
Groom's Block (2017)

장르 : 드라마, 범죄

상영시간 : 1시간 44분

연출 : Ilker Savaskurt


Damat Kogusu (Groom's Block) is slang in Turkey for prison sections holding those accused of serious sex crimes. The film's story and characters are drawn from everyday life. In the Groom's Block, the guards and prison governor manipulate tensions, as prisoners push each other to the edge of existence. We experience the tension and paradox of a violent prison and justice systems reflecting the shifting moral norms and structure of Turkish society. The jailed and jailers enforce violent justice daily, expressing in their lives a society confronted with its need to hide from itself, in desperate denial of its cruel contradictions.


Ibrahim Akoz
Ibrahim Akoz
Adem Yılmaz
Zülfü Hamit Altin
Zülfü Hamit Altin
İlyas Küçük
Turgay Atalay
Turgay Atalay
Chief Guard Murat
Barış Atay
Barış Atay
Hüseyin İçli
Serdar Bordonaci
Serdar Bordonaci
Kirkor Dinckayikci
Kirkor Dinckayikci
Governor Ilhami
Feyzan Soykan
Feyzan Soykan
Musa Can Pekcan
Musa Can Pekcan
Cem Kenar
Cem Kenar
Hasan Çatalca


Ilker Savaskurt
Ilker Savaskurt
Mehmet Kala
Mehmet Kala
Seref Nokta
Seref Nokta
Mehmet Kala
Mehmet Kala

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