
Camp Blood 4 (2016)

장르 : 공포

상영시간 : 1시간 11분

연출 : Dustin Ferguson


A bunch of college friends stop at the notorious Camp Blood on their way to a rock concert. But there is someone lurking in the woods nearby, ready to arrange one hell of a night for unfortunate campers.


Schuylar Craig
Schuylar Craig
Jennii Caroline
Jennii Caroline
Michael Booton
Michael Booton
Colby Coash
Colby Coash
Brock Stevens
Shawn C. Phillips
Shawn C. Phillips
Christopher Christiansen
Christopher Christiansen
Kyle Slack
Kyle Slack
Stephanie Eads
Stephanie Eads
Benito García
Benito García
John Doe
Megan Garcia
Megan Garcia
Jane Doe
Tom Lombard
Tom Lombard
Townsfolk #1
Jackie Hart-Whiting
Jackie Hart-Whiting
Townsfolk #2
Seth Koozer
Seth Koozer
W-Kil Announcer (voice)
Dan Peters
Dan Peters


Dustin Ferguson
Dustin Ferguson
David S. Sterling
David S. Sterling

추천 영화

Patient X was found wandering near a carnival one night, she is trying to tell her nurse at the asylum that a killer clown has escaped and is heading home and her own baby was taken from her. As "Snuffles" arrives home, his sister Dr. Wethers is holding a group therapy session for delinquent teens who all fear clowns. It turns into a a real confrontation of their worst fears. Patient X is trying to get out and join the mayhem at any cost
크람푸스2: 사탄의 저주
제레미 더핀 경관이 아내와 딸을 잃고 잠적한 지 5년째 되는 해, 청소년 실종 사건이 다시 일어나기 시작한다. 경찰 측은 크람푸스의 범행임으로 짐작하여 제레미를 다시 수사팀에 복귀시키지만 제레미에게 앙심을 품은 스튜어트 패가 수사에 끼어들면서 난항을 겪는데…
Ghost of Camp Blood
For years, the infamous Blackwood Forest was terrorized by the Camp Blood Killer. Now, the killer is back as a vengeful spirit seeking revenge from beyond the grave.
Camp Blood 5
Raven, the only survivor of a previous massacre, returns to the forest to avenge her fallen friends and stop Camp Blood Killer once and for all.