Contrasangre (2015)
장르 : 범죄, 드라마, 미스터리
상영시간 : 0분
연출 : Nacho Garassino
Daniel, Juan Palomino is a security guard, he was once a policeman, and he would have liked to be a vigilante hero. But, far from it, his job is to take care of the buildings of others. The city will cross with Analía (Emilia Attias), a distant woman, obsessive and beautiful in a mysterious way. She avoids contact with men because she has been the victim of rape. That terrible past comes back when Julio, Esteban Meloni, a violent and obsessed man, gets out of jail. Between the three are weaving on the streets of the city a plot of passion and crime.
An Ottawa police captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal. So desperate is he for revenge that he begin to use his own brutal methods to find the killer. Soon he discovers that not everything is what he thought it was.
Cantinflas, who owns a cleaning business, cleans the windows of the house of a famous French actress. While carrying out his work he observes how a man steals one of the famous actress necklaces, but he can only see his back.
A janitor in a large bank is accused of pulling of a major heist. He is forced to become a fugitive while hunting for the real culprits.
Mayhem starts when a gang of bikers is accused of a sadistic rape in a small town.
After a fundraiser for a black politician is robbed, Detroit police put two detectives, one white and one black, on the case, who try to work together under boiling political pressure.
After one schoolgirl is raped while taking a short cut through the local woods, and another is murdered in the same woods a few days later, the local police are baffled. With the help of a reporter from one of the local papers, and against the wishes of a psychologist at the local hospital, a young teacher at the school the girls attended uses herself as bait to lure the perpetrator out. Could it be the creepy husband of the head mistress at the school, the psychologist who seems to be taking an unusual interest in the case, or something altogether more sinister?
Former cop Jake 'Tiger' Sharp returns to his old hometown after having been in prison for the murder of his wife's killer. Illegal hunting seems to be widespread and inbred rednecks control the city with an iron fist. Jake manages to make himself an enemy to hillbillies and he and his newly found daughter had to flee for their lives. Fortunately, Jake a GAT that can shoot grenades and rockets ...
Running away from the police, Aden goes to the desert where he meets an uncivilized man who has a special link with Mother-Earth. He ends up by convincing the hermit to come along with him into another desert... the big town!
부자가 되는 게 꿈인 22살의 조던 벨포트(레오나르도 디카프리오)는 꿈을 실현코자 월스트리트에 발을 들인다. 고객의 돈을 내 주머니로 끌어들이는 비법은 코카인과 마스터베이션에 있다고 말하는 괴짜들이 하루 종일 전화기를 붙들고 사기치는 곳, 조던에게 월스트리트의 첫인상은 그랬다. 첫 직장에 몸담은 지 1년 만에 블랙 먼데이를 경험하고 실직자가 된 조던은 현란한 언변을 무기로 위기를 기회로 만들어버린다. 친구들을 불러모아 스트래튼 오크몬트사를 세운 그는 수수료가 비싼 투기적 저가주을 팔아 돈을 긁어모으고, 주가 조작으로 억만장자가 된 후 술과 마약, 여자를 탐닉한다. 그사이 FBI는 그의 뒤를 캐기 시작하는데...
Venu works at a roadside shop and loves Jyothi, a maidservant in the nearby apartments. Before Venu gets a chance to express his love to her, she meets with an accident and he is arrested.
A look at the controversial riot cops unit, told through the stories of three veteran cops and a young recruit.
A pair of reporters try to discover the link between three unsolved, seemingly isolated murders. The only connection between them is they all took place on the same day in three successive years. The police don't trust their instincts - but as 10th July nears again, a solicitor has started receiving threatening letters...
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
강력계 베테랑 형사 람(임달화)은 뛰어난 수사 능력을 가졌지만 정작 아내의 자살사건을 풀지 못해 괴로워한다. 은퇴 연주회를 앞둔 유명 피아니스트가 참혹한 사체로 발견되고 사건을 맡은 람은 21년 전 살인사건과의 연관성으로 가석방 중인 왕원양(장가휘)을 유력한 용의자로 지목한다. 형사들의 끈질긴 추격에도 매번 교묘히 빠져나가는 왕원양. 한편 죽은 피아니스트의 딸인 서설(문영산)에게 스토커의 위협이 이어지고, 왕원양이 범인이라는 증거가 하나씩 드러나면서 수사망을 좁혀나가던 람은 사건의 배후에 도사린 끔찍한 진실을 마주하게 되는데…
Detective Joe Garvey is called in to a mysterious case: a ballerina has been slayed on stage during a performance, it seems she didn't even fight. At her house Garvey finds her 14 years old precocious sister Tinsel. She's not very cooperative, so he arranges to have her sent to the orphanage -- until she's attacked too. He takes her under his wings, and soon both get the attention of a secret organization.
Skin Deep is a psychological thriller about love, sex, race, and betrayal.
A young doctor is determined to expose the killer when a surgeon is found stabbed to death in a hospital elevator.
범죄와 무질서로 혼란에 빠진 도시. 좋은 아빠이자 실력 있는 경찰로 평범하게 살아가던 ‘알렉스 머피’는 예기치 못한 사고로 인해 온 몸에 치명적 부상을 입는다. 로봇 테크놀로지의 기술을 가진 다국적 기업 ‘옴니코프’ 사(社)는 아내 ‘클라라’에게 ‘머피’의 몸에 최첨단 하이테크 수트를 장착할 것을 제안하고, 그녀는 목숨을 잃을 위기에 놓인 남편을 살리기 위해 제안을 받아들인다. 모두가 기다려온 완벽한 히어로 ‘로보캅’으로 재탄생한 ‘머피’는 ‘옴니코프’사의 체계적 훈련을 받으며 더욱 강력해지고, ‘클라라’는 기계처럼 변해버린 남편의 모습에 혼란스러워 한다. 한 치의 오차 없는 수트의 통제를 받으며 명령을 따라야 하는 ‘로보캅’. 하지만 그는 점차 스스로 수트를 지배하기 시작하고 그와 동시에 자신을 새롭게 태어나게 한 수트와 도시 이면에 거대한 음모가 숨겨져 있음을 깨닫게 되는데...!
Working late, a man’s computer asks him if he would like to know how he will die.
A greedy woman tries to poison her nephew's bride in a dark mansion.