
Desired Children (2016)

장르 : TV 영화, 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 29분

연출 : Emily Atef


The life of Marie and Peter seems perfect, but their greatest wish remains unfulfilled: a family of their own. After several painfully failed attempts to have a child by natural means, Marie and Peter decide to try adoption in Russia. Carried by their longing and after many months of preparation and waiting, they set off to get to know their future daughter Nina in a children's home thousands of kilometers away from Germany. They still have no idea that they are only at the beginning of a tour de force against the Russian authorities – and they are facing the biggest challenge for their relationship, because while Marie and Peter are fighting for their future child, the question is: are we still pursuing the same goal? Each for himself – and especially as a couple?


Victoria Mayer
Victoria Mayer
Marie Meisner
Godehard Giese
Godehard Giese
Peter Meisner
Eva Meckbach
Eva Meckbach
Malik Avila -Sanchez
Malik Avila -Sanchez
Ernst Stötzner
Ernst Stötzner
Silke Bodenbender
Silke Bodenbender
Sandra Heim
Arnd Klawitter
Arnd Klawitter
Martin Heim
Ruth Reinecke
Ruth Reinecke
Frau Wallner
Yanina Lisovskaya
Yanina Lisovskaya
Sonja Iwanowa
Ivan Shedoff
Ivan Shedoff
Sergej Iwanow
Marina Weis
Marina Weis
Ljudmila Petrowa
Olga Serebryakova
Olga Serebryakova
Olesja Romanowa
Agnieszka Przepiórska
Agnieszka Przepiórska
Jekaterina Sergejewna
Seweryna Szpakowska
Seweryna Szpakowska
Heike Hanold-Lynch
Heike Hanold-Lynch
Maries Mutter


Emily Atef
Emily Atef
Dorothee Schön
Dorothee Schön
Alexander Fischerkoesen
Alexander Fischerkoesen
Director of Photography
Julian Maas
Julian Maas
Original Music Composer
Christoph Kaiser
Christoph Kaiser
Original Music Composer

비슷한 영화

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클라우드 아틀라스
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무비 43
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더 퀸스 오브 베르사유
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