Embrace (2016)
One woman's journey to inspire everyBODY
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Taryn Brumfitt
Embrace follows body image activist Taryn Brumfitt's crusade as she explores the global issue of body loathing, inspiring us to change the way we feel about ourselves and think about our bodies.
주인공 록키는 영리하고 활발한 10대 소년이지만,선천적인 기형으로 인해 얼굴이 많이 일그러진 상태다. 꾸준히 병원 치료도 받고, 학교도 등록해 좋아하는 여학생도 생기지만, 남들과 다른 생김새 탓인지 주변 사람들에게 마음을 열기란 쉽지 않다. 록키의 사연 많은 엄마 러스티 역시 삶이 만만치 않다. 아들에게 항상 강해져야 한다고 연설하는 그녀지만, 파란만장한 삶의 소용돌이 속에서 그녀 역시 강해져야만 한다. 바이커족들과 어울릴 뿐, 세상에는 다소 삐딱한 시선을 가지고 있는 러스티. 그녀에게 새로운 바이커족 남자친구가 생기면서 록키와의 갈등은 커져가는데..
Two actresses take us through a series of 'raps' and sketches about what it means to be beautiful and black.
A rich man buys a husband for his dying daughter and she finds out.
A documentary short by Les Blank about the beauty of gap teeth in women.
Francisco is unhappy about his body.
A documentary about body image and the industry leaders challenging society's unrealistic and dangerous standards of beauty.
Penis extension surgery is a booming business in the UK and we have exclusive access to a clinic that promises to make your manhood wider and longer for £7,000. Truck driver Leon is about to go under the knife for a second time to get an even bigger penis, something his girlfriend says is unnecessary. We also meet Michael who thinks he would have had more successful relationships if he’d been more confident about his body, that’s why he’s about to put himself through penis extension surgery at the ripe old age of 64.
A woman is tormented by her compulsion to stay thin.
Macie (Jen Santos) is a twenty-three year old woman with IDD (Individual with Developmental Disability) stuck in the middle of a feud between her sisters Abby (Maria Sole), a recovering alcoholic trying to become a more active member in Macie's life and her primary caregiver Megan (Elizabeth Archibeque).
In Swole I continue to document my commitment to an intensive and transformative gym and diet regimen, as well as the communities that form around such activities, sustaining themselves through texting and sharing videos and photos on social media. I learn the vocabulary of my new community.
Second Screen follows David, a fitness influencer who begins to develop an addiction to social media. As this takes a drastic turn in order to keep his online persona intact, will he able to deal with the reality he faces in front of him?
After years of wanting to look like those who grace the covers of magazines, Frances ends up making headlines in a different way.
Personal stories taken from a survey on how women's lives are affected by a culture obsessed with body image and thinness.
Subjects of Desire is a thought provoking film that examines the cultural shift in beauty standards towards embracing (or appropriating) Black aesthetics and features, deconstructing what we understand about race and the power behind beauty.
A socially awkward girl uses the local swimming pool as a wormhole into fantasy. She dives underwater where she imagines herself as a marine creature, alternately graceful and predatory. (As described by Simon Sellars, 2008) Created as part of the SBS series "Swim Between the Flags" in 2002.
A girl who believes she is too fat is invited to the "Kingdom of Slimbuttlandia".
After a lifetime of feeling fat, a young man realises that maybe his issues with his body aren’t actually about his body at all. This short, biographical mini-documentary is a tiny story about the big problem of not opening up, the pressure we put ourselves under, and learning to be kind to ourselves.
Lucy has always used food to escape life's problems, but when this self-titled "fat friend" lures her group of old college buddies to the Montana wilderness, she reveals a new self - skinny, beautiful and still flawed.
Six extra-ordinary people from around the world reveal their bodies and share their secrets in a unique experiment in search of their inner selves.
성격 유쾌하고 입담좋고 능력도 좋은 잘나가는 패션 디자이너 재즈민 빌트모어. 그녀의 단 한 가지 고민은 남들에 비해 육중한 자신의 몸매. '쭉쭉빵빵'의 세상 속에서 살다보니 그 컴플렉스는 더욱 심해질 뿐이다. 그 와중에도 사랑을 찾기위해 고군분투하던 그녀에게 어느날 '무조건 큰 것이 더 낫다'는 문화를 가진 곳에서 살다온 꿈에도 그리던 멋진 남성을 만나게 된다.
궤도를 이탈한 달이 지구를 향해 떨어지기 시작하면서 지구의 중력과 모든 물리적인 법칙이 붕괴된다. 거대한 해일과 지진, 화산폭발, 쓰나미와 이상기후까지 상상조차 불가능했던 모든 재난으로 전 세계는 공포와 혼란에 빠진다. 달과 충돌까지 남은 시간은 단 30일. NASA 연구원 파울러, 전직 우주 비행사 브라이언, 그리고 우주 덕후 KC는 달을 막을 방법을 찾기 위해 마지막 우주선에 오른다.
스코틀랜드 고지 깊은 곳에서 벌어지는 '겟 듀크드!'는 세대 정치, 힙합 애호가 농부, 환각 유발 토끼 똥이 무질서하게 섞인 칵테일 같은 영화다.