
Un gioco da ragazze (2008)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 35분

연출 : Matteo Rovere
각본 : Teresa Ciabatti, Sandrone Dazieri, Matteo Rovere


A vicious teenager tries to sabotage a naive new teacher at her high school.


Filippo Nigro
Filippo Nigro
Mario Landi
Chiara Chiti
Chiara Chiti
Elena Chiantini
Desirèe Noferini
Desirèe Noferini
Michela Ricasoli
Nadir Caselli
Nadir Caselli
Alice Paoletti
Chiara Paoli
Chiara Paoli
Livia Cerulli
Valeria Milillo
Valeria Milillo
Matilde Chiantini
Stefano Santospago
Stefano Santospago
Lorenzo Chiantini
Elisabetta Piccolomini
Elisabetta Piccolomini
Patrizia Cerulli
Franco Olivero
Franco Olivero
Giulio Cerulli
Valentina Carnelutti
Valentina Carnelutti
Serena Landi
Tommaso Ramenghi
Tommaso Ramenghi
Giorgio Corcos
Giorgio Corcos
Chiara Martegiani
Chiara Martegiani
Diana Albo
Diana Albo
Eleonora Ceci
Eleonora Ceci
Cecilia Carponi
Cecilia Carponi
Marco Siciliano
Marco Siciliano


Maurizio Totti
Maurizio Totti
Antonio Tacchia
Antonio Tacchia
Executive Producer
Teresa Ciabatti
Teresa Ciabatti
Sandrone Dazieri
Sandrone Dazieri
Matteo Rovere
Matteo Rovere
Matteo Rovere
Matteo Rovere

비슷한 영화

엠마뉴엘의 복수
Emanuelle is out to avenge her sister, who committed suicide after escaping from her sadistic lover Carlo. So she chains Carlo up in her basement, drugs him, and forces him to watch her having sex. As Carlo begins to hallucinate all kinds of bloody horrors and cannibalistic doings, he decides he has to break free and kill Emanuelle.
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당신이 섹스에 대해 알고 싶었던 모든 것
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나찌 마루타
Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.
Women's Camp 119
A prisoner is forced to serve as a doctor's assistant, giving her a front row seat for the horrible goings-on. There's the experiment to revive Nazi soldiers who have frozen to death by having nude women rub their bodies all over the corpse (that one works), and the experiment tries to "cure" homosexual men by having nude women dance for them. This is only some of the horrors that are going on there.