
Outlaw Country (1949)


장르 : 서부

상영시간 : 1시간 12분

연출 : Ray Taylor
각본 : Ron Ormond, Ira Webb


Lash goes south of the border looking for a counterfeiter, a kidnapped engraver and his daughter, and the mysterious Frontier Phantom, while Fuzzy St. John studies hypnotism.


Lash LaRue
Lash LaRue
Lash La Rue / Frontier Phantom
Al St. John
Al St. John
Fuzzy Q. Jones
Nancy Saunders
Nancy Saunders
Jane Evans
Dan White
Dan White
Jim McCord
John Merton
John Merton
Marshal Clark
Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
Bob Duncan
Bob Duncan
Fighting Deputy
Sandy Sanders
Sandy Sanders
Fighting Deputy
Bob Terhune
Bob Terhune
Steve Dunhill
Steve Dunhill
Ted Adams
Ted Adams
Frank Evans
Dee Cooper
Dee Cooper
House Peters Jr.
House Peters Jr.
Cal Saunders
Stephen Keyes
Stephen Keyes
Jack O'Shea
Jack O'Shea
Señor Cordova


Ray Taylor
Ray Taylor
Ron Ormond
Ron Ormond
Ron Ormond
Ron Ormond
Ira Webb
Ira Webb
Ira Webb
Ira Webb
Ron Ormond
Ron Ormond
Ernest Miller
Ernest Miller
Director of Photography
Hugh Winn
Hugh Winn
Fred Preble
Fred Preble
Art Direction
Ted Offenbecker
Ted Offenbecker
Set Decoration
Glen Glenn
Glen Glenn
Earl Snyder
Earl Snyder
Ira Webb
Ira Webb
Associate Producer
June Carr
June Carr
Associate Producer

비슷한 영화

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Mi último contrabando
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The Fantastic
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The Outlaw
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Ölüm Tarlası