
Selfie (2017)

This is Bosco. He's a little worried about his future.

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 1시간 25분

연출 : Víctor García León


Bosco is the son of a minister arrested for corruption, misappropriation of public funds, money laundering and a lot more of economic crimes. Selfie is about the story of him since he's kicked out of his luxurious chalet until he tries to get a job at the headquarters of a left-wing political party.


Santi Alverú
Santi Alverú
Pepe Ocio
Pepe Ocio
Alicia Rubio
Alicia Rubio
Macarena Sanz
Macarena Sanz
Javier Carramiñana
Javier Carramiñana


Víctor García León
Víctor García León
Víctor García León
Víctor García León
Eva Díaz Iglesias
Eva Díaz Iglesias
Director of Photography
Christian Toast
Christian Toast

추천 영화

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어나더 데이 오브 라이프
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