
Astronomers From My Neighborhood (2010)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 15분

연출 : Patricio Guzmán


A short documentary of filmmaker Patricio Guzmán interviewing local astronomers.



Patricio Guzmán
Patricio Guzmán

비슷한 영화

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천문: 하늘에 묻는다
역사상 가장 위대한 왕 세종과 관노로 태어나 종3품 대호군이 된 천재 과학자 장영실. 20년 간 꿈을 함께 하며 위대한 업적을 이뤄낸 두 사람. 세종 24년인 1442년, 명나라 사신은 황제의 칙서를 들고 조선을 방문한다. 명의 사신은 조선이 천문 연구를 통해 독자적 시간을 가지는 것을 우려하며 천문 의기들을 폐기하고 이를 발명한 장영실을 압송하려 한다. 그러던 와중 임금이 타는 가마 안여(安與)가 부서지는 사건으로 세종은 장영실을 문책하며 하루아침에 궁 밖으로 내치고 그 이후 장영실은 자취를 감추는데...
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Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time
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뉴질랜드의 아름다운 자연풍광과 밤하늘을 담은 다큐멘터리. 전직 군인이자 사진작가인 탐 로웨와 뉴질랜드 감독 니젤 스탠포드가 공동작업한 이 영화는 풍경, 사람 및 야생 동물의 놀라운 슬로우 모션 및 타임 랩스 촬영이 특징으로, 영화의 한 장면이 지난 2010년 올해의 천문사진상을 받았을 정도로 뛰어난 영상미가 돋보인다. 이 영화는 또한 세계 최초로 일반 판매된 4K 해상도의 영화로도 유명하다.
Pluto encounter
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A history of the telescope and a look at the James Webb telescope, and at the universe through the eyes of scientists and telescopes since the beginning.
The people of the planet Aeon, blessed with six suns, have never experienced night. When an archeological excavation uncovers evidence of an ancient catastrophe, all signs point towards the impending darkness of the very first Nightfall. Panic erupts as the suns slowly disappear one by one. Science struggles against superstition as the people race to comprehend the approaching Nightfall... the end of the world as they know it. Based on Isaac Asimov's classic story "Nightfall," voted "The Greatest Science-Fiction Story OF All Time."
The Secret History of the Moon
The Moon has drawn out our sense of wonder since before we were fully human. Where did it come from? What secrets are written in its rocks? For most of our history, its story was cloaked in myth and mystery. Only now are the vivid details coming into focus.
Infinitude is a meditation on the cosmic evolution of matter and energy over time. Experimental filmmaking techniques such as time-lapse, high-speed, and stop-motion photography were used to photograph handmade props, fluid dynamics, and angular momentum. Infinitude is a handmade representation of the exponential growth of complexity in the cosmos.
Mauna Kea: Temple Under Siege
Although the mountain volcano Mauna Kea last erupted around 4,000 years ago, it is still hot today, the center of a burning controversy over whether its summit should be used for astronomical observatories or preserved as a cultural landscape sacred to the Hawaiian people. For five years the documentary production team Nā Maka o ka 'Āina ("the eyes of the land") captured on video the seasonal moods of Mauna Kea's unique 14,000-foot summit, the richly varied ecosystems that extend from sea level to alpine zone, the legends and stories that reveal the mountain's geologic and cultural history, and the political turbulence surrounding the efforts to protect the most significant temple in the islands: the mountain itself.