards and their German allies. Thus began an epic 'battle within a battle' that sucked away valuable troops from Napoleon's main attack, causing Wellington to declare that 'the battle turned on the closing of the gates at Hougoumont'.Meanwhile D'Erlons Corps attempted to bludgeon its way through Wellington's centre, not knowing that the British and Dutch line was in waiting on the reverse slope. Upon seeing the French advance, the British released a disciplined volley of musket fire that checked the French. A further brilliantly timed charge by the Household and Union Cavalry Brigades finally saw the French off.
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