
땡큐 포 더 레인 (2017)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 27분

연출 : Julia Dahr


기후변화의 파괴적 영향력은 케냐의 시골 마을까지 깊숙이 침투해 있다. 10년 만에 온 최악의 가뭄과 홍수는 키실루 가족의 삶의 터전조차 무너트렸다. 키실루는 나무를 심어 기후변화에 대처해야 한다고 역설하지만 당장 오늘 먹을 것이 없는 마을 사람들에게는 너무나 먼 얘기다. 노르웨이 출신 감독 줄리아는 키실루의 노력을 카메라에 담는다. COP21에서 전 세계 리더들 앞에서 연설까지 하게 된 키실루. 그러나 냉정한 국제 질서는 형평성을 고려하지 않으며 힘을 가진 자들에 의해 휘둘린다는 것을 깨달을 뿐이다. 그래도 그는 오늘도 한 그루의 나무를 심고 사람들을 설득하느라 분주하다. (2018년 제3회 울주세계산악영화제 / 맹수진)



Julia Dahr
Julia Dahr
Kisilu Musya
Kisilu Musya
Christopher White
Christopher White
Original Music Composer

비슷한 영화

Wiebo's War
WIEBO'S WAR tells the story of a Christian community, at war with the oil and gas industry. Wiebo Ludwig is a suspect in a series of pipeline bombings near his farm. The bombings echo a campaign of sabotage he waged 10 years ago: barricading roads, blowing up wells, culminating in the unsolved death of a teen aged girl. The Ludwigs live according to their religious values. They are self-sufficient in food and energy, but isolated, with seven unmarried adult children, and 38 grandchildren. They believe that those who don't share their beliefs, like filmmaker David York, are living in terrible darkness.
A Farm for the Future
Wildlife film maker Rebecca Hosking investigates how to transform her family's farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future, and discovers that nature holds the key. With her father close to retirement, Rebecca returns to her family's wildlife-friendly farm in Devon, to become the next generation to farm the land. But last year's high fuel prices were a wake-up call for Rebecca. Realising that all food production in the UK is completely dependent on abundant cheap fossil fuel, particularly oil, she sets out to discover just how secure this oil supply is. Alarmed by the answers, she explores ways of farming without using fossil fuel. With the help of pioneering farmers and growers, Rebecca learns that it is actually nature that holds the key to farming in a low-energy future.
The Harvest (La Cosecha)
The story of the children who work 12-14 hour days in the fields without the protection of child labor laws. These children are not toiling in the fields in some far away land. They are working in America.
A film that captures the portraits and stories of extraordinary women around the world who are coming together to heal the injustices against the earth, weaves together poetry, music, art, and stunning scenery to create a hopeful and collective story that inspires us to work for the earth. The list of impassioned, indefatigable female environmental activists featured in this film includes Winona LaDuke, a Native American who has championed the use of solar and wind power on reservations; Theo Colborn, head of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, who fights against toxic chemicals in our water supplies; Beverly Grant, who’s created a vibrant farmer’s market in a black neighborhood of Denver, Colo.; Dana Miller, who spearheads an “urban agriculture movement” in the same city; and Vandana Shiva, who champions organic farming in India.
Snuden 1 - Snuden rejser hjemmefra
Snuden is a secret and peaceful animal who lives in a green bog. He is a friend to all animals. One day a hunter tries to shoot Snuden's best friend, the otter Otto. Snuden decides that he will try to find an explanation to why humans are that mad.
Devour the Earth
Devour the Earth, a 20 minute film about the global consequences of meat consumption.
The Shetland Experience
The environmental measures taken by the oil industry at the Sullom Voe terminal in the Shetlands.
Flor Brilhante e as Cicatrizes da Pedra
To the Tar Sands
To The Tar Sands follows a group of nineteen young environmentalists as they cycle over 1,300 kilometres northbound across Alberta to witness the impacts of Alberta’s tar sands boom firsthand. They talk to farmers, moms and dads, an urban planner, oil industry workers, the chief of a First Nations community and others along the way asking “How has the tar sands boom affected you?” As the kilometres click away, they excavate into their own complicity with Alberta’s rush to develop the tar sands.
성스러운 도로
로마의 거대한 외곽순환도로 ‘그라(GRA)’와 그 주변인들의 삶을 그린 다큐멘터리. 감독은 2년에 걸쳐 구불구불한 형태만큼이나 파란만장한 이 도로 이면의 보이지 않는 세계들, 규명하기 어려운 교묘한 특성들, 스쳐 지나가는 환영들, 그리고 가능한 미래들을 밝혀준다.
공장식 축산 경영이 지구의 천연 자원을 어떻게 훼손시키고 있는지, 왜 이 위기를 환경 단체들이 대체로 무시해왔는지 살펴본다.
Live and let Live
Live and Let Live is a feature documentary examining our relationship with animals, the history of veganism and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that move people to go vegan.
Watershed: Exploring a New Water Ethic for the New West
As the most dammed, dibbed, and diverted river in the world struggles to support thirty million people and the peace-keeping agreement known as the Colorado River Pact reaches its limits, WATERSHED introduces hope. Can we meet the needs of a growing population in the face of rising temperatures and lower rainfall in an already arid land? Can we find harmony amongst the competing interests of cities, agriculture, industry, recreation, wildlife, and indigenous communities with rights to the water? Sweeping through seven U.S. and two Mexican states, the Colorado River is a lifeline to expanding populations and booming urban centers that demand water for drinking, sanitation and energy generation. And with 70% of the rivers’ water supporting agriculture, the river already runs dry before it reaches its natural end at the Gulf of California. Unless action is taken, the river will continue its retreat – a potentially catastrophic scenario for the millions who depend on it.
유럽에서 북극, 그리고 아프리카까지! 소심한 꼬마새 옐로우버드의 글로벌한 모험이 시작된다! 태어나서 한번도 집 근처를 벗어나 본 적 없는 꼬마새 옐로우버드. 철새들의 위대한 대장 `다리우스`가 불의의 사고로 세상을 뜨자 나머지 철새들은 큰 혼란에 빠지고 만다. 수다쟁이 무당벌레 아줌마 때문에 얼떨결에 이들의 리더가 되어버린 소심한 꼬마새 옐로우버드는 겨울이 오기 전 따뜻한 아프리카로 떠나야만 하는 철새들을 이끌고 비행을 떠나는데... 온갖 어려움을 이겨내고 겨우 도착한 곳은 아프리카 초원이 아닌... 온통 눈과 얼음으로 뒤덮인 북극?!! 위기에 처한 옐로우버드와 철새 일행은 과연, 무사히 아프리카에 도착할 수 있을 것인가!?
Apocalypse, Man
Most people were first exposed to Michael C. Ruppert through the 2009 documentary, Collapse, directed by Chris Smith. Apocalypse, Man is an intimate portrait of a man convinced of the imminent collapse of the world, but with answers to how the human spirit can survive the impending apocalypse.
Anticosti: La chasse au pétrole extrême
The Apocalypse of the Animals
A documentary about the life of wild animals.
빙하를 따라서
인간은 때때로 직접 체험하거나 자신의 눈으로 확인해야만 진실이라 믿는다. 저명한 내셔널지오그래픽 환경 사진작가 제임스 베일록도 기후변화나 자연 학술연구에 대해 회의적인 태도를 가졌었다. 하지만 우연히 참여하게 된 라는 프로젝트를 통해 부정할 수 없는 진실을 자신의 눈으로 직접 목격하게 되고, 지구의 위기를 사람들에게 알리기로 결심한다. 는 저속 촬영 카메라를 사용해 몇 년에 걸쳐 급격한 변화를 겪고 있는 전세계 빙하의 모습을 기록하고 있다. 베일록은 젊은 모험가들과 험난한 북극을 누비며, 인류가 마주한 최대 위기를 자신의 모든 것을 걸고 증명하려 애쓴다. 이 작품은 이 지구에 미약한 희망이나마 전달하고자 하는 한 용감한 사진작가의 이야기이다. (2014년 제1회 목포해양영화제)
A Fierce Green Fire
It is the largest movement the world has ever seen, it may also be the most important - in terms of what's at stake. Yet it's not east being green. Environmentalists have been reviled as much as revered, for being killjoys and Cassandras. Every battle begins as a lost cause and even the victories have to be fought for again and again. Still, environmentalism is one of the great social innovations of the twentieth century, and one of the keys to the twenty-first. It has arisen at a key juncture in history, when humans have come to rival nature as a power determining the fate of the earth.
Facing the Storm: Story of the American Bison